10 questions about you.



  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    [1] What is your name?
    [2] Why did you choose your username?
    My name + one of my lucky numbers
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday?
    I'm a Cancer
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why?
    I like them all, even if a majority are big and scary...
    [5] What is your favorite color?
    Gray, pink, black
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!
    Not one piece in general. I just want to look better in what I pick for the day.
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy eating, exercise & meeting your goals?
    Me, myself & I :)
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to this whole fitness game?
    Be patient with your body, it took time to put weight on, it takes time to get it off.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise?
    I enjoy the treadmill, finally....
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band listen to while you workout/hang out and what not?
    Type O Negative, Rammstein, Pit Bull, Lady Gaga, Bens Fold Five, Blue Oyster Cult, REO Speedwagon. Okay, so too many
    to mention!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member

    [1] What is your name? :

    SherryAnn, friends call me Sherry


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    SherryAnn74 = my name and year I was born


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am a Taurus, but noticed when I read my horoscope, pisces seems to be more accurate.


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Cats, I have had at least 1 cat my entire life.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Depends on my mood...I do like cool tones like green or blue, but sometimes I like red to shake it up a bit.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Pic didn't post! I plan to wear a bikini this summer and not feel the need to cover up. :)


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My kids and my friends.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I always say "Progress, not perfection." There will be days I slip and eat something I shouldn't, but I am not going to beat myself up over it. As long as I am making steady progress, I will keep going.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    walking and dancing (as long as no one is watching!)


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Pitbull and BEP

  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    [1] What is your name? : Joyce - Happy to meet you all!


    [2] Why did you choose your username? : My really good friends call me JoJo and my last name is Doerr


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? : I am an Aries. April 18th


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? : I absolutely LOVE my doggies! We have 4, all rescues. If we could I think we would buy a giant property and try to save them all! They are just like little humans!


    [5] What is your favorite color? : PINK! I know, I know....I am a grown woman. I can't help it. I have never been a girly girl but I love pink!


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I just want to be able to wear simple dresses without people wondering (or even asking) if I am pregnant!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    At this moment it is myself and my health. Tired of not being able to take a simple walk on the beach without my heart pounding out of my chest and being out of breath!


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I am new to the whole fitness game...so I am lost! Learning more every day by reading people's posts and always looking for new friends!!!


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    My dogs have always got their exercise in the back fenced yard...but I have been taking them for walks.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I love listening to Indie musicians. Ani Difranco, Melissa Ferrick, etc. - Also, I must ad that my husband is a full time musician so I am surrounded my music and instruments all the time! Music plays a very big part in our lives.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    [1] What is your name? :



    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Because it's my name and easy to remember.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I'm a Cancer, my birthday's July 9th, 1990.

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I don't have a favourite animal. I want to be a Vet, so I love them all.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    No specific colour, I like them all.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Something I'm absolutely comfortable in... NO specific outfit.

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    It would have to be my fiance. He's doing amazingly on this life style change of a journey.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Patience and realistic goals. You're not going to drop 10 lbs in a day, it took a while to put the weight on, so it's going to take a while to drop it.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Taking my dogs for a walk with my fiance.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I like anything and everything, minus screamo.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    [1] What is your name? :



    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I like to travel and ride motorcycles, so I'm always looking for a journey.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Dec. 28, I'm a goat! Capricorn.


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Cats, the bigger the better. I want to go up a black panther and scratch its ears.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Dark Purple


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Snug fitting t-shirts!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My wife got me started, and now I just want to do it!


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Pay attention to your foods and MAKE some time for some type of exercise every day.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Riding a bicycle. I've been on a bicycle since I was 2 years old. I just love being on two wheels


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I like fast country, tecnho, classic rock and anything that just has some nice rythm


  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    [1] What is your name? :
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    Because I have 7 year old twins and sanity is highly overrated.
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    Leo/sometime in August.
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    Manatees - they are absolutely adorable, giant and majestic creatures
    who are also very kind nurturing.
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...
    I'd probably get banned for posting it....
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    My bf, my family and my awesome MFPeeps!!
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    You don't have to run a 5K race tomorrow to be able to do this.
    It's ok if you can only walk for 15 minutes today and have to stop, just work your way up to 20 next week.
    EAT! Food is fuel, and you need it. Just make better choices, and don't quit just because you had a slurge day.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
    I honestly don't pay attention....just about anything with a quick, upbeat tempo.
  • FatNurseSlim
    1) what is your name?

