An easier way to setup goal calories - eating for who you wi



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm 38
    I sleep about 8 hrs a day
    My job requires me to stand 8-12 hrs, 5 days a week..........lifting about 15 lbs about 3 hrs out of the day
    I work out at least 30 min a day on my elliptical..........sometimes I'll do 45-1 hr, depending on how I feel
    Currently I'm 131 lbs
    GW 118 lbs

    I figured out my BMR from that website using 118....I got
    1281 BMR( calories)
    1481 Activity(calories)
    2762 Total calories

    You'll want to use the spreadsheet too, you got easy stuff to put in, once you divide it up. Much easier for the math.
    Few posts above gives Excel and Google links to them.

    So that sounds high to me. With incomplete info I'm getting below 2000 slightly.
    So suggestions on placing that daily routine.
    Rest includes bump-on-a-log TV or reading, if you do some regularly.
    The 3hrs x 5 days with more effort than standing goes under Light. The standing part will fall under Very Light in the spreadsheet automatically.
    If it appears the elliptical really is equally between 30min, and 45-60, use 0.75 x however many days it is.
    If it is always at least 3 days at 30 min, then 0.5 x 3, and 3 other days gets to be 45-60 usually, then 0.87 x 3 days.
    You'll also need to include shopping, cleaning, other activities. Use the descriptions to nail normal stuff you do every week that has a set time to it. Spreadsheet has some tips above the calculator section.

    And if you really do the elliptical every day, you need a rest day.
    Exercise is for improving your body, and that can only happen if it gets a chance to recover and rebuild stronger. Otherwise your workouts actually aren't at a level to be as useful as they could be.
    You could do some interval type workout 1 day, and make the next day a rest day for recovery and getting stronger.

    With this kind of daily routine, you'll probably find, especially if you have been underfeeding for awhile, that your body is finally getting a chance to recover and will be storing energy, making muscles stronger, ect. All things associated with no weight loss for awhile.

    Since your current eating level is pretty low for your current BMR, you'll need to raise the level slowly.
    Add 200 a day for a week, like a snack associated with your workout.
    Next week, another 200, like increase 2 meals by 100 each. Almonds, avocado, peanut butter, just need energy for your body to raise metabolism.

    Another suggestion since you have a very active daily life that will be great at making your deficit.
    When you reach the level of eating that about matches your current BMR, don't do any elliptical that week. Take that time and go out for gentle walk under 3mph.
    Your system needs a reset and see that the food it's getting will allow it to raise metabolism, and your daily workouts are pushing that lower, making the effect worse actually.

    That spreadsheet will also estimate potential weekly weight loss once you get that daily stuff entered in for other things.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm 38
    I sleep about 8 hrs a day
    My job requires me to stand 8-12 hrs, 5 days a week..........lifting about 15 lbs about 3 hrs out of the day
    I work out at least 30 min a day on my elliptical..........sometimes I'll do 45-1 hr, depending on how I feel
    Currently I'm 131 lbs
    GW 118 lbs

    I figured out my BMR from that website using 118....I got
    1281 BMR( calories)
    1481 Activity(calories)
    2762 Total calories

    You'll want to use the spreadsheet too, you got easy stuff to put in, once you divide it up. Much easier for the math.
    Few posts above gives Excel and Google links to them.

    So that sounds high to me. With incomplete info I'm getting below 2000 slightly.
    So suggestions on placing that daily routine.
    Rest includes bump-on-a-log TV or reading, if you do some regularly.
    The 3hrs x 5 days with more effort than standing goes under Light. The standing part will fall under Very Light in the spreadsheet automatically.
    If it appears the elliptical really is equally between 30min, and 45-60, use 0.75 x however many days it is.
    If it is always at least 3 days at 30 min, then 0.5 x 3, and 3 other days gets to be 45-60 usually, then 0.87 x 3 days.
    You'll also need to include shopping, cleaning, other activities. Use the descriptions to nail normal stuff you do every week that has a set time to it. Spreadsheet has some tips above the calculator section.

    And if you really do the elliptical every day, you need a rest day.
    Exercise is for improving your body, and that can only happen if it gets a chance to recover and rebuild stronger. Otherwise your workouts actually aren't at a level to be as useful as they could be.
    You could do some interval type workout 1 day, and make the next day a rest day for recovery and getting stronger.

