C25K - Support

porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
Week 1 Day 1 for me today and I sure would appreciate the support.
I'm doing this with my daughter - who is younger, fitter and faster than me! But then you'd expect that.

Anyone else starting out? Or further into the plan?

I have that familiar scared feeling about the upcoming transitions up the minutes! lol
I'll be running on tarmac - nice smooth cycle / coastal path with a gorgeous view.. but that view comes at the price of weather.. So gonna need to dig deep when it's bad. :laugh:

I'm 40 this week - eeek - and have done this before 8 years ago - I'm lighter now by 40 something lbs and was able to start at the right point - I started out with a plan of my own last time as couldn't run the minute (I ran a few weeks at 30 and 45 sec). I did make it to a 5k Race for Life - UK race. And it lead me to horse riding - which I gave up running for as didn't have time for both.

Our goal is not till June so we have lots of time, but I'd like to build up my speed and distance as last time I did the Race for Life I was still slow.


  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'll send you a friend request, I'm on week one day two :)
    I've never run before in my life, I'm shocked I can now be on the treadmill for 35 minutes without wanting to DIE.

    I only run indoors, but I would like to try and run a 5k in the summer.
  • I am on W3D3, however, I might be redoing Week 3 since I took a week off. Honestly, I'm not a runner, but I love C25K!! Once you find a good place to run and the right running playlist, you're hooked to it.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm starting on the 1st of Feb. I'm signing up on Tuesday to do the Race For Life for the first time, very excited and scared at the same time.

    Good luck. X
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i am on week 5 workout 3 tonight on the c25k for treadmill. i am having anxiety about it because it is the first run with no breaks- 20 minutes straight! I have really been enjoying this program. i have managed to do exactly as it says and complete every workout. i feel like i did a lot, but there is no pain at the end which i appreciate. i blog about the c25k after each workout if you want to see what it has been like both on the physical and mental side. the biggest thing i had to overcome was not the physical- it was the fear.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I am 51, weigh about the same as you and just finished W4 of the c25k. I can not believe it, but I did it. My pace is not the fastest, but I am doing it. The first 2 weeks were brutal. My legs killed on the rest days and I had to take Aleve, but now I am fine. I live in the north east so have been doing it on my tread mill. I have not signed up for a 5k, but am thinking about one. I will decide sometime after week 9 when I see how I can do increasing my pace. I do notice my endurance has improved, I am less stressed and have lost inches in my waist and hips. I can also not help but believe it helped with my weight loss.
  • Bsloop45
    Bsloop45 Posts: 28 Member
    I started this in the summer of 2011. And then school started and I never got finished with it. I think I got to like the 6th week though. I restarted about 3 weeks ago. Tomorrow will be week 3 day 1. I ran in jr. high school and a little bit in high school. But not too much since then.

    It is certainly do able. I love how I feel after a run. Sometimes its tough during the runs, but the after feeling makes it all worth it!

    Good luck! =)
  • I'm 27, on W1D3 today. I'm not a runner by any means, but I love the way I feel after. Training for a 5K in the Spring for Earth Day. I'm doing the treadmill version for now until it gets warm out, then I'll start hitting the pavement. I know that transition will be tough, but I at least want my system to be somewhat ready. :)

    Happy training everyone!
  • seapard
    seapard Posts: 33 Member
    I can't believe it, but I completed Week 9 Day 3 on Friday! I highly recommend downloading the podrunner first day to 5 k podcasts - they really helped. Every time you approach a run that seems like it's going to be hell, remind yourself that you're able to accomplish whatever bit of running time you have left - because you have! A big breakthrough for me was during my first eight minute interval -- I was miserable about 5 minutes in -- when I was reminded that I'd been doing three minute intervals for weeks at that point? I knew I could accomplish 3 more minutes, and I did. 30 minutes still seems daunting. It's definitely not easy, but I've gotten through three thirty minute runs by taking a moderate pace and just powering through. I think of 30 minutes intervals as just three chunks of ten minute intervals. It helps a lot.
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    I'm on week 3 day 2 (just waiting for my daughter to finish her breakfast so I can go out....I have to put her in a pram and take her, so much harder! eek!) I am LOVING couch to 5k. I always hated hated hated running with a passion, could barely run for a minute without wanting to die. Now each week I feel my endurance getting better and better, and last week I carried on running for another 8minutes after the podcast finished! I can't wait to do my first 30mins run. I cant believe I like running now!!! I would highly recommend couch to 5k its soooooooooooo good!! Friend request me if you want any support or motivation xxxx
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I completed Week 5 day 1 tonight - And I have to say I'm pretty nervous about the next few days since its getting up into the higher weeks and less breaks... Oh well :) I can do this! I"ve had the goal to run a 5k for 2 years and I am getting so close to being able to complete it. My first victory will be to get in a complete mile without stopping - I cannot wait for that one!

