


  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    I ate chinese food this weekend and gained 5 pounds! All I had was a cup of hot and sour soup and some pork chow mein...I NEVER thought eating that would make me gain 5 pounds overnight. I have drank a ton of water the past few days but I am still up this morning :(

    I ate at a pizza buffet Saturday, Monday I was 4 lbs up. It's always like that, especially with pizza and chinese!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    That seems unreal! What else did you eat?

    We were running around that day so I had oatmeal at home before we left, taco bell fresco taco for lunch with a diet coke and then that for dinner.

    Thinking about it now I do remember eating chinese food when I was pregnant with my first son, I gained 4 pounds in a week and my midwife flipped out. The next week I was back down those 4 pounds so maybe it is just taking a while to get the water weight off of me. I really hope that is the case!

    Too much sodium! Not enough potassium. You get potassium from fruits and vegetables.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Mostly water retention. Just keep drinking water, it will come off in a few days.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    It's just water weight. Any time you eat a calorie surplus, you're body is going to stock-up on glycogen. Glycogen carries water with it. Sooo... that's it. That's all those 5lbs are. They'll be gone in a few days, I promise. Just get back on track with your diet and you'll be good.
  • willidewbaby
    willidewbaby Posts: 26 Member
    Don't weigh yourself everyday either, it will drive you insane with water weight.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    That happened to me too!!! I had one day where I had some junk food (really some, not a lot at all.) and BOOM, 5 extra pounds! So weird. I have no idea how that works.
  • kristinraynor
    Haha thats what always happens to me. I'm going to blame the alcohol... and BBQ's... I should probably cut those out. oh well. I run so I can eat. :)
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Our weight fluctuates so often and for a variety of reasons, so try limiting yourself to weighing once a week, first thing after your first *ahem* bowel movement and before you've eaten or drank anything.

    I seriously doubt you gained 5lb of fat overnight. 5lb of water weight, sure. As people have been saying on here, Chinese food contains insane amounts of sodium and such. Drink plenty of water and get back on the proverbial horse eating and exercise-wise. It'll drop back off again in no time.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I ate chinese food this weekend and gained 5 pounds! All I had was a cup of hot and sour soup and some pork chow mein...I NEVER thought eating that would make me gain 5 pounds overnight. I have drank a ton of water the past few days but I am still up this morning :(

    You didn't eat 17000 calories in Chinese food. It's water weight. It will go away, but it may take a week or so to flush depending on many variables.
  • ttrotter1960
    Chinese food is very high in salt. Salt is composed of Sodium and Sodium in human cells is reponsible for retaining water inside of the cell membrane (remember osmosis). Two primary things are happening here and one is not. First is that you did not gain 5 pounds of fat. That would be impossible because it requires that you store 3500 calories to gain a pound of fat. That entire meal did not equal 3500 calories let alone the 17500 calories required for 5 pounds. And by the way, you don't store every calorie you eat. Some of it is burned off and some of it simply is excreted as undigested food. So most of the weight is from water and the rest is sitting inside your intestines.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Don't weigh yourself everyday either, it will drive you insane with water weight.

    I agree totally! I use to never weight myself and found I gained 30 pounds of my 20 lost due to lack of food control and exercise, now I weigh myself too many times during the day to see what I just ate that caused the .2 ounce gain. :grumble: This is generally just after a healthy dinner too, I have to realize weight fluctuates and focus on bigger numbers once a week or 2.
  • ttrotter1960
    Wow . . . I just finished reading many of these posts and there appears to be a great amount of misunderstanding about this so here goes . . . .

    A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds - pretty heavy stuff really and most of us drink at least half a gallon a day plus the weight of the food we eat. All human bodies and this is especially true of women, regulate how much water it retains for metabolic functions, lubrication, etc. This process is controlled by hormones that control cellular membrane permeability to Sodium. Sodium is hydrophilic meaning it attracts water. If the cell brings sodium into the cell water will come with it. TADA . . water retention. Ladies, have you ever had that monthly BLOATED feeling? The human body is sensitive to it's hydration level and current hydration needs. It will flip this switch on and off as needed to do what it must do to keep you operating as you should be.

    Don't pay to much attention to daily weighings and watch how much salt you take into your diet.