lean cuisines: actually OK for you?



  • I don't touch them - way too high in sodium for my liking.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I eat them a lot to include healthy choice meals. I do this because I have 3 kiddos under 3...then when I finally get a "break" I grab one of those and pop them in the microwave. I try to eat some veggies on the side and plenty of water. Personally they haven't affected me since I've lost 80+...its all about how much you eat :drinker:
  • MrsWayneWV
    MrsWayneWV Posts: 18 Member
    I used to eat them all the time...this is why I stopped.

    1) High in sodium-- doesn't really matter all that much except I don't like feeling bloated.
    2) Didn't fill me up-- 200 calories of any frozen dinner will hardly hold me up for more than an hour. 200 calories of fresh fruits, vegetables, and a lean meat will keep me full and satisfied for at least 3 hours.

    Overall, as long as you maintain a caloric deficit I don't think it matters much (in terms of weight loss). However, I find that I'm hungrier when I eat them and that alone makes me too irritable :)

    When I find myself getting hungry too early, I look back at what I ate and 9/10 I didn't have enough protein. For me, I need higher protein, fiber/roughage doesn't cut it. I get a fuller feeling, that lasts longer, from a boiled egg than serving of Fiber One cereal.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    They are great for portion control - but don't have everything so add a side salad and drink lots of extra water on the days you do eat them.

    Yes, they are processed, but this is a whole lifestyle change you are making and if it is not an easy transition you will likely quit, so start with small changes - portion control first - which Lean cuisine or any of the others assist with - then go to the other areas like making them yourself.

    I believe there is a brand called Amy's which is all organic - if you can handle the price tag then the sodium is better. So are the healthy choices. Look around - and choose the direction you want to go
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    They're not organic.
    And as others have said, they're a processed food which means they're full of chemicals and preservatives.

    Personally, I wouldn't touch frozen meals.

    everyone I've bought has a 'no preservatives' label on it.
  • debloves2ride
    I eat a frozen lunch probably twice a week - I was eating lean cuisine, but switched to the cafe steamers by healthy choice. close to the same calories, but less sodium (not much but some).
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    The sodium scares the crap out of me

    ^^^^THIS^^^^ So high in sodium!
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    I've eaten them just about every day during the work week for lunch for the past 450 days... they haven't had any adverse effect on me. Sure, they're a little higher in sodium, but there's nothing stopping me from cutting out additional sodium the rest of the day -- and I'm under my sodium macros about 99% of the time.

    To each their own, I suppose...
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    Like everything else.... moderation.......

    I agree. I'm eating them now due to the stressful week ahead. If not for that I wouldn't be eating. I drink lots of water each day hopefully that will flush the sodium.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I keep a lean cuisine on hand at work, in case I forget my lunch one day-otherwise I end up buying fast food.

    .. and through the Lean cuisine points, I got a free lunch bag.

    Home cooked & fresh food are always better, but Lean Cuisine is not bad on the fly.
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I eat them all week at work and love them.

    I usually add some extra protein to mine. A lot of people don't like them because of the sodium but it doesn't affect me.
  • msmellebelle
    I agree with the above posters. i used to eat them everyday...kind of went for a do your own jenny craig approach. it tasted good (with all the sodium, what wouldn't!?) but i would be hungry within 3 hours. Not just like a little twinge of hunger either, i would be starving. they are good grab and goes when you are running super late, but i would recommend doing it very often.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    They are high in sodium, but I make sure to drink enough water and even with eating one for lunch during the day, I have my breakfast and dinner homemade and I'm nowhere near my sodium limit, like ever. I think it's a lot of fearmongering. I try to pick the tv dinners that are preservative-free; Lean Cuisine has quite a few of them out now that are pretty tasty. I also eat mine with a vegetable every time, even if the meal has them in it.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've eaten them just about every day during the work week for lunch for the past 450 days... they haven't had any adverse effect on me. Sure, they're a little higher in sodium, but there's nothing stopping me from cutting out additional sodium the rest of the day -- and I'm under my sodium macros about 99% of the time.

    To each their own, I suppose...

    ^ This
  • apena_06
    I eat the Smartones almost daily and true they are high in sodium but I don't get much sodium in my diet elsewhere so it's not a big issue for me. Since I have a good breakfast and a snack in the afternoon the portion sizes seem to be just right for me also. If you have a lot of sodium in your dinner and breakfast I'd say do frozen dinners sparingly and not daily.
  • magnum6
    magnum6 Posts: 18
    I just use them as a backup plan. The best choice is always unprocessed, whole foods. Sometimes, though, I just don't have time to prepare a whole foods meal - or sometimes I just don't have anything on hand because I didn't restock. Most often, the scenario that leads to bad food choices for me is a lack of options. I try to keep a dozen or so Healthy Choice meals in the freezer so that I never have an excuse to justify reaching for that junk food. On particularly crazy weeks, I may eat them 4-5 times. I try not to depend on them, but they are miles better than eating junk.

    So, if eating Healthy Choice meals keeps you on plan - then stick with it. We often torpedo our best laid plans because we use a huge amount of energy trying to make perfect choices rather than the best choices in the moment.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    My issue isn't with the sodium-- I just don't like them. At all. They don't taste like food to me and there aren't nearly enough vegetables involved.

    I'll occasionally eat an Amy's or Trader Joe's frozen meal. Some of them are remarkably similar to what I'd make from scratch, and they don't have all the preservatives. I've never checked, but they're probably lower in sodium as well.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I use them once in a while.......yes sodium is high in any of the frozen meals, however I spoke with my Cardiologist and he told me if the sodium is 600 or below then that should be fine since he wants me to watch that intake. So I look at how much is in what I want to eat if it is over then I put it back..............guess it is not worth it for me.....lol

    Good luck...........hope this helped you a little
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    My issue isn't with the sodium-- I just don't like them. At all. They don't taste like food to me and there aren't nearly enough vegetables involved.

    I'll occasionally eat an Amy's or Trader Joe's frozen meal. Some of them are remarkably similar to what I'd make from scratch, and they don't have all the preservatives. I've never checked, but they're probably lower in sodium as well.

    Amy's is awesome! I also hate lean cuisines
  • jlcieslak
    jlcieslak Posts: 5 Member
    I track my sodium in my diary and frozen meals (Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones) are always the highest in sodium, unless I splurge and have fast food.

    According to the Mayo Clinic web site, "The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day — or 1,500 mg if you're age 51 or older, or if you are black, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease."

    If you have more than one frozen meal a day, that 1500 (or 2300) comes up pretty quickly!