Awkward starving day with the inlaws yesterday:(

Yesterday, we went to visit 3 different inlaws in 3 different cities. I started the day with a VI shake and the plan was to go out for lunch in one of the cities and then go to my Mother in laws for dinner. We arrived at house #1 about 2 hours after drinking my shake and we stayed there about 2 hours. About an hour in, I started to get hungry. We were offered a huge platter of cookies from Subway to snack on. This relative is battling cancer and having a really rough time. I said no thank you to the cookies and left it at that. When we left, my husband and I both were hungry and headed for the next town looking very forward to going out for lunch. We arrove at house #2 just over an hour later, so now it is 5 hours since I had anything to eat. We walked in to find this relative laying in bed (this relative also just got over cancer and is in an assisted living building). She quickly got up, but was not up for going for lunch:( She then offered up some cheezies, chips, cookies and crackers. Again, I just couldn't bring myself to eat this food. We stayed there for 2 hours. Upon leaving, my 6 month old started melting down and had a MAJOR screaming fit. We struggled to the car and headed to house #3. I was so starving that I was shaking! We arrove at house #3 about an hour an a half its been 9 hours since eating and I just feel sick. This was my Mother in Laws house and she was just making dinner. We both said we were famished, but she said don't eat, dinner is almost hour later and our dinner was finally done.....It was breaded pork chops covered in gravy, giant home fries, scalloped potatoes and a small amount of broccoli....not exactly the kind of food I have been eating. I took one chop, 3 fries and as much broccoli I could without looking like an idiot. I ate up and was definatly still starving after the meal.....not a nice feeling:( Everyone including my husband in this family are naturally thin and when I mentioned that I had lost 42 pounds and was dieting they all didn't really react. They don't get it...In fact, when I said no to a Pepsi their comment was" one pepsi isn't gonna make a difference" It was pretty frustrating and I am very Thankful to have MFP to vent!!


  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Always be prepared! I usually have a protein bar or a scoop of protein powder in a small container just in case. Just an idea for the future :)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I would have been ALL OVER my mother in law's dinner! It sounds fabulous!

    My mother in law doesn't cook though, she likes me to cook for her instead lol. It's not like it's every day. You should have just enjoyed dinner (in moderation) at mom in law's. :heart: When i'm at a relative's house, (which is very rare but anyway) I try to eat in moderation but I don't mention that i'm trying to lose weight or anything. I just try to be polite and find something to eat out of whatever's offered. (If it's a homecooked meal you can bet I would enjoy it.) I don't like to bring attention to myself by talking about trying to lose weight and stuff. It makes me feel awkward. Not all people feel that way though...after losing 42 pounds i'm sure you are really proud and want to share. :flowerforyou: Next time you all have a long day planned out of the house maybe you could take some healthy snacks in a small cooler in the car just in case.
  • Lucyk00
    Lucyk00 Posts: 63 Member
    Ugh, that's rough! That kind of stuff happens to me every time I go to my mom's. I'm learning I just need to pack a snack or two, also. It also pisses me off when people think I'm staving myself on purpose just b.c I don't want the fried foods and sweets.
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    Throw a granola bar or a protein shake in your bag. I would have taken a cookie and a few crackers. It's all about moderation after all, right. You were probably way under your calorie goal for the day and a cookie or two wouldn't have hurt. Or even an extra delcious sounding home fry!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Most families don't understand it. They are ashamed of themselves as well.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    It's called life! It's a good idea to pack snacks like a protein bar or fruit, but mom-in-law's dinner would not have done any damage if you just ate until you were satisfied and not hungry anymore...You spend the whole day without any calories going in, and you will definitely not pick up any weight if you just ate until you were satisfied.....
    please be carefull to not damage yourself by being afraid of food....
    And I tend to agree with them, one Pepsi was NOT going to make a difference here....
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I would have eaten the food offered by #2. And if not, I would have stopped for food after leaving there. One meal of junk food is not going to hinder your weight loss, and it's a lot better than feeling sick.

    And since you didn't eat anything all day, I really don't know why you didn't eat plenty of food at #3. I'm sure you had the calories left for it.
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    I totally understand. I definitely have the same problem with some of my in-laws, and even my own family! I follow the South Beach plan, and it works really well for me. I also would not have been partaking of any of those things you were offered and refused - including the breaded chops! I've survived several awkward moments as a result, but every time stand my ground. My health and weight-loss is just that important to me - and yes, even one day and even one Pepsi does not feel worth it to me! As others have suggested, I have learned to pack some appropriate snacks whenever we visit them - nuts, protein bar, fruit that does not need refrigerated. I also always offer to bring a side so that I know there will be SOMETHING there I can eat - even if we just stop and pick up a veggie tray at the store on the way! Also, most gas stations, while loaded with crappy snacks, often carry some kind of protein bar, or skim milk, or even jerky that wouldn't be terrible to consume. Certainly better than cookies!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    You have lots of will power!! keep up the good work :happy:
  • jojosherm
    I keep a handful of natural almonds in the car.....or I throw a 100 calorie snack in my purse to just to hold me over.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    And I tend to agree with them, one Pepsi was NOT going to make a difference here....

    Well it depends. No, one pepsi isn't going to make a huge difference. Unless you're like me, and you have almost a literal addiction to soda. One coke *will* cause me to fall of the wagon. One coke will lead to another and the next thing I know I'm drinking it every day. I know that there are "bad" foods thatI can still eat once in awhile and be fine, but sugared soda is not one of them. It's a very slippery slope for me, so it might be that way for the OP as well.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Sounds like a rough day - generally I keep a protein bar or some sort of snack in my purse. You never know when/where you'll get held up!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I agree with everyone above...............don't make yourself sick.............just eat, say thanks and be on your way.......most people don't care if we lose weight and most will try to hinder the weight loss............good luck to you for next time:bigsmile:
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I was hungry just reading this!!! I get so crabby when I don't eat!! I think you handle the situation well :)
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    As far as denying food that someone offers, it's all about choosing your battles. Is it worth it to come off as rude or starting drama?

    I don't expect anyone to care that I'm trying to lose weight. Doing so, and then not getting the reaction you want, will only cause disappointment. Plan ahead next time, or eat what you can. One day of not eating ideally (including a Pepsi) is not going to undo months of work.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    :( OK..... I'm going to be the mean one here.... but with all the "driving time".... If i was that STARVING I would have hit a grocery store, a conveneince store or even a gas station .... I'm sorry I just can't see why you didn't think of that
  • determined136
    I totally understand! When I go to my dads house everything is fried, covered in gravy and not good for you. I have learned to pack what I need to eat. Just keep healthly snacks available all the time so that you don't derail. I am much like you... I would rather go without than have something that is not good for you! Next time you will be ready!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I hope you let your son have some snacks along the way!!
  • 1RBelle512
    1RBelle512 Posts: 53 Member
    Oh man, that is so awful! I've been there, too, with the politely refusing cookies and soda and eating ALL THE VEGETABLES as soon as they're served. It is tough, especially with family and while traveling, but try to keep a snack handy that will keep you from shaking and that you won't feel bad about eating! It's better to have something in your stomach than to press your willpower so far. I've done 40 lbs too, and I've found Kashi's TLC bars, especially the honey almond flax, were just enough to keep me going and didn't wreck my calorie count for the day.

    Best of luck, and hope today is much much happier for you!
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    You do have a lot of willpower and I applaud your efforts. However, I don't think you were doing yourself any favors by not eating anything that was offered to you. A cookie or a few crackers at houses 1 and 2 wouldn't completely undo your diet and would have helped with the feeling sick.
    I completely hear you on the in-law food thing, though. My MIL cooks like that ALL THE TIME, but none of them are naturally thin...anyway, I try just to make room for that when I know we are going and take sensible portions. It isn't always easy, and I don't always manage to eat as sensibly as I would like, but I'm trying.