Question for the ladies



  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    I find any weight I gain that week from eating more is gone halfway through the next week. I really believe our bodies need more when Auntie is in town to compensate for what we are losing. I eat whatever I crave in moderation.
  • xbonbonx
    xbonbonx Posts: 170
    I was trying to start a diet when mine first came (that was 2 1/2 weeks ago) but the second day I managed to start eating better... it's just really hard cuz it's a challenge in the first place, but then you want to eat a lot more and you can feel even worse when you don't get to eat what you want! that's how I felt so the beginning was tough in that respect. if I hadn't had the motivation and determination, I'd have failed right away.
  • xbonbonx
    xbonbonx Posts: 170
    I usually feel the need to cheat a lot when I am visited by Aunt Flo, but I am being visited and amazingly I have not felt the need to eat my own weight in chocolate. Here are my tips. I don't allow myself to get hungry I have been eating healthy snacks every two hours so I don't get hungry. Fruit is great most fruits are fairly low cal and they help satisfy the sweet tooth. Fat-free chocolate milk helps. Yogurt or pudding both are sweet and creamy. Kellogs: Special K chocolaty delight. It is crunchy and delicious and has little chocolate chips. Finally, my very favorite: Skinny Cow Ice cream wheels. They are so yummy, they don't taste like low fat ice cream, but they are only 140 calories. The bars help with portion control.

    Also, I read recently in a Woman's Fitness magazine that women burn 4% more calories everyday when they are on their period! So it may you may be able to splurge a little bit more and not throw yourself off track.

    I LOVE the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. you are so right that they don't taste low fat. and they're the same size as the regular ones. I wanted to get some yesterday but I had to walk home and didn't want them to melt lol. so I'll have to get some later.

    one of my gym trainers (not personal trainer lol) that I had when I was using a gym a couple years ago told me about them. boy am I glad she did! :smile: