How did YOUR day start....



  • Sklahsen
    Sklahsen Posts: 76 Member
    A crying baby and a pot of crappy coffee. The usual.

    Sounds like my day! I also have a three year old with way too much energy that early in the morning! Once the baby was down for her nap I did 30 day shred.
  • BriskaPacojame
    Sinus cold and no motivation, but I'm sticking with it. Although, I think this cold is winning. I'm going home and back to bed :(
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Woke up late...rushing around in a blur. Upset tummy making coffee a bad idea.....sitting at work on a cloudy dreary day wishing I could go home and sleep all day. Craptastic morning. Hooray.
  • chuwe
    chuwe Posts: 1
    not bad ... friends...and of course MFP :)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I like your attitude! Mine is starting with a drive with hubby where we stop at our favorite coffee stand for a no sugar added, fat free mocha, then take a drive in an area where we usually see eagles and elk and gorgeous scenery (Snoqualmie Valley in WA. state), then back home for breakfast followed by chores and work..

    Beautiful!.. I lived in WA for 5 years and loved it!
  • Queenb62303
    15 minute stationary bike ride...and a slim fast :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    my morning started off with a coughing child and child with an earache, my eyes all red and puffy looking like they have pink eye (i think i am allergic to the mascara i have been using for the last 3 days), the milk had gone sour so no cereal for breakfast and dropping my boys off 2 hours late to school after taking them to the doctor. ick! i am so thankful i have yoga later this morning because i know i'll feel refreshed afterward.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My day started being awakend by two teen girls fighting over the bathroom. I got up when I heard shoving. My husband stormed up the stairs to put an end to it. And I'm a little hung over from a bit too much wine last night. :drinker: :blushing:
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese and 3 banquet turkey sausages :)
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    I rolled out of bed at 5am and went to the gym for some cardio, cam back home and fell asleep. Whoops...
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Got kids and hubby out the door; then worked out with Shawn T for Insanity-Core Cardio & Balance, jumped on the scale to see i lost a pound :) Then shower, special k cereal, and out the door to work. It's going to be a great day. 4 quick miles to bust out tonight with hubby in our training for a half marathon.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    My day started at 10:30 last night when my almost 3 yr old woke up vomiting! He was up vomiting almost every 30 mins until 5am, he finally went to sleep and was back up at 7am, and still vomiting! And this is his first flu, so he does not know to vomit in the toilet, so I am going through towels like you wouldn't believe! I have mopped my floor, 15+ times in the last 15 hours. I am exhausted! Not a great day! Hoping to take a nap today when he does, if he does! :sick:
  • jennabellaxoxo
    jennabellaxoxo Posts: 232 Member
    Ummmm..where to begin...4 lbs up from a weekend off the food and beverage wagon...followed by rushing around to get ready, topped off with a choc/butterscotch/PB protein shake..yum (best part so far)!! and off to work I went with three screaming kids in the back seat! work out tonight! lol!
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    It is right now with a yogurt and MFP
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Sweet, sweet bowel evacuation.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I was woken by a call, saying that i didnt get the job i had an interview for..
    I then went for my morning wee and found out i have cystitis, (where you pee acid).
    My fiance then found out he has to travel across the country for work for a few days..

    So yeh, today started Really bad..
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    With some fiber one. Now I can't stop farting. Totally dutch ovened my office
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    Sinus cold and no motivation, but I'm sticking with it. Although, I think this cold is winning. I'm going home and back to bed :(

    I kicked my Sinus cold with a nasal rinse! Took 3 days and it went from thick and yucky to clear which got rid of my headache and sore throat.
  • minnie84
    minnie84 Posts: 68 Member
    mine started with a dash to the shop hr of physio then to work grab some breaky and start work roll on 7pm xx
  • Kmarr32010
    Kmarr32010 Posts: 244 Member
    Mine started out having to clean my son's bed and his pj's and get him in the shower because he's caught that nasty stomach bug that's going around. Yuck. Praying he's feeling better tomorrow.