Who works out 5 days a week?



  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Take a day or two off. Body needs to rest.
  • Edphil2
    Edphil2 Posts: 21
    52 yr old male:

    Mon-Fri AM: 1.5 mile walk at 3.5 mph

    Mon PM: Weight Training: Chest & Triceps

    Tue PM: Weight Training: Legs

    Wed PM: Aerobic

    Thur PM: Weight Training: Back & Biceps

    Fri PM: may or may not, if so, may do whatever
  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    I workout 6 days a week.

    MWF I do cardio only. I prefer doing the stationary bike for 45 minutes, but my physical therapist wants me to limit that (suspected meniscus problem). So lately I've been doing 25 on the ARC trainer and 20 on the bike.

    TTS I do weights and cardio. I use MyMobileFit at the Y which give me 5 minute warm up (walk/jog intervals), then varied body weight and free weight exercises, and 20 minutes cardio. Again, I prefer the bike but I've been doing the ARC per my physical therapist.

    I also do PT exercises 2x daily. This is currently focusing on my hip abductors and quads.
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    I do different workouts during the week. Something like this:

    Monday: Shred It with Weights (Jillian Michael's Kettle Bells)

    Wednesday: Zumba Class

    Thursday: Power Circuit Training (Jackie Warner)

    Friday: Tae Bo Amped

    Sunday: Zumba Fitness 2 (Wii)
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I only just started this in January but here is my schedule and I usually drop a Jujitsu day as a rest day. Zumba is my cardio and EA is more strength stuff, it's like having a personal training that works different parts of your body.

    Sunday - EA Sports Active 25 & 40 min run
    Monday - Zumba wii 20 min EA Sports Active 25
    Tuesday - Jujitsu
    Wednesday - jog 5k 30 min
    Thursday - Jujitsu
    Friday - Zumba wii 20 min EA Sports Active 25
    Saturday - Jujitsu
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Typical "Target" - don't always get to all of them, but this is the bar I'm reaching for

    Sunday - mid-day - Yoga, PM - Bike Trainer 60 or 90 minutes
    Monday - PM - 1 mile run & Weights (upper body, abs)
    Tuesday - AM - swim
    Wednesday - AM - 5k run, PM - Weights (legs, calves, ankles)
    Thursday - AM - swim, PM - bike trainer 60 min
    Friday - rest day
    Saturday - AM - 10k or longer run

    Sunday - PM - Yoga
    Monday - AM/PM - commute to work on bike 8 miles one way, PM - 1 mile run & Weights (upper body, abs)
    Tuesday - AM - swim
    Wednesday - AM - 5k run, PM - Open Water Swim 1800m
    Thursday - AM - swim, PM - Weights (circuit - arms, abs, legs)
    Friday - rest day
    Saturday - AM - 40 mile bike ride, 1800m Open Water Swim, 5-10k run

    Saturday is a 20 mile ride to the lake, one "lap" (900m lake :wink: ), a 20 mile ride home, then a run - as I get towards the end of the summer, I'm hoping to up that to 2 "laps" and a full 10k at the end - I'm training for 1/2 Ironman this fall.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I work out twice a day 5 days a week and usually once or twice over the weekend as a whole. I was in a car accident so have been given 6 months (4 in) to not work out upper at all and middle body carefully. So given that I am limited to mostly lower body and some abs I am pretty casual about it, it gets a bit boring but since Im at golds gym and the ucf gym Ill usually go on the cardio floor and the cardio cinema and get on a machine for 5-10 minutes, pyramid up increases difficulty and back down, wipe down machine and hop on another, I do that for 30-45 minutes, my other workout I hop on the arc trainer for 5 minutes to warm up then hit a lower body circuit weight machines, it gives me the luxury of really maxing out a mucsle and getting the best I can out of it instead of quickly doing a few reps, Ive been known to squat several hundred time in a day going from high weight to low weight without ever really straining myself.

    Guess it goes without saying my arms are flabby, my legs are built and my stomach is somewhere in between, solid abs under a bit of fat.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Monday: cardio
    Tuesday: hour boot camp class
    Wednesday: Pilates springboard
    Thursday: hour boot camp class
    Friday: cardio
    Saturday: hour TRX class
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I'm 26, female, 5'4.5, around 130-135. I usually do a three-day rotation, so some weeks I work out 5 days, some are 4:

    Day 1: Cardio (Zumba, running, some rigorous vinyasa, etc.)
    Day 2: Circuits/Strength (Insanity, Jillian, Jackie, etc.)
    Day 3: Rest

    Time length varies between 35-90 minutes, and sometimes I switch the days around for cardio/circuits depending on the intensity. If I do some crazy circuits on day one, I'll do yoga on day two, since I figure I'll benefit more from the long stretch the day after I do some intense/long circuits or weights, rather than if I did it the day before. That way, it assists in recovery, I guess.

