Loving this so far.....

I just wanted to say that so far I am really loving MFP.......just curious to know is it really going to work as long as you stay below your calories...does your calories go down as you lose weight? just excited to know that have logged most all of my food each and every day....I am sure I may have missed one or two things along the way....but doing 100 % better than I was....going to write down...to make sure I don't forget anything....I love all the support on here....if anybody needs support add me....would love extra support as well...:smile:


  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    Hello sappy - yes, your calorie allowance will go down as you lose weight. And yes, it will work if you keep to the calories given. Try not ot be under too often or your metabolism will slow. I think writing it down is key, and I love the phone app which helps me do that on the move.

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