    Hello I'm Sarah :)

    2) why did you choose your username?

    Simple :) I am a nurse, I consider myself fat & I am hoping to get slim! Plus I thought it was a clever play on fat boy slim ! Stupid I know.

    3) what is your zodiac sign / when is your birthday?

    May 22.... I am a Gemini and usually quite a typical one!

    4) what is your favourite animal and why?

    I must admit, I'm not an animal lover...but my favourite is sea horses, I just think they're cute!

    5) what is your favourite colour?

    Purple :)

    6) post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when you reach your ultimate goal show me your style you sexy beasts!

    I'm a technophobe... ( unless it's a piece of medical equipment I'm clueless) so I don't know how to do this!, but it's not very original anyway - I want to wear a bikini on holiday without only wearing it while lying down, and keeping a top beside that I put on before I sit up!!!!!

    7) who inspires you on this journey of health eating, exercise and netting your goals?

    Ruth jones - who stars in Gavin and Stacey. I always used to look at her and think well she's big but she's talented funny and pretty ....then she lost weight last year and I thought wow! Time to get myself back in gear
    And also my fiancé. I'm a girl I'm insecure I can't help it, I hope I'll feel less unworthy of him if I'm slim ( even though he tells me I'm gorgeous enough now !)

    8) what are some tips you'd give to someone who is new to the fitness game, what helped you on your journey that someone may have told you or your learnt in passing?

    The best thing I can say I have learnt through experience and from the slimming world team, is to take it steady. Don't be disappointed or make yourself feel guilty if you have a week where you don't lose, gain or lose less than you had hoped.

    And also taking measurements. Iv found I'll exercise lots and then be gutted when Iv only lost 1lb but notice inches off my thighs or waist which kept me going!

    9) what is your favourite exercise? You know the one thing you do that doesn't feel like exercise you like it so much

    Zumba! I do it from home as I'm so unfit at the moment I do it on the Xbox...but it's great it just makes me laugh while I do it and I fell energised afterwards!

    10) what is your favourite type of music to listen to while you work out/ hangout what not?

    I love indie and punk/rock music...... My favourite bands are the likes of foo fighters, kings of Leon, brand new, jimmy eat world, snow patrol, blink 182 etc. I love going to concerts/ gigs and I like going to indie nights / rock nights at my local nightclubs.

    but when I exercise I like anything with a good beat so maybe songs in the charts or a bit of r and b - I like the music that you know is made to wiggle to as it inspires me to work harder so I might get a hot body I can wiggle!,!!
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    1. My name is Angie ... feel free to add me =) I am always looking for new MFP friends!
    2. I chose my user name because its my name. Pretty simple.
    3. I am a MAY baby! I am also a Taurus.
    4. My favorite animal would be horses. I grew up on a horse farm.
    5. My favorite color is green.
    6. I am slow and am not sure how to post pics, so Im just going to say a cute little bikini!
    7. All my MFP pals and my workout partner Ashley. My bf some.. haha.
    8. Learn what foods are good for you and which are not. Also learn that eating is a must. Do not limit yourself only eating a few meals a day. Figure out what your cals, carbs, fat and protein should be and aim for that. But like I said, with foods that are good for you.
    9. Squats, Bench Prees, DB Flyes.
    10. I'll listen to anything but my favorite is Hollywood Undead for some reason haha. It just gets me pumped!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member

    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Amanda & I am unique just like all the rest of you!


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    It came about years ago when I was very good friends with this goth rocker guy named TJ. I had a different online nickname and he said it never really fit me. Gave me this one and it's been around ever since. I've recently started signing up for new places with a diff nickname that I may change here as well. Amoruccio1979 {Means darling in Italian and my birth year} Opinions welcome via PM.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    June 26th - Cancer


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I think my favorite animal would be the little woodland critters. I love wild songbirds and raccoon and wild rabbits and deer. That sort of thing.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    P-I-N-K !!!!!!!!!!!! I'm such a girly girl when it comes to pink. Love to wear it... and I think it makes my skin look a bit more tan since I'm tragically pale.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    [ img ]http://www.weddingdressshop.ca/1563-2934-large/2011-hot-sell-tulle-designer-wedding-gown-strapless-sexy-mermaid-skirt-with-chapel-train-wd-0259.jpg[ /img ]

    I don't know when I'll ever be in the position to wear one of these... but a girl can hope, right???


