Jullian michaels.... The biggest winner.. ?



  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I have several of Jillian Michaels' DVDs. The 30 day shred is a little easier than Get Ripped in 30 days. Some of the exercise moves are the same. If you do Get Ripped in 30 first, then the 30 Day Shred will better for you. I catch myself attempting the advance moves on that dvd. With Get Ripped, I don't even think about the advanced person. :laugh:

    Interesting! Maybe I'll be able to tackle an advanced move or two then when I start 30DS next week. I'm on level 4 of Ripped and I watch Basheera (sp?) and very quickly decide to follow Shelly. :)
  • ernurse77
    ernurse77 Posts: 73 Member
    I restarted 30 Day Shred yesterday! I am on day two of the 30DS! I woke up this morning and I felt like I was smaller already. I believe it is my head though! I am also doing an additional 10 minutes of intense cardio after I finish the 30DS. Yesterday it was walking at a 9.0 incline on my treadmill for 10 minutes, today it was running 1 mile in 10 minutes (6 mph). Tomorrow, I don't know what it will be!

    I had previously done the Power 90 series and did really well with loosing inches with that, however, I got REALLY bored with it. I like the fact that the 30 DS is 20ish minutes of intense workout and you feel wasted afterwards.

    Please forgive me if it has been explained, but I didn't read all of the replies to this thread, is 30DS less intense then ripped in 30???
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I have been doing the Jilliam Michaels 30 ripped in 30 days and Killer Buns and Thighs...I definetly get a workout...however, I tend to get dizzy from all the ups and downs....anyone else get dizzy???

    How's the Buns & Thighs work out?? I thought about getting this one to use in rotation with other things after I finish 30 Day Shred. I wanna get my sexy legs back. Decent isn't cutting it anymore.

    Kicks my buns and thights for sure! I couldn't walk for 2 days...
  • daves1grl
    If you feel like you have to potty because of the jumping, you probably could benefit from kegal exercises.
  • fieldsbean
    I am new to the world of weight loss versus inches loss.. i have been working out..and yet my scale acts like i havent been..but i have not had a chance to measure..because i am really worried that if it says i have no difference..i will give up. I have strong, pretty lean lower legs..thighs not too too bad..but this BELLY has GOt to go. and i have broad shoulders so i don't have any sort of nice shape at this point..i just look..off.
    Hoping the inches have moved!! Jillian Michaels, you better be worth the pain! and also- what are your calorie goals per day?
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    I should really get back to these - as I didn't lose weight - but there was DEFINITE definition....

    My shins ALSO hurt like hell. Its the damn jump roping. I switched to just doing jumping jacks anytime I was supposed to do jump roping and my shins stopped hurting. Thought I just was jumping funny - but it would seem that there are A LOT of people with this problem. It just be the combination of different stuff.

    So it's not just me??? I thought maybe it had something to do with me doing the 30DS on thick carpet in my socks.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I am on day 3 of JM 30 day shred..i do get dizzy..and i kind of worry that instead of feeling good when i am done..2 days now I have felt lethargic and very nauseated..wondering if my water intake should be more just prior to it..since she does not let us rest. I really really love Leslie Sansone's DVD's because she walks, but the walking is vigorous, and she brings moves into it that just like Jillian, make the whole body work at once to burn those calories..I may go back to her if this yucky post workout feeling doesnt go away. I am 167 and my goal is 140 by May..I am a slow loser of weight but I do feel i have some new muscles..

    Jillian is a whole lot more intense than Leslie. I love both but you can't compare how much of a workout you get with Jillian. The first time I did Ripped in 30 last Spring I literally went from doing nothing for years to jumping right in and I felt just like you describe for the first few days. I'd lay on the sofa and think I was going to get sick and just feel terrible for the next hour or so. And OMG was I sore. I remember asking the kids to pick things up for me because I couldn't bend over. But, hang in there because you get stronger and these feelings dont last forever. That time I actually made it through the entire four weeks and while they were still really tough the intense soreness and feeling lke I was ill only lasted that first week. And this time through after having already been exercising daily (I was doing Leslie Sansone DVDs for about 9 miles a day before I started this) I don't feel sick at all. Sore a bit yes but in a good way.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    old DVDs are fun! I busted out my Paula Abdul cardio dance DVD yesterday. Be jealous.