    When I worked out 6 days a week straight, I stopped getting my TOM. NOT healthy, haha.
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    Monday - circuits for 30 mins then either abs or a run (sometimes both)
    Tuesday - 1 hour training with a PT
    Wednesday - 30 min circuit followed by spin
    Thursday - 30 min circuit
    Fri - usually day off or a run
    Sat - circuits followed by treadmill class
    Sun - circuits, vibroplate class (15 mins) and 1 hour session with PT

    Yes I love circuits! And I find classes motivating and push myself more than training myself. I'm now trying to add in some weights after each session to add on from training sessions

    PT does resistance training with me, adds in TRX etc. Leaves me to do my own cardio
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week.

    Monday: 60-90 minutes elliptical trainer
    Tuesday: Body Sculpt Class 55 min
    Wednesday: Zumba 55 min
    Thursday: Rest
    Friday: Zumba 45 min
    Saturday: Bike 45 min, Run 45 min
    Sunday: Swim 30 min

    I have a significant amount of weight to lose so I have been focusing primarily on cardio. I'm working on integrating more strength training in now that I'm getting more fit.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I work out 4-5 days a week, I always aim for 5. I work out at home, I start with a workout dvd with Jillian Michaels, circuit training, then I run on my treadmill, usually 2-3 miles, 5 mph, then I walk for anywhere from 10-30 mins, at 3-3.5 mph, and then I finish with strength training, and I do this for anywhere from 10-30 mins.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    do crossfit workouts 3 days on and one day off and do TRX on saturdays so...usually 6 days
  • ajp913
    ajp913 Posts: 100 Member
    I work out 5-7 days a week. I alternate cardio and strength training. I've got about 16 different workouts I've designed that challenge me in different ways, I pick one at random before I go to the gym and print it off. It keeps it interesting and fresh. In the warmer seasons I play rec league sports and I consider those to be "workouts" as well since it's why I'm playing. I dropped from 365 pounds to 295 from the beginning of summer last year to the beginning of winter... then immediately gained 25 pounds back when the weather sucked the life out of me... but i'm back at it.

    I also make sure I'm listening to my body, too. I've had knee issues in the past, so say I go to the gym with the intention of jogging a mile, doing a mile on the stairs, then 30 minutes on the elliptical and my knees hurt, I might walk up an incline on the treadmill instead of the stairs to have a little mercy on myself. Also, if I'm super-setting lunges into my work out, and the knees are grumpy, I'll swap them out for push ups or crunches. As much as I want to keep it interesting, I also know that even a mild injury can derail all my efforts and put me on the shelf for a week or so.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I do the P90x weight workouts for 40 mins. MWF (I know the routines, so I can move forward less than an hour)
    TThs I do tabata alone or tabata+20 min. walk
    Sat or Sun, I walk 2 miles.
    I take a rest day either Sat. or Sun.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I try to do something 5-6 days a week and sometimes 7. Some of my workouts are on the tough side so I make sure to listen to my body about taking a break. I belong to a gym. here's what my last week looked like :

    Sunday : 60 minutes cardio (25 minutes versaclimber,35 minutes HIIT fast walking hills on the treadmill)
    Monday: cardio kickboxing class
    Tuesday : 10 mins versa climber, 26 min strength training tabata style, 12 mins HIIT uphill sprint combos on the treadmill
    Wednesday : OFF
    Thursday : same as Tuesday
    Friday: 25 mins biking, 10 mins elliptical
    Saturday : 60 mins water aerobics class

    I prefer to keep my workouts 60 mins or less so i'm OK with increasing intensity.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I do six days, Sun, Tues and Thurs is strength training, Mon, Wed and Friday's some sort of cardio (treadmill, bike or elliptical) All my workouts are minimum 40 min......:)
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    This is what I try to keep to, pending illness and availability:

    Everyday: Stationary Bike 1 to 2 hours
    Weekdays: Walking 1 to 2 hours
    Every other day: Upper Body and Core
    The other days: Legs

    Though about to start traveling regularly again, so the routine is likely getting mixed up again. Chances are weekends will see less of the gym and much more walking. And want to get into Yoga, likely at the expense of the weekday walking.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I do 6 days:

    Monday: weight circuit, 60 mins teaching spinning class

    Tuesday: Rest or run 4-5 easy miles

    Wednesday: weight circuit, 60 mins teaching spin

    Thursday: Rest or run 4-5 easy miles

    Friday: Run 6-7, weight circuit

    Saturday: Long run, 10-16 miles (this will increase over the summer as I will be training for a full marathon)

    Sunday: Weight circuit, 60 mins teaching spin.

    I always, ALWAYS take at least one rest day a week, sometimes more if I am feeling burnt. Tuesday or Thursday is my rest day, depending on how much energy I have Tuesday. If I run Tues, I rest Thurs.
  • lialuck13
    I work out at least five, sometimes six days a week.
    I attend WVU and we have an AMAZING student recreational center, complete with swimming pool, rock climbing walls, tons of machines, an indoor track, basketball courts, etc.
    I just go to the Rec every day and kill at least an hour doing anything & everything I can. My favorite = the elliptical machines. <3