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My MFP family gives me a ton of inspiration since I have zero support from my family. My kids do their best to be supportive, but they're young and healthy and cry when I lie to them about the ice cream truck LOL


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Do it. Don't 'want' to do it, don't 'try' to do it, don't 'think about' doing it. Do or do not.... You workout when you don't feel like it or when you aren't in the mood. You eat healthily when there is temptation because it's the right thing to do for your body. You listen to what your body really needs and not what your mind says it wants. There is a big difference and you have to pay attention to yourself above all else. Be selfish in this instance, you'll probably live longer.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I love love love my bootcamp class. It's an hour of ever changing p90x style full body workouts. They have an exercise named after me 'The Amanda' that is a jumping jack with a dumbbell. When your legs jump out, your arms go up with the weight or weights to an overhead press, legs in & weight back to chest. Do as many as you can in 1 minute. It feels loverly!


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    When I'm working out, I usually listen to the music from Zumba class. Our instructors pic some awesome stuff. Other than that, whatever I can find on the radio. For me, it's more about the lyrics than the music.


    If anyone finds any of this interesting, please feel free to send me a FR!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Memory of a good friend from the 70's. Dan Grue. The original Road Dog.

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    July 31. Leo

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dog. Unwavering devotion.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Cobalt Blue on my wife. Black on me.

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!
    Can't upload pics.

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Every trip begins the same way. Take that first step and keep putting one foor in front of the other.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Soccer. Walking.

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Blues, Classic Rock, Boogie.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    1. My name is Melanie
    2. I chose my user name (cdngirl71) by what country I live in, I am a girl and then the year I was born.
    3. Sagittarius and b-day is Dec. 16
    4. Favourite animal is cats - I have had one for 13 yrs now, love him to pieces!!
    5. Favourite colour is purple and pink
    6. This black dress is what I want to fit into when I get to my goal weight.
    7.My friend was the one who inspired me to get my *kitten* in gear to lose the weight, she encourages me everyday. Also all my MFP friends as well. You guys rock!!
    8. Learn your portion control!! Don't workout like crazy when you first start, your body can't take it. I should know, I pushed my body way to hard when I first started. Start slow and build you way up to some hard workouts. Eat properly and drink lots of water!!
    9. My favourite exercise is squats and lunges.
    10. Like listening to top 40 music and love my 80's hard rock hair bands!!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Kimberly

    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    It's a variation of my actual name - nothing interesting there!

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I'm Aquarius to a T. February birthday.

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dogs... they are loyal and friendly (the ones I've had) great companions for walking and running.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Blue - only certain shades though.

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    To post a picture copy & paste the following :

    [ img ] Post picture address here [ /img ] <---without spaces

    You do not have to post a picture, you can just describe it, too! :)

    My bikinis - can still wear em but they looked much better last year!

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My husband is my inspiration. He works out consistently, runs marathons and races. His energy level amazes me.... BUT
    we eat crap. Food is our problem.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    That you have to make yourself and your health a priority. Most people say they do not have time when they do, they just prioritize other things above this.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Walking or hiking outdoors - never seems like work to me - unless I'm hiking with a giant pack, then it's work!
    And ice skating or snow boarding or cross country skiing - that's just fun! But limited to winters for me. I like outdoor activities.

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Working out I like upbeat music - even techno... just hanging out I like anything but country.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    [1] What is your name? :
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    It's my email address
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    Jada is my favorite animal. She is my puppy. Beagle. She rocks.
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    In general: Pink To wear: Black
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...
    <----My profile picture is a dress I love. Makes me feel very curvy. :happy:
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    Future children.
    My Zumba Classes.
    Diana: THE Zumba Goddess
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    Start with finding something you love.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    I :heart: Zumba
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member

    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Rammsteinsoldier


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I am a huge fan of the metal group Rammstein and members of their fan base are call Soldiers of Rammstein. Kind of like Dead Heads are Grateful Dead fans.