    With this kind of daily routine, you'll probably find, especially if you have been underfeeding for awhile, that your body is finally getting a chance to recover and will be storing energy, making muscles stronger, ect. All things associated with no weight loss for awhile.

    Since your current eating level is pretty low for your current BMR, you'll need to raise the level slowly.
    Add 200 a day for a week, like a snack associated with your workout.
    Next week, another 200, like increase 2 meals by 100 each. Almonds, avocado, peanut butter, just need energy for your body to raise metabolism.

    Another suggestion since you have a very active daily life that will be great at making your deficit.
    When you reach the level of eating that about matches your current BMR, don't do any elliptical that week. Take that time and go out for gentle walk under 3mph.
    Your system needs a reset and see that the food it's getting will allow it to raise metabolism, and your daily workouts are pushing that lower, making the effect worse actually.

    That spreadsheet will also estimate potential weekly weight loss once you get that daily stuff entered in for other things.

    Thank you.......:smile:
  • Pebbles536
    Pebbles536 Posts: 199
    Bumping for a day when I decide to drink the cool-aid.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    Ok so let me make sure I got this straight...

    I'm 5'11
    184 lbs
    goal weight 165 lbs
    35 years old
    sedentary (desk job)

    I figured out my TDEE to be 1834 calories per day. I just need to eat 1834 cals per day and I will lose weight. Correct?
  • bump
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok so let me make sure I got this straight...

    I'm 5'11
    184 lbs
    goal weight 165 lbs
    35 years old
    sedentary (desk job)

    I figured out my TDEE to be 1834 calories per day. I just need to eat 1834 cals per day and I will lose weight. Correct?

    Well, if you were honest with the activity levels, you can protect your current BMR and maximize your gain.

    But at only 208 over your current BMR, that must mean you don't have much except sleep, because the only way I can get down to 1834 Total calories for goal weight was with 15 hrs of sleep, and 9 hrs of lightly active.

    So unless you roll out of bed to the desk, and when finished working roll back into bed - you did not do the activity calculator correctly.
    Now, if that is indeed a correct scenario, then it appears your limited daily activity would indeed allow for 0.6 lb weekly weight loss. Except your metabolism with atrophied muscles is going to be much less than estimated.
    Did you use the spreadsheet referenced?

    Don't let expediency cause you to shoot yourself in the metabolism. If you actually have some workouts bigger than 200 calories, it would just shove the BMR lower, defeating the whole purpose of it burning high.

    This method does require you to do some homework first, but when done, you set a number and just stick to it.
  • Thank you so much for posting all this great info! I need to look at your spread sheet but it's getting late, just wanted to say THANKS for answering everyone's questions. I am finding that there is a SCIENCE to losing weight and many of us are LOST!!! Seriously, I joined MFP in December and haven't lost like I wanted to b/c the calorie thing had me baffled and I was over thinking but now I am trying to stay within the calorie range and still not's really irritating and I often fail.

    I have been reading another thread too that said to set my "goals" on MFP to only 1 pound a week and eat those calories and then eat my exercise calories. I have had my goal set at 2 pound loss and am not seeing results.

    My CW is 252
    I am 5"11
    and my goal weight is 165-170

    I am a momma to 5 amazing little people ages 9 and UNDER:) am on the GO all the time, cooking, cleaning, laundry and for the past 5 weeks up "many, many nights with kids throwing up constantly" It stalled my weight loss efforts and I found myself irritable, exhausted and i didn't do that great with staying in calorie range b/c I was grabbing for the chocolate. Anyways all that to say that before that i was working out 3-4 times a week doing about 1 hours of dancing and NOW I am finally back to working out this week...However, I want to see these 90 pounds leave Me for GOOD!! I am praying I can figure out what works for my metabolism to be at its BEST!!!

    I am looking into Turbo Jam by Beach Body or Turbo Fire b/c I really need a plan to stick too and I like a challenge:)

    Thanks again for posting this, i look forward to reading more and looking at your link.

    How do I save this thread for later?

    God Bless:)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How do I save this thread for later?