    Also, I'm 305 now but was 320 when I first started the program. I"ve always hated running because I've never been able to run. Here's the first on the list of things that I never could do that I will be doing :)

    Feel free to add if you like.
  • baileyesp
    baileyesp Posts: 54 Member
    I couldn't believe I managed to complete day 3 of week 6. I have never been able to run 25 minutes non stop ever in my life so this was certainly an achievement. Now I have to maintain this for the next week before I have to move on to 28 minute runs whilst away on holidays! Hahaha.
  • I'm doing the 13 weeks to 10k plan, similar to the couch to 5k. I love it so far! I'm starting week 2 tomorrow and am already seeing a slight improvement in my fitness! :D wish you all the best :)
  • pauline251
    pauline251 Posts: 33 Member
    I have finished the C25K program last week. Yay! I have graduated! The program really works. I had done no previous running (except for when I was at school a long time ago), but I do walk quite a lot, and am reasonably fit.
    What I found quite helpful in the first 5 weeks was that I would do the run as the app says to do, and then at the end do one of the runs for the next week. For example at the end of each of the runs in week 3 I did a 5 minute run, which was one of the runs in week 4.

    Today i managed to run for 50 minutes on the treadmil at 10km/hr, and the last 10 minutes i turned it up to 11km/hr, also had it on an incline of 2. I managed to run for 8.8km. I could have kept going but had to stop so I could go to a gym class.

    Good luck with it, it does get easier. Remember to slow down if you are finding it too difficult.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I just started the program with my friend yesterday. We're going to be on W1D2 tomorrow and I'm all for giving some support. I've never been a runner and am still leery about getting further into the program with the farther distances of jogging but I'm going to try at the very least. I figure at 150-160 pounds overweight, trying is the least I can do. And this is something that we're doing on the treadmills at the gym b/c 1) she freaking hates the cold and it's in the 30s when we hit up the gym in the mornings/evenings and 2) I'll be better at pacing myself if the machine is doing it for me.

    On a side note, they should really create a treadmill that has the c25k programmed in so I don't have to constantly keep changing the speeds myself.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Well done everyone! :) Great reading your stories and also successes!!

    Sadowkitty - I'm convinced you'll be amazed in a few weeks that you're still going and managing all the 'scary' time increases. I know it's daunting - I feel daunted now, but was even worse when I did it first time around. :)

    My legs are aching this morning but only a little - I could do with fitting day 2 in today as have Uni for a full day tomorrow and don't get home till 8.30pm - I leave the house before 7am. So there is no way of my fitting a run in at home. I could run at the gym in Uni but honestly don't have the cash at the moment. :(

    I've been busy downloading the NHS podcasts - they're great and must say will make it much easier as I found I was watching my wrist most of yesterdays run.. and praying for the seconds to pass! lol
  • vickiaf
    vickiaf Posts: 59 Member

    I am on week 7 day 1. I love couch to 5k and am planning to do the bridge to 10k afterwards.

    I run at home on the treadmill and actually really enjoy it. I just turn up the music and let my mind drift off. It's like my own personal time.

    Please feel free to add me :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Well done on getting to week 7! You must feel wonderful - wish I had a treadmill as today the weather is really cold and wet - snow not far from us. I was trying to coax DD gently into wrapping up and coming out but she wants to do the run on the Wii - so on the spot. I will do this too but am not convinced it'll do the same so I'll add a run either at Uni tomorrow - if I can get them to let me use a treadmill without an induction - or book my induction for when I'm back from our weekend away. :) If I can't fit one in tomorrow then I'll definately do it Tuesday - I have time then so won't be a problem.
  • vickiaf
    vickiaf Posts: 59 Member
    Yes I do feel great, I never thought I would love running but it is addictive!

    Having a treadmill is good for when the weather is bad but i'm sure the wii will help with the stamina. I have had the weekend off but back to it tommorow.

    Good luck with your runs x
  • just out of curiosity, whats the c25k? ive noticed a few people mension it today, is it a workout program? or a 25k run? good luck whatever it is pal
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    I just did Week 1 day 2 last night. So far I love it! It's all in your head. My first day I wanted to quit so bad, but I told myself I could do it and I was right. lol :) Week 1 day 3 tomorrow!