How do you weigh yourself?

I've been weighing myself wearing clothes, shoes,
with everything on me. Knife, watch, wallet, phone, etc...

This is how they weigh me when I go see the doctor,
so I'm trying to stay consistent. I just weighed myself
wearing shorts alone, and lost 6 pounds. (171 lbs.)
This is cheating, because it's not the way I consistently
weigh myself.

Just curious.


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 841 Member
    I get weighed in a public place, so I'm dressed, but with empty pockets and no shoes. And I try to wear a similar outfit each week (not jeans one week then shorts the next.)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I weigh myself in the nude, in the morning, right after using the toilet. It's the lowest number I see, but it is consistent. The clothes I wear vary quite a bit from day to day, depending on the weather. They weigh anywhere between 2 and 10lbs. I see progress much better if I can get a number that is the same within one or two pounds each day.

    So, today, I was 151, and tomorrow, if I retain water, I might be 152, but I don't think I want to see 160 or something like that just because I put some pants on. The pants I wear should not override the exercise and healthy eating I've done.

    I also try not to get too excited about a number on the scale unless I've seen it for a few days in a row. So, my official MFP weight is 152, even though I saw 151 this morning. Once I can hold 151 down for another day or so, I'll record it, but I don't want to record anything unless I can maintain it. For example, if I lose weight after getting dehydrated from diarrhea, it doesn't count, because the second I can hold some food in me, it will go back up.

    I hope this makes sense and wasn't too gross.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I wear the same type of clothes everyday, typically
    T-shirt, jean type shorts, and the same shoes. I only
    own one pair of jeans for riding he street bike, and
    one pair of shoes for everyday use. So I take it as
    long as you're consistent at the scale, you can
    accurately track your weight.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Friday mornings. Usually underwear, bra and socks. :bigsmile:
  • BobbyMorgan
    First thing Monday Morning, in my birthday suit after a bathroom stop. :-)
  • hazedot
    hazedot Posts: 111 Member
    about 10am each morning, in the nude. That way if I've gained weight I can't blame the clothes I'm wearing
  • melruiz5
    melruiz5 Posts: 134 Member
    If you can weight at home. . . . go to the bathroom in the AM and weigh naked. that will be the MOST acurate weight for you. I workout in the AM before work, shower, get dressed, and weigh in at work. i bring a cup of coffee, so i don't drink or eat anything until i weigh in. no shoes, but with clothes on. i always take my jacket off though. Keep it consistant with weigh in times and also clothes. Don't wear jeans on weigh in and then yoga pants the next. . there will be a huge difference. .. hope that helps ya :bigsmile: