Grocerys in UK



  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    its a shame ours is almost city centre... i go out of town to Aldi and thats all mercs and beemers in the car park :)

    people dont get rich frittering money away, although IF i was a millionair id get Harrods to deliver :)
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    Supermarket website is great, but if you actually go in store and look at the cheapo value stuff you'll find there's less calories on some products than leading brands.
  • Kate_321
    Kate_321 Posts: 18 Member
    Supermarket website is great, but if you actually go in store and look at the cheapo value stuff you'll find there's less calories on some products than leading brands.

    I agree with this. My daughter has a milk allergy and we were told by the dietician to look at value brands as they are less likely to contain milk. As they dnt add as much stuff to them, which in turn makes them cheaper.
  • leftwondering
    I actually find that Tesco is cheaper than Asda for what I buy, I also prefer the meat from Tesco, when I shop at asda the meat always seems a bit off and always really fatty and stringy.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    its a shame ours is almost city centre... i go out of town to Aldi and thats all mercs and beemers in the car park :)

    people dont get rich frittering money away, although IF i was a millionair id get Harrods to deliver :)

    My parents find the same thing Ooop North.
    Oh i'd have a butler get me all my stuff, and feed me it by hand, off gold plates :wink:
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i would embody waynetta slob.

    "Jeeves, JEEVES"

    "Yes Ma'am?"

    "wipe my bum"
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    The bargains are terrible in supermarkets, you don't see fruit on buy one get one free, but they always have biscuits and crisps on that offer... Tutt

    Tesco often have offers on fruit and veg. Oranges in particular normally have a 'buy one get one free' and often you can get two lots of fruit or veg for a little more than a single amount (e.g. "2 bags of spinach for £1.40 or 1 for £1").

    I hate how Tesco have taken over everything but they have the best range of organic fruit and veg of any supermarket - or at least the ones local to me. Asda have cheaper organic milk tho! Lidl have a fantastic range of fruit and veg if you're not worried about organics - got a huge pineapple in there for 99p today (the thick skin means I'm not so worried about it!) I would love Morrisons if I wasn't so fussy about my products, their fruit and veg are great but that's about it.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Tesco often have offers on fruit and veg. Oranges in particular normally have a 'buy one get one free' and often you can get two lots of fruit or veg for a little more than a single amount (e.g. "2 bags of spinach for £1.40 or 1 for £1").

    Another reason I shop there. We eat a LOT of fruit and veg (check my user name, lol).
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Wow! The difference is masssive!! I have to say though that we end up doing our shopping at 3 or 4 different shops to get the best deals and prices on the things we buy most! Milk and cheese and Chicken and turkey products from ASDA and Coffee and Veg from Tesco. We are lucky we have a Tesco, ASDA and Morrisons nearby and a Sainsburys not too far away either!!
  • PinkGoth
    PinkGoth Posts: 37 Member
    The bargains are terrible in supermarkets, you don't see fruit on buy one get one free, but they always have biscuits and crisps on that offer... Tutt

    Tesco often have offers on fruit and veg. Oranges in particular normally have a 'buy one get one free' and often you can get two lots of fruit or veg for a little more than a single amount (e.g. "2 bags of spinach for £1.40 or 1 for £1").

    I hate how Tesco have taken over everything but they have the best range of organic fruit and veg of any supermarket - or at least the ones local to me. Asda have cheaper organic milk tho! Lidl have a fantastic range of fruit and veg if you're not worried about organics - got a huge pineapple in there for 99p today (the thick skin means I'm not so worried about it!) I would love Morrisons if I wasn't so fussy about my products, their fruit and veg are great but that's about it.

    Will have to remember that next time i pass Tesco, to pop in and look at veg/fruit offers.

  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I too am a supermarket tart and for me it has to be Waitrose. They win for freshness and best-before dates (they'll often mark-down items 48hrs before their BB date!) and have such a wonderful range on offer. I have some favourite products (bananas, smoked salmon, cottage cheese, lean ham, Charlie Bigham's range, smoked haddock chowder amongst some of my faves)

    However, I tend to shop at Tesco most weeks too, because they carry more multi-buys and also have products I can only get at Tesco, although it annoys me how much of their fresh products have piss-poor BB & use-by-dates, often expiring within 48hrs which when shopping on a Saturday for the coming week is a bit of a pain.

    I'm lucky that I don't have to budget too much, but I also won't pay over the odds. I don't like ASDA at all, although I do pop into our local store maybe once a quarter. Sainsbury's have a town-centre store which we sometime use for ad hoc items, but never go to their huge hypermarket out of town as it's a nightmare to park there and it was too expensive on certain items.

    I used to shop at Morrisons and wish we had one in Colchester (along with Lidl, they are the only ones we don't have)

    We have an Aldi 5mins form us too which is handy for shopping on way home.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I do most of my shopping at the Co-op. I can walk there & back and truthfully I don't find it any more expensive than Tesco for what I buy, and they usually have good offers on fruit & veg. To shop anywhere else involves at least one bus at almost £4 return fare.
    I never shop at Asda as they are owned by Walmart.