embarassing gym moments.?



  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I think the worst was when I was about 10. The whole class was laying out in a circle in the field, doing situps, our feet facing inward to the circle. On one 'up', I farted. I was MORTIFIED, and blamed it on the boy I had a crush on. Everyone believed that it was him. I felt awful.

    Last week, when learning the machines at Curves, I stood to get off of one of them, and caught the crotch of my pants on a piece of padding. Nearly went flying. I felt like such a doofus.
  • Bexx435
    Bexx435 Posts: 83 Member

    I need cheerin up, had bit of a crap day, so c'mon i wanna hear some funny ones!

    I dunno about you, but this thread definitely cheered me up... I'm crying from laughing so hard!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Mine isn't all that embarrassing, but I was still a little red in the face. It actually was only on this past Tuesday, so...yeah.

    Anyway, so my fiance and I are at the gym. He's still on the treadmill but I want to switch to elliptical, so I go around to do my own thing. The gym was PACKED (which, since it's a two-story gym, should tell ya something!) and there was only one I could find that was open. It was right next to a really fit woman, probably in her early twenties, who was absolutely tearing it up! I got on the one next to her, and tried to do it, but this one was a bit weird in that it only went one way--backwards. To add to it, it was angled. A real thigh burner. Anyway, so I'm *trying* to do this, and I'm on for two minutes before the burning in my thighs gets unbearable. I looked over and she had been on for almost 30 minutes! I felt like a such a chump -sigh- I switched to an easier one that cleared out...waaaay across the room :blushing:
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    Last Feb I had joined a challenge at my local gym with my sister in law and my mom. My sis in law and I were on the last challenge of the last day. We had to do suicide sprints across the gym. There was a class in session, so we were in back of the class and used our water bottles as the markers on the gym floor (had to run to the first free throw line and back, then to middle and back, then to other end free throw line and back, and finally to far wall and back as fast as possible).

    On my final pass, I figured I'd be slick (i.e. LAZY! lol) and squat down mid-run to grab my water bottle so I didn't have to walk all the way back to get it when I was done. Did I mention I am uncoordinated? Well, running full speed ahead, I *did* manage to squat down and actually grab the water bottle. However, the top part of my body failed to slow down in proportion to the slowing down of the bottom half of my body and then refused to catch up. So I ended up splatting on the gym floor and sliding. In my bright hot pink and white camo pants. Pretty sure the class facing the mirrors caught it all. :laugh:
  • denise_earheart
    My FAT *kitten* working out next to a really hot fit guy ... just saying
  • MaryDreamer
    I can't believe i'm going to admit this! Years ago at the gym while on the treadmill I let out a silent deadly one....and when people started to notice i blamed it on the guy next to me and noone even suspected me. years later while having drinks with my gym gals I got drunk and admitted this to them they laughed SO HARD!
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    I was doing jump rope at the gym one day as a part of our circuit. It's not a huge gym, but it's big enough since it's ONLY a circuit training gym, but anyway, I got too close to a pot plant against the back wall and took a few leaves off it while I was skipping.... :blushing: Needless to say that was the last time I ever did THAT! :grumble:
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    LMAO omg those are funny!

    A couple days ago, I went to the gym as usual. This just happened to be the ONLY time I have ever ever ever worn a thong to work out in. Well I went to the locker room after about 30 minutes in the weight room and noticed a hole the size of a pencil eraser in the seat of my pants. nice... Then, same day, I caught myself talking to myself while I was just about done with C25K. Omg what a day.
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    I'm always afraid of farting when I run or work out. I keep thinking...I hope all the noise masks it...but then I think..Oh No! I hope it doesn't smell!!!

    just let it fly, then make a disgusted face at the guy next to you. maybe quietly mutter the word "jerk..."

