Tips on how to break the coffee caffeine habit.



  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    While I don't drink nearly as much as you do (I drink about 1 1/2 Cups in the a.m) I could NEVER give it up... Maybe u could taper off alittle at a time?
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I didn't give up, but I did cut back.

    I started out by alternating a cup of coffee with a glass of water. (So for each cup of coffee I drank, I drank a glass of water. I started out with hot water with lemon/ginger in it, but now I drink plain cold water).

    I was drinking 6-8 cups a day, so that cut out half of the coffee, and from there I dropped it down until now I just have one in the morning.

    I now have one Latte in the morning at work, and drink water the rest of the day. Sometimes I'll have another in the afternoon, but that's all. Just the two a day.

    My trainer tried to get me to stop even the one a day, but I refused. I count it in my calorie limit.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    am wondering why you need to give it up? its not the coffee thats bad, but what you put in it... stay away from sugar, flavors and fatty milks you will be FINE!
  • As a happy coffee addict, I recommend keeping this vice. There have been several studies recently that show some health benefits to daily coffee. And they all seem to find that you need to drink a LOT of coffee to have those results. I only drink 1-2 cups a day, but I see nothing wrong with drinking more. Unless, of course, you are putting a lot of calories into those cups through sugar and cream. (I do, which is why I keep it to 1-2 cups a day.)

    Oh the bro-science in this post... If OP if having withdrawal symptoms it means her body is addicted. I am 100% that any addiction is unhealthy. If you don't believe me ask your doctor. Please stop encouraging addictive behaviors.
    Never quoted before, so hope I'm not screwing it up entirely. But this isn't "bro-science." It's science.
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