Awkward starving day with the inlaws yesterday:(



  • cnhanson
    Aw that is a totally crappy day! I agree with other posters here about taking snacks. I can't even go to the park without packing carrot sticks, granola bars, a muffin, an apple haha My husband teases me about it but he's happy when he gets hungry and I have food. That sick shaky feeling from not eating is awful!
    And relatives! haha well they usually mean well. My grandma is forever on a diet (but never really loses weight), when I go to her house she's usually like, "I made low fat trifle, and low fat gravy and mashed potatoes and chicken and and and..." I just smile and say it looks lovely. Eat a little and go back to my plan the next day.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Sorry, don't have a huge amount of sympathy. Ok, I know to keep a snack bar (healthy one) in my purse at all times. You went from house to house to house without stopping anywhere for 15 min for some food? Who's fault is that? And having a small bit of bad food isn't going to kill you, however if your stomach can't handle it, you should have grabbed something. And I agree with some of the other posters, after an entire day with no food, you could have had a decent portion of pretty much everything at dinner and still be under your calories. Don't kill yourself for worrying. So maybe you go over one day, it is not the end of the world!
  • shamrockbride
    Thanks for the replies. First of all, my son ate all day because I did pack food for him. Second, I am not eating sugar so one pepsi would have not been good for me at all. I had Gestational Diabetes 6 months ago and have not eaten much sugar for about a year. I did not rudely refuse the food. The plates were put out and I did not take anything from them. We did have a plan to go out for lunch, which failed so I definatly learned something here. I will pack snacks. As for stopping at the store. We were in the middle of nowhere, and when we left house #2 my son was screaming so stopping at a store was just not in cards. Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and for those negative comments, I think the old saying of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! Especially on a support group board! good lord:P
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Infants usually eat every 2-3 hours. He was probably hungry. I'm 29 and I still throw fits when I'm hungry, so I can't say I blame him.
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and for those negative comments, I think the old saying of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! Especially on a support group board! good lord:P
    Yes, god forbid folks provide some constructive criticism.

    Keep in mind that many replies were made without the benefit of the info omitted in the original post. :flowerforyou:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    :( OK..... I'm going to be the mean one here.... but with all the "driving time".... If i was that STARVING I would have hit a grocery store, a conveneince store or even a gas station .... I'm sorry I just can't see why you didn't think of that


    I always am prepared, even for long days running errands or at work, I take snacks and if I'm eating out I already have an idea of what I'm going to order. Even if it's on the fly, it's not that hard to figure out what would be the most food for my calorie "buck".

    It's life, you just have to make the most of it, even in stressful or not ideal situations. But waiting that long until you're shaking and starving I think is worse compared to eating some cheese/crackers. Hell you probably would've been fine eating a really lavish dinner because I'm sure you were short on calories from starving all day.
  • shamrockbride
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Thanks for the replies. First of all, my son ate all day because I did pack food for him. Second, I am not eating sugar so one pepsi would have not been good for me at all. I had Gestational Diabetes 6 months ago and have not eaten much sugar for about a year. I did not rudely refuse the food. The plates were put out and I did not take anything from them. We did have a plan to go out for lunch, which failed so I definatly learned something here. I will pack snacks. As for stopping at the store. We were in the middle of nowhere, and when we left house #2 my son was screaming so stopping at a store was just not in cards. Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and for those negative comments, I think the old saying of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! Especially on a support group board! good lord:P

    Next time, if your son is screaming, you could leave him in the car with dad and go in the store alone-or even just drag cranky baby with you if you have to for a quick run in and out :smile: When my littlest was born, I had 2 toddlers and an infant. I was a single mom with no car-if i had to go to the store for food, so be it. Luckily my kids were pretty good, but there were a couple of times I just had to deal with a cranky baby and/or toddler while I picked up some food for our household. It happens. It's nothing to stress about, though. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: OP, I don't think anyone is trying to be "mean". I think there are genuine concerns over what is perceived as you seeing food as the "enemy"-as in, you were offered some food choices, but you chose to not eat at all because those food choices were not ideal. This is a lifestyle change and sometimes there are obstacles in our way-and we can't just expect everyone else to cater to us or plan their meals around our weight loss. We need to be equipped to make the best choices possible when faced with those situations-we can't just not eat every time something comes up.