    Bahahahahaha! This brought a smile to my face. :tongue:
  • medgirl604
    last year i was new to a gym and joined a circuit training class.

    well part of the circuit was to do a 3 min sprint/run. on a treadmill.

    the trainer wouldnt stop the treadmill between people in the circuit since it takes too long to ramp up the speed when the next person got on so we were supposed to jump onto the treadmill and i guess go go go. most people (including the 70 year old grannies and various overweight middle aged men) could handle it no problem, but me and my big ego didn't ask to have it slowed down and on i went and off i flew! so embarrassing!!
  • Shedcrazy
    Yep, Gotta be farting for me. Especially when training legs. Using the leg curl machine for hamstrings will always do it. I will look around me first and see if everybody is wearing headphones. If so, not so bad.
  • Jess102979
    Jess102979 Posts: 98 Member
    This guy was new to the gym and while I was on the Elliptical I noticed he couldn't figure out how to use the programs. I was kind enough to show him.. about 10 min later HE farted and the girl on the other Elliptical next to me thought it was me. The guy really needed to lay off the eggs some. I had to immediately find another machine to use cause it stunk so bad!
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Not a gym moment, but during a 1/2 marathon my nephew handed me a GU packet whcih I threw in my pocket. 200 yard later was the turn around and I got anouther GU packet from him on the return. What I didn't know is the GU packs were open and they leaked into my pockets. When I grabbed them I had GU all over my hands. I can tell you GU is nasty running down you legs for 6 miles.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I recently switched gyms to one located closer to my home. My very first day there, I completed my workout and, because I turn into a hot, sweaty mess the moment I even look at any cardio equipment, hit the shower. I saw that the handicapped shower stall had a flip down bench attached to the wall and thought "great, can sit while I shave my legs" ( and yes I shave at the gym, I take 6 out of 7 showers a week there). I'm doing my thing and the next thing you know I am in a heap on the floor covered with the shower curtain- which I had pulled down along with the shower rod when the shower bench pulled completely out of the wall and collapsed under me. I know I'mnot the thinnest mint in the box but since losing 260 lbs I thought my chair breaking days were behind me, lol. There was one other lady in the locker room and she came running over to see if I was ok - and hand me my towel.
  • medgirl604
    #2 Oh and one time i was on the treadmill working really hard. i'm kind of big-boobed (ok i'm pretty well endowed) and i was running really hard. I had this new lululemon top that I had just got and I was feeling so hot in my awesome workout wear and racing like a rockstar on the treadmill

    well about 3/4 of the way into my run i noticed a good looking guy glancing over my way. i was tryign to play it cool and pretend not to notice...about 5 mins later the gym manager came over and told me my shirt was so low i was showing bits of nipple when i ran!!!!!

    that hot guy i thought was checking me out, was really just watching me flash him with every other step. MORTIFYING


    very tired after workout. went to take a shower. got undressed and walked into the shower area.

    wrong changeroom, and the men's bball team had just finished their workout.
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    I normally work out at home, or by myself running. So no one cares what I say or sing, or yell. But in the winter I head into the gym, and this year as I was running my sprints on the treadmill, I hit my highest minute per mile ever and so I just yelled "F*** YEAH mother F***ER!!!" it was loud...REALLY loud....and did I mention the 80 year old woman next to me walking daintily along nearly lost her balance and fell....

    Yup...might need to ball gag it at the gym from now on.
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I've stumbled and been fired off the back of a treadmill where I landed in an ungainly heap. Now THAT is embarassing!

    OMG! That is very embarrassing. I know from experience. Not once, but twice I've been at the gym jogging on the treadmill on a Sunday afternoon when I got a little too into what was on tv (both on Sunday afternoon's, once watching football and once watching nascar) and actually stopped jogging completely and got slammed off the back and into the wall. My father was there both times, and luckily he was the only person who saw. He laughed so hard that he nearly fell of his treadmill both times too though. That would have been sweet justice.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I ran five miles on a treadmill and didn't know I started my period. I went to do floor exercises and saw what happened.... In my baby blue running shorts!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never wanted to come back again.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Boners. Spontaneous boners. Sooo embarrasing.

    Wouldn't be a problem if you stayed out of her yoga classes VVV
    I was in a yoga classes and we were doing modified donkey kicks where you kick both legs up into the air at the same time and support your body weight on your hands... I'm thinking, this is easy, no worries... I get about 3 kicks in and my boobs popped right outta my sports bra and tank top.

    Needless to say I invested in a tighter sports bra... and a T-shirt.

  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    When I first started attending the studio classes at my gym one of the classes I attended was a circuit training session and one of the exercises called for me to sit bouncing on an exercise ball while pushing my pelvic bone forward mid-bounce to move myself & the ball across the room, going back and forth... Well I made it about 3 quarters of the way (thoroughly impressed with my pace and the fact that it looked like a lot of the other people were struggling) when my dang exercise ball suddenly burst and I land flat on my butt, leaving me thoroughly embarrassed!