Question for people who run...



  • AnnaMarie456
    AnnaMarie456 Posts: 13 Member
    Try running outside and with music. I run an outdoor trail that is 3 miles long. I just make myself keep running until I make it back to my car. If you are not ready for that you can always set a particular location to run to without stopping, even in your neighborhood. I find that running outside is much more enjoyable than running on a treadmill. Fun music helps also!!

    OR maybe you could set up a TV in front of the treadmill...just say you are going to run until your show is over. I've tried that also and it helps keep your mind off the run.
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    Can I ask you how much you weigh now that you've lost weight and running has gotten easier for you? I started to run, but I know that being overweight (190lbs at 5'7) makes it harder. Just wondering about how much I need to lose before running doesn't suck as much!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I agree with the posters that suggest slowing down and adding distance as you go. I also agree with C25K because it works for so many people (myself included). To run 4 miles at your speed, slow down; take some walk breaks when you reach your max and then run more; add more distance (of only running) to your workout. To explain that last one... run for 30 minutes and make it to 2 miles, walk for 2 or 3 minutes and then run .5/1 more miles. then work on shortening the walk break until you can run 3 miles straight :wink:
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    Everyone has great advice. I want to agree with getting outside. The treadmill run is totally different than outside and if you don't get outside and do some training you may not like race day. : )

    As far increasing your speed, just add a few minutes each day. I am only 5'3" and I run at 6 to 6.5 mph for 60 minutes at a time some days. It just takes time to get there.

    You can do it!
  • dodson169
    Google the Galloway method for interval training. There are lots of training schedules out there for different distances. I am doing interval training for a half marathon and as long as I stick to the training schedule, my distance gets better each time with no substantial set backs so far.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    When I started running I did the Galloway method of run a minute walk a minute. When I started getting to the point where I could run a mile or more I hade to froce myself to slow down. Once I slowed down and got a confrotable speed I was able to add distance and over time I started building my speed into my distance. When you run, go at a speed that you can speak a complete sentence with out running out of breath. I found I run one or two notices too high on the dreadmill. Slow it down some and remeber: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Can I ask you how much you weigh now that you've lost weight and running has gotten easier for you? I started to run, but I know that being overweight (190lbs at 5'7) makes it harder. Just wondering about how much I need to lose before running doesn't suck as much!

    I'm at 179 now. I've been doing this running, but I've also been doing the Insanity DVD program too. I'm on week 3 of that. You'll get there!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    The hamster wheel can get boring and make you feel like you have to run harder/faster than you want to. Go outside. Go to an indoor track. Run at a comfortable speed for 30 minutes. Then add a few minutes each time.