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I have two:

    Cat - because they are so athletic and secure in who they are

    Sloth - becuase they know how to take life and there faces are just adorable.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :



    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    To post a picture copy & paste the following :

    A tinnie, weanie yellow polka dot bikini


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My daugthers are my inspirations. They work along with me and keep me honest. Also I am walking my older daugther down the aisle at her wedding and I want to look good on that day.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I would say drink lots of water and
    begin each day anew. Don't get down on yourself if things don't go perfectly all the time. Tomorrow is another day and just put one foot in front of the other.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I love to play tennis and go swimming.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I am into heavy metal. I listen to Rammstein mostly but also like Korn, Combichrist, Marilyn Manson, Avengened Sevenfold, Distrubed and Twiztid. Those bands really keep you moving. Although it is difficult to headbang on a treadmill.

  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    Name: Tiffany

    Username: I admire Job. His patience, diligence, humility...and it is also my email :)

    Birthday: Taurus, April 24

    Favorite animal: Dogs! (Cats are cute too :D)

    Favorite color: Turquoise (and dark purple)

    Inpirations: My family and friends

    Tips you would give: Love and respect yourself. Do things for YOU and not for others.

    Favorite exercise: Running/jogging/walking, figure skating...

    Music: Pop, classic rock, contemporary Christian, R&B, rap, indie....
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    Brittany, if it wasn't obvious :)


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    Well, I did have a different one (my initials followed by my last name), but I got tired of people calling me "BJ". So, I changed it to my actual name so all my friends would know what to call me.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am a Leo, and my birthday is July 29. This year I will be 20 :)


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I don't know why, but I've always LOVED horses, even though I've never owned one. They are so beautiful and majestic. The horses I've met have been some of the sweetest creatures and had tons of personality.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Yellow. It's very happy and matches my sunny disposition :)


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    This, minus that ugly *kitten* hat:

    I really like the girly/bohemian style :)


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    First and foremost, my fiance Nick, known on here as n003k. He is an amazing person, an incredible friend, my number one fan, and my toughest critic. Other than him, all of my friends. I seriously have the best fitness pals a girl could ask for, they are all so supportive and amazing.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    The biggest piece of advice I could give is that if you aren't losing weight for you first, it won't work. You have to put yourself first in this game. YOUR health, YOUR fitness, YOUR life. If you can't put you first, you might as well give up.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Dancing! I work up a whole lot of sweat playing my Just Dance game. By the end of the 30 minutes, I'm pouring sweat, I'm out of breath, and my legs are sore, but it feels so good. I love to dance :)


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I like to listen to anything that has a good rhythm to it. Anything I can find the beat to and use that with. :)
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Great thread :)

    1. What is your name?


    2. Why did you choose your username?

    I’ve had ‘psiren’ for years now, I got it from an episode of ‘Red Dwarf’ and it’s kinda stuck. Someone already had it on here so I added a number :/

    3. What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday?

    Scorpio, late October

    4. What is your favorite animal & why?

    I like most animals, if it’s cute and fluffy, I love it. I also love geckos, I sometimes have them living on my outside wall, they’re adorable wee things. If I have pets, it’s usually cats… nice and low maintenance :)

    5. What is your favorite color?


    6. Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I haven’t figured out posting pics but I have a little camouflage mini skirt that I can’t quite get into yet. I guess my style is sort of rock. I don’t do shoes! In summer I wear wedge sandals and in winter, biker or cowboy boots. I wouldn’t have a clue what sort of shoes go with what clothes :/

    7. Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals?

    Honestly? No one. I’m on this alone, hence joining MPF. I don’t know anyone in real life in the same situation. I know plenty of people who start but give up after a few days. I joined a slimming group once and was the only one losing. I kept winning ‘slimmer of the week’ until it became embarrassing :/ It’s nice to see people on here who have lost a lot of weight and stuck to it. Who knows, maybe I’ll find some ‘real life’ people to inspire me. Right now, I’m the one doing the inspiring, a couple of friends say I’m their inspiration which is really nice to hear and I hope they see that if I can do it, they can to.

