embarassing gym moments.?

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
what are your most embarassing gym moments? It doesnt have to be just the 1, it can be 2, 3 or 4 if you've had that many!

I need cheerin up, had bit of a crap day, so c'mon i wanna hear some funny ones!

here are mine -

1 - when i was high school, we had free gym lessons during out physical education lessons - my first time going into the gym we had an induction from the fitness trainer.. we all had to stand around him and answer questions about different machines. one of his questions were 'Does anyone know exactly what an elliptical is, and what is does?' dumbass here put my hand up and said 'yeah an elliptical is one of those handheld things you shave your legs with' :blushing: EVERYONE burst out laughing including my teacher and the fitness trainer!!! I was mortified - i dont think i have ever been soo bright red in the face in all my life!! (i was only 13 at the time!)

2 - in high school (again!) - me and my friends went to the gym, and the gym was full of people, one of my friends told me to go on a rowing machine, but dont strap in your feet on the black pedal things you rest your feet on. Anyway - i started rowing back and forth, back and forth, next minute i rowed backwards, came flying off the machine and my legs went up in the air and i damadge my back and had to get sent to hospital as i couldnt move!! it was soo embarasssing! all the lads saw me :blushing: but it wasnt soo good been stuck in hospital for few days!

well thats all my gym embarassing moments :laugh: when i go to the gym now a days, i always remember to strap my feet in at all times on teh rowing machine :bigsmile:


  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    I can't think of any myself off the top of my head, but would love to hear anyone else's stories!!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    This happens to me a lot. I use up all my energy on a machine and then my legs don't work when I try to get off of it and I trip.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!
  • smflagmeier
    Im an extremely slow runner as it is and my trainer had me run through the cardio floor with a big bag of sand tied around my waist. Im sure I looked like I was in one of the worst slow motion videos ever.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!

    just let it fly, then make a disgusted face at the guy next to you. maybe quietly mutter the word "jerk..."
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Not a gym but a sport moment. I was getting my SCUBA License years ago and the class full of men (and then me) were at the bottom of the pool in a big circle. The Instructor went to the top of the pool to talk to somebody and left us down there in a circle. Someone from the other side swam directly to me and motioned for me to look down. Yep, I was flashing the WHOLE class! =o
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I went to use a static bike at gym a month or two ago. Got on it, started cycling, and nothing happened. Had a few tries, then went to get a staff member to have a look at it.

    The guy comes over, and has a look, says it's basically just in need of a brief rest, then turns to me, looks me up and down, and really nicely says 'Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't break it.' Well up until that point, I didn't think I had. But clearly, whale as I am, he thought that there was an outside chance... :-D
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!

    just let it fly, then make a disgusted face at the guy next to you. maybe quietly mutter the word "jerk..."

    That is my method. Just pass the buck off on the guy next to you.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Im an extremely slow runner as it is and my trainer had me run through the cardio floor with a big bag of sand tied around my waist. Im sure I looked like I was in one of the worst slow motion videos ever.

    I would have requested the trainer to play the "Six Million Dollar Man" sound.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Every time I swim. I can only doggie paddle, so I feel like a huge dork whenever I swim!

    I went to a turbo kick class... basically like a tae bo class I've been told. Anyway, there were only like 10 small women in it...
    here I was, 190lbs and out of shape. I looked ridiculous, and every few minutes I felt awful because I was bent over in the back of the class and EVERYBODY could see me. Definitely not a good way to keep people motivated :/ I felt awful.

    Once in a dance class, I wore these new pants I'd been given for Christmas. At the end, I saw as I was by the mirror grabbing my stuff that my black thong showed right through. *blushes* bad class!!!
  • joannasaurusrex
    I've stumbled and been fired off the back of a treadmill where I landed in an ungainly heap. Now THAT is embarassing!
  • PkrDlr81
    Back in the day, my parents got me a membership to a ladies only gym. I went for my first training session with my best friend. While waiting for my turn on a machine, I passed out. I still remember dreaming I was home, in bed, and wondering why some weird woman was shaking me and telling me to wake up. When I finally came to, I realized that I not only passed out at the gym, in front of everyone, I also peed my pants. Never went back to that gym after that.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Boners. Spontaneous boners. Sooo embarrasing.
  • Bexx435
    Bexx435 Posts: 83 Member
    I was in a yoga classes and we were doing modified donkey kicks where you kick both legs up into the air at the same time and support your body weight on your hands... I'm thinking, this is easy, no worries... I get about 3 kicks in and my boobs popped right outta my sports bra and tank top.

    Needless to say I invested in a tighter sports bra... and a T-shirt.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Lmaoooo! All ur stories are soo funny ha ha!!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Boners. Spontaneous boners. Sooo embarrasing.

    Wouldn't be a problem if you stayed out of her yoga classes VVV
    I was in a yoga classes and we were doing modified donkey kicks where you kick both legs up into the air at the same time and support your body weight on your hands... I'm thinking, this is easy, no worries... I get about 3 kicks in and my boobs popped right outta my sports bra and tank top.

    Needless to say I invested in a tighter sports bra... and a T-shirt.
  • moonlightturk
    Whenever we had a fitness evaluation test in high school, I would disappear because we had to lift ourselves on one of those bars, and I could never do it.

    When ever we had to do a cartwheel, I would disappear, because I couldn't do those either.

    Oh did I mention I accidently peed on myself in 2nd grade during Ballet practice? I hid behind one of the decorative plants, but my year old sister called me out and that's when everybody noticed.. Shoot.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!

    just let it fly, then make a disgusted face at the guy next to you. maybe quietly mutter the word "jerk..."

    Youre funny!!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!

    just let it fly, then make a disgusted face at the guy next to you. maybe quietly mutter the word "jerk..."

    Youre funny!!

  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Im an extremely slow runner as it is and my trainer had me run through the cardio floor with a big bag of sand tied around my waist. Im sure I looked like I was in one of the worst slow motion videos ever.

    I would have requested the trainer to play the "Six Million Dollar Man" sound.

    even bettter