Ladies...personal question...



  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yup..totally crazy...used to be like clock work after having my son (almost 2 yrs old) I lost the first 90 pounds in 6 months, and then the last 6 a few months later...My last cylce was Sept of 2011..3 pg tests and a dr NOT pg...she thinks its my weight loss...oh well..I don't really miss it!! LOL
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    didn't affect mine at all
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Yes, absolutely. When I was working out nearly twice a day.. I skipped my TOM a lot.
    just make sure you are careful and take a pregnancy test if needed. You may need to take some Iron pills too.
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    Since we are on the topic of cycle's and birth control. I have a question: Have any of you used Nuva Ring? any thoughts? I have never been over weight, actually I have been on the under weight side before. I have been on the pill for 1 year and I have gained 20-25 pounds! I spoke with my doctor and she suggested Nuva Ring. I have to finish this pack of pills before I start it. Just wondered if any of you have used this method?

    I tried it for one month a few years ago, I hated it! The inserting and removing part sort of grossed me out (like using a tampon with no applicator) And, it could be felt while getting intimate LOL apparently it's safe to remove during that time....but it just wasnt for me at all!

    I've been on Ortho tri cylcen Lo for years....and my cycle has always been the same whether I worked out or not.
  • chicklidell
    I've dipped below 8%body fat and my cycle completely's not unusual..but another poster was right..if you're having unprotected sex and miss your cycle.....test it! of 7 here!
  • nicki_1004
    I have been on Depo for 2 1/2 years and have not had my period since I started it. However my second week of exercising I started. It continued for 3 weeks. I freaked out because of it and called the doctor she said it is perfectly normal for that to happen. She said when you start exercising your stressing your body in ways it is not used to and it can cause you to either not have a period or to have a prolonged period. She basically said as long as I am not having heavy bleeding and terrible cramping I am good to go.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Even with the Mirena mine were a week early, a week biggie, I've learned to live with it. But I had my period when I first signed up for MFP on Jan 3rd and I can tell it's coming now...maybe I'll get straightened out!! :happy:
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    The thing that finally convinced me to start listening to the calorie advice was that my cycle just didn't come. So I don't know exactly what it was but yeah, when I first really started, my cycle was messed up.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Actually, I've always found the opposite to be true. Less cramps, bloating and more even flow when exercising. Except sometimes all that ab pumping in Zumba can sometimes make me cramp so I've learned to skip the 15 min ab DVD during those weeks.
  • Sweetcheeks278
    I have been like clock work for 10 years and once I started working out HARD I was 5 days late. Hubby and I started to FREAK! We have 2 and thats enough for us! lol Bought a pregnancy test just to make sure - negative. Of course the next day I started!
  • Queenb62303
    mine was usually varying in days and very painful... since i started working out and drinking more water, it is more regular and less cramping.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'll let you know if I ever start working out.

    I love you.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    omg yes, when I started working out 6x a week I started getting my cycle every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks! I read online that a dramatic increase in exercise (I gradually went from 2-3 days a week up to 5-6 over 3 months) that it can make you miss ovulation and cause your to bleed more often. Ugh it sucks hopefully itll even out!
  • TinaG72
    well... as of yesterday I'm 4 days early! just started working out at the gym about twice a week a few weeks ago...also started watching what I'm eating and cutting all the junk food and soda.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I have an odd problem with that. Mine can last up to a week. Sucks, but I'm used to it. When it lasted for almost a month, I got scared and went to the doctor. Apparently, that is natural when you lose alot of weight over a small period of time.
    We went over my diet together, and made some changes. Now most of the time it's back to normal, but occasionally it happens for longer than I'm used to.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    My cycle has ranged from 17 to 144 days. I have PCOS, and it's been wonky for years (I have WAYYYY too much estrogen, as well, and this causes all kinds of problems). My average cycle is 44 days.

    Right now I'm going on 56 days. Weird.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Mine was a day and a half early since starting this process, and was MEGA heavy. I'm due again this week, so we'll see what happens. I'm on the pill and normally I get it on a Thursday evening and it only lasts 3 days. This past time, I got it Wednesday morning and it lasted through Sunday evening. Ugh! LOL Not one of the exercising perks that I was looking forward to...
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Mine is wacky since I started but Im glad to say they have gotten less painful since I started loosing weight.