    Difficult situation, glad to see you not give up, even if you have to take a week off. Good thing with all that running around though - that is exactly what is going to create your real deficit. So it could be mighty high!
    And if your metabolism is not suppressed, those calories burned on that very full daily activity, will be as high as they can be too.
    And you'll be able to feed those workouts now, to get stronger.

    As far as saving, you just did by responding. It should be on your Profile page as topic you posted to.

    Not sure if you read the first page of this topic continued as second section, or the first section.
    Or the group for that matter.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    Ok so let me make sure I got this straight...

    I'm 5'11
    184 lbs
    goal weight 165 lbs
    35 years old
    sedentary (desk job)

    I figured out my TDEE to be 1834 calories per day. I just need to eat 1834 cals per day and I will lose weight. Correct?

    Well, if you were honest with the activity levels, you can protect your current BMR and maximize your gain.

    But at only 208 over your current BMR, that must mean you don't have much except sleep, because the only way I can get down to 1834 Total calories for goal weight was with 15 hrs of sleep, and 9 hrs of lightly active.

    So unless you roll out of bed to the desk, and when finished working roll back into bed - you did not do the activity calculator correctly.
    Now, if that is indeed a correct scenario, then it appears your limited daily activity would indeed allow for 0.6 lb weekly weight loss. Except your metabolism with atrophied muscles is going to be much less than estimated.
    Did you use the spreadsheet referenced?

    Don't let expediency cause you to shoot yourself in the metabolism. If you actually have some workouts bigger than 200 calories, it would just shove the BMR lower, defeating the whole purpose of it burning high.

    This method does require you to do some homework first, but when done, you set a number and just stick to it.

    Thank you so much! I didn't use the spreadsheet. I'll go back and do some refiguring.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    After doing the spreadsheet I'm at 2170 calories a day.
  • Bump
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    After doing the spreadsheet I'm at 2170 calories a day.

    Now that sounds realistic!

    Even if it sounds scary to you at the same time.

    Remember, no exercise eat back, it's already in there.

    Should I include that tidbit in the spreadsheet in section regarding MFP settings to change?
    Since you just used it, curious about improvements.
  • marla_jones
    marla_jones Posts: 45 Member
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    After doing the spreadsheet I'm at 2170 calories a day.

    Now that sounds realistic!

    Even if it sounds scary to you at the same time.

    Remember, no exercise eat back, it's already in there.

    Should I include that tidbit in the spreadsheet in section regarding MFP settings to change?
    Since you just used it, curious about improvements.

    Yes I changed my MFP settings. It does sound scary but not half as scary as I felt thinking about what I was going to eat on 1500 calories a day lol. Thanks again for your help. Last year I lost 12 lbs and plateau'ed and gave up. I gained everything back plus 5. Hopefully if I stick with this that won't happen again!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    I am SO excited to try this. Thank you so much for the thorough instructions. I have changed MFP's goal (1500) to the new calculation (2168) and am looking forward to not spending my evenings dreadfully hungry and daydreaming about desserts.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    @Catherine and Nucky,

    Please visit the group if you haven't yet. Others starting out asking about your goals, shared therapy that higher is alright, questions and experience on other aspects of working out.
    Progress reports, ect.

    Still have to figure out how to clean up some of the specific topics.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am SO excited to try this. Thank you so much for the thorough instructions. I have changed MFP's goal (1500) to the new calculation (2168) and am looking forward to not spending my evenings dreadfully hungry and daydreaming about desserts.

    Wow, with that nice goal level, I do believe you'll be able to fit in a nice dessert every night anyway!

    Which is what's nice - why binge when you know you'll have a special treat tomorrow too. Don't have to wait for a cheat day, for a big workout day, ect. Plan the day well enough, get a dessert everynight if desired.
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Bump interesting read. I have been eating close to 2000 calories, but this method suggests I eat close to 2200 calories. I'm nervous to increase my calories beyond 2000, but I'll give anything a try to break through this darn plateau!

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Bump interesting read. I have been eating close to 2000 calories, but this method suggests I eat close to 2200 calories. I'm nervous to increase my calories beyond 2000, but I'll give anything a try to break through this darn plateau!

    Please use the spreadsheet, just to confirm those number dealing with activity.
    If you used the website calculator, all too easy to go fast and inflate times at levels for true daily avg.

    Half way down this post is spreadsheet links.