    8. What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing?

    Be honest with yourself about what you’re eating, log everything: the good, the bad and the ugly.
    Don’t give up after a bad day, everyone has them, just get straight back on it and don’t let it turn into a bad week / month / lifetime.
    Be realistic about your goals, we’re not all gonna be supermodels but we can be the best version of ourselves and our body type.
    Set yourself mini goals rather than focusing on the end result, especially if you have a long way to go.

    9. What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much?

    Zumba!!! I hate exercise, always hated aerobics classes etc. but I love Zumba! My instructor is fantastic. I also walk which is tolerable if I have a walking buddy or some decent tunes.

    10. What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not?

    Mainly alternative rock. I love the salsa type stuff in my Zumba class but at home and just hanging out I’m a rock chick.
  • t3hsandy
    t3hsandy Posts: 54 Member
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    It's just a variation of my name.

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Capricorn - January 9th.

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Kitty cats. They're awesome sleeping buddies.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I have a corset I used to wear without a problem. Since I gained the weight, it's tighter than it used to be (despite the fact that it's a lace-up on the front and back). I had a 24 inch waist. I need that back.

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    Myself. I've tried it before, but always let myself down because I would get lazy with it. Not anymore; I'm tired of going back on this promise.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Don't rush into it. I tried that before and went in too strong and it overwhelmed me. One step at a time. Be it a small workout routine once a day (I started with only jumping jacks), then add more routines that you'll enjoy and then try and add the diet goal in there. Too much change isn't good for those who can't handle it or don't want it.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Squats and nearly any strength exercise. They're all really fun to me.

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I don't listen to music when I workout, so I don't have a favorite.
  • Cris725
    Cris725 Posts: 81
    [1] What is your name? :



    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I just used my name, that way I could remember what it was. I have so many usernames and passwords, it just makes it easier.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am a Leo through and through. ;) My bday is 7/25. (Thus the numbers in my username).


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Lions and turtles. I love lions for their beauty, loyaltly, and pride. And on the flip side of that, I love turtles because of their simplicity and sheer determination. Have you ever seen one get flipped on its back? It can always get turned back over by itself.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Green, then yellow, then orange. :)


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I dont think I'll post a pic, but my goal is to be able to put on shorts and a sports bra and do some kick boxing and look hot doing it. LOL


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    I'm not really sure, to be honest. I watch the Shaytards on YouTube and Shay recently lost 100 pounds. Its been cool watching him during his entire journey. And he always tries to motivate other people. He is even about 50 days from his first marathon ever.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I think the best tip I could offer is to do BABY STEPS at first. Seriously. I have now lasted 30 days where as in the past, I would only last about a week. I started with cutting out soda and replacing it with water. A lot of it. Within days, I was feeling better physically and mentally and I think that is honestly what kept me going. Now its getting easier everyday. Except this morning. I'm lacking in the motivation department and did a wimpy workout. :(


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I hate exercise! But I guess if I had to choose the lesser of all evils, I would choose walking. You dont burn as many calories, but at least its something.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    It really depends on my mood, but I typically listen to Paramore, Framing Hanley, All That Remains, and even sometimes Eminem can get me going. LOL
  • happymouse
    !.My Name is Kathleen/Kathi-happymouse
    2.I chose happymouse because My husband say I'm like a mouse .I sit for a minute then am up scurrying around and happy.
    3.Zodiac sign is Virgo although an astrologer friend says I am a Libra because I'm on the cusp? September 21.
    4.My favorite animal is my Cat Goober. He is a beautiful Main-coon.
    5.Favorite color is Green, any shade.
    6.I will wait on the clothing because when I reach my goal,my best friend is going to buy me a new outfit !
    7.My Son and Daughter inspired me to lose the weight.They told me about this website.They are doing it.
    8.Adivce to someone new,can only say what works for me. Keeping busy to take my mind off of food.
    9.I exercise by working out on my bike and walking,
    10.I love music from the 30's,40's,50's and 60's but My Grandson Andy has gotten me to listen to Florence and the Machine.
    At the moment I have two friends here my Son and Daughter.I would love lots of friends
