Besides your body, what els are you self concious about?



  • andreacord
    My nose and my skin if I'm going through a breakout. -.-
  • mary35699
    mary35699 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a massive hugh scar on my stomach, when I born I needed surgery I won't gross anyone out with the details. It was always gross and I was always self conscience of it as I have no belly button, but since I put on weight it looks even worst cause my fat is not spread out even. Theres some on top some on bottom and I got a weird lump bit to the left. So when I wear clothes, I'm always looking to see if you can see it. I wish my parents had it fixed when I was young but they didn't think it was necessary as the doctor told them when I grew the scar would be less noticeable. When I loss weight I am seriously thinking about having it fixed.

    I am also a little dyslexic, so I am always worried about things I write. And my job requires doing a lot of "reports" and summaries and writing requests to go to other offices. So I feel it takes me 3 times as long as anyone else to write something and then read and re-read, edit and spell check. Like when I was writing my first post I tried to write self conscience and it took me to many tries to get it where spell check could figure out what I was trying for so I gave up and replaced it with leery, but I didn't like it so I had to go back and try it again. LOL.
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    My skin, all over (lots of blemishes and scars and stretch marks). My hair (very hard to manage and maintain no matter the cut or style). My height at times (5' 10"). The clothes & shoes I wear (definitely not a fashionista here, I have no idea what looks good on me or what things go together).
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I guess starting today I am self-conscious about the way I dress!!

    I used to have an office job, which I dressed appropriately for, but I've never been a fashionista. I'm now back in school, about to graduate, and my teacher indirectly told me that I need to make an effort to look nice during my job interviews.

    No *kitten*, Sherlock!? I wear jogging pants to class because I RUN between classes, I wasn't planning on wearing my flannel shirt and ponytail to an INTERVIEW. Frustrating, since some of my classmates wear hot pink sweatpants and DON'T work out.
  • xxLauraSxx
    My nose :(
  • gloriashaped
    Hate my nose! If I had the $ I'd get it fixed. Makes my profile horrible.
  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    My teeth :(
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    girl i know!!!!!!! i have the same problem!!!
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    sorry, double post
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    The fact that I'm balding and my beard is 50% gray already, and I'm not even 32 yet. :sad:

    Damn family genetics!

    So I keep my head and beard clean shaven now, and I HATE shaving.

    little secret -- that salt and pepper hair is sexy!

    I completely agree. My husband is 31 and starting to get a few greys and it's very sexy.
  • tataliciousd89
    My teeth for sure. Had braces for 3 years, then they tell me to get my wisdom teeth out after. Yeah like a broke *kitten* college student like me has 2 thousand dollars to just throw out for that. Now they look just as bad as they started out as. Oh well, I'll fix them when I graduate.
  • nikolaim5
    For the acne sufferers, Accutane was amazing. Dry skin, eyes, and joints for 6 months but it basically cured my acne.
  • chris10leigh
    The fact that I'm balding and my beard is 50% gray already, and I'm not even 32 yet. :sad:

    Damn family genetics!

    So I keep my head and beard clean shaven now, and I HATE shaving.

    little secret -- that salt and pepper hair is sexy!

    you got that right girl!
  • Everyone on here is stunning. You are all so brave to admitt your concerns. But judging by some of your profile pics, your all just beautiful no matter how Nitty Gritty you get :)

    I have issues with scars on the shoulders, back, wrists, and legs. Some from Acne, some from operations, some from everyday nonsence. But I get quite self concious about them. Especially when at the beach or something.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    I like the whites of my eyes to be perfectly white.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    If you have acne, eliminate all dairy from your diet!
  • WinterBlue
    If you have acne, eliminate all dairy from your diet!'s called an anti-inflammatory diet. or find natural herbs or sups that combat inflammation.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Everything. I over think a lot.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I was the youngest of 8 kids, so needless to say, I got left out of a lot of stuff, and when everyone was joking around and I finally put my two cents in, the reaction was always "oh, you're still on that. beating a dead horse, etc.".
    My one sister used to joke about how the other kids found me in a ditch and mom let them keep me. I knew she was joking.
    Between that and a horrible misunderstanding between a friend and another girl in school, I was bullied for two years,
    and now, having moved quite a few times, I'm really self-conscious about making new friends, and wondering, "Do they actually enjoy hanging out with me or are they just trying to be nice?"

    A friend of mine knew I was having a really bad day with the kids today, and she got on the phone with a couple of gals and planned a girls night out on Saturday, to cheer me up. I'm actually starting to believe that this move was a good thing, and that I am actually making friends that will last for years to come.
  • cotso
    cotso Posts: 86
    hair is turning grey on the sides!!! im 26, not cool man, not cool...