    FWIW, I wouldn't have had the Pepsi, either. I don't usually drink soda. I would have thoroughly enjoyed the dinner at your mom in law's though. There are so many older relatives in my family that are gone now and i'd love to sit down and enjoy one of their home cooked meals again. As others pointed out, after going so low cal for the day, mom in law's meal wouldn't have hurt you.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I would have had one cookie - hold me to the next time - eye measure some of the snacks on the second house - and gone for 2 pork chops in the third house (knowing that protein at least for me is more fulfilling)... there is no possible way I would allow myself to feel sick because of what was being offered was not my choice.

    I hear everyone complaining about someone else stating "one isn't going to hurt you" - truth is one isn't going to hurt you - not if you place it on your diary and counted for what it is. There is good fuel and there is bad fuel - but not fueling up at all is worse than the bad...
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and for those negative comments, I think the old saying of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! Especially on a support group board! good lord:P
    Yes, god forbid folks provide some constructive criticism.

    Keep in mind that many replies were made without the benefit of the info omitted in the original post. :flowerforyou:

    I agree. The day sucked, and hopefully you and everyone who reads this post will learn from it. Planning and snacks are good!

    Personally, I wasn't being negative, I was being honest, I've always had trouble with hunger and I literally can't take not eating for X time and so thought you were being silly. Not negative, just honest.
  • shamrockbride
    I twice said that I packed food for him and he ate constantly...I guess this is my first and last post on here!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    I twice said that I packed food for him and he ate constantly...I guess this is my first and last post on here!
    I only saw the one mention of the kid's food, and it came later in the thread, which explains the questions about it.

    Folks are providing suggestions and constructive criticism. No need to take it personally. :flowerforyou:
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    there is a hand full of friends of mine that i go visit knowing darn well im not going to eat anything healthy there ..i have made it a habit to never leave my house without food. i have a mini lunch box and i put in fruit, healthy meal, proteiin shake and any snacks i feel i might need in case of an emergency. my friends know im going to most likely bring my own your case i woudve chowed out in the car and then gracefully refuse whats offered at the homes you visit. most people do not understand healthy eating .. you can always bring a dish or a healthy snack to the house you are visiting..most thats going to happen is they wont eat it and so what- because you will
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Come on guys, the kid is like 6 months old. I'm sure she had a diaper bag with her for a long trip like that. Bringing up the baby doesn't even have anything to do with the original post.
  • shamrockbride
    My child had food! Not sure why this is even a topic on here, nothing to do with my post. I will never post again on here and you have given me a very negative feeling about this website!
  • shamrockbride
    Come on guys, the kid is like 6 months old. I'm sure she had a diaper bag with her for a long trip like that. Bringing up the baby doesn't even have anything to do with the original post.

    Thank you for this, this is a crazy place!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    My child had food! Not sure why this is even a topic on here, nothing to do with my post. I will never post again on here and you have given me a very negative feeling about this website!

    I don't think you should let one thread deter you... :flowerforyou: People really were trying to help you by giving you some suggestions on how to handle this if it happens again...
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I say kudos to you for sticking to your principles! As long as your baby got the food he needed, it's really not going to kill you to miss a meal here or there. Clearly, you realized the value of planning ahead (just in case) and how bringing some healthy snacks for yourself and your hubby would have made a big difference. It doesn't sound like you were rude to any of your relatives.

    Better days lie ahead.
  • shamrockbride
    Constructive critism is one thing. Accusing me of not feeding my son and calling me names is another. I will always pack a snack, thank you for those suggestions
  • shamrockbride
    I say kudos to you for sticking to your principles! As long as your baby got the food he needed, it's really not going to kill you to miss a meal here or there. Clearly, you realized the value of planning ahead (just in case) and how bringing some healthy snacks for yourself and your hubby would have made a big difference. It doesn't sound like you were rude to any of your relatives.

    Better days lie ahead.

    Thank you for your kind words:)