    edited to note that it was actually a VHS tape =X
  • StrugglingtoMove
    StrugglingtoMove Posts: 73 Member
    Sad but true, i wear a pad while working out if jumping around.
  • fieldsbean
    our shins kill tooo!!! and when i point my toes my calves just start screaming.. i want results but i am not sure this is too aggressive for me, at least for now..maybe when i lost 20 lbs i will try her again..i love Leslie Sansone..
  • 2hungariangirls
    I've done all Jillian's DVDs and it gets to the point that I have to put her on mute and blast music. I can't stand her. lol

    Hahaha...Her voice is annoying....
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I am new to the world of weight loss versus inches loss.. i have been working out..and yet my scale acts like i havent been..but i have not had a chance to measure..because i am really worried that if it says i have no difference..i will give up. I have strong, pretty lean lower legs..thighs not too too bad..but this BELLY has GOt to go. and i have broad shoulders so i don't have any sort of nice shape at this point..i just look..off.
    Hoping the inches have moved!! Jillian Michaels, you better be worth the pain! and also- what are your calorie goals per day?

    Right now I have my goal set to lose a pound a week which gives me 1560 calories (before exercise). I usually aim to eat around 1200 a day but it varies ...the main thing is that I won't go over except Sundays when I don't exercise and allow myself a bit of a cheat day.
  • MissJennaBelle
    I'm on day 5 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I can definitely tell a difference in my body!! I haven't lost any pounds, but I've lost inches!! Can't wait to see the difference after I've completed the 30 days!

    I've just started Day 1 on Level 2 and boy it was tough! I'm thankful of the change after 10 days at Level 1 but it's going to take me a couple of goes until I can get into the routine and try to ensure good form of the exercises. I'm loving the change in my body, I feel stronger and fitter, have only lost 1lb so far and haven't measured since I started but my stomach feels a little flatter. I'm hoping for good results once I'm finished (in terms of inch loss) and it's inspired me to dig out the rest of my collection. I have the 6 week 6 pack, No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Metbolism dvd's. I started with the shred properly this time and feel like I have the strength to properly tackle the other dvd's or at least have a good go!!
  • Mommy2boys1girl
    Mommy2boys1girl Posts: 33 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for a month now, and I LOVE it. (Wii version). It does make you sweat and it's so fun.

    BUT....I started 30DS yesterday and after doing it twice (today too) I can barely walk. My thighs feel like they're so swollen, my muscles are actually sticking out and I can squat at all.

    So I don't think Zumba tones you as much as 30DS. Because otherwise, I wouldn't be feeling this pain now would I?

    Am I making sense? Just tried to do Zumba there now and can't, thighs are too sore.

    I totally agree on the thighs issue! Did day 2 level one yesterday and could hardly walk the rest of the day! Was a bit better this morning, but decided to change it up a bit with an aerobic dance video for a day. Hopefully this will give my thigh muscles a bit of a break and I can be back at it tomorrow!
  • mattkellett
    in my opinion a huge SELLOUT, she talked all the time on the "Biggest Loser" about thermogenics and not to take them , they are a waste of money, blh, blh, blah. and now some company throws a bunch of cash at her and what does she promote???? anything and everything. I understand making money (trust me I love money) but at what cost!?!?

    I used to be such a fan of her training "style" but now, cant stand the mention of her. great trainer who sold her morals and ideaologies to the DEVIL

    In my opinion.

    take care matt
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I haven't done this set, but I TOTALLY understand dusting off the old workout DVD's...I'm currently doing Yoga Booty Ballet (anyone remeber that one?) and I also like my OLD Slim in 6 set!!!!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I should really get back to these - as I didn't lose weight - but there was DEFINITE definition....

    My shins ALSO hurt like hell. Its the damn jump roping. I switched to just doing jumping jacks anytime I was supposed to do jump roping and my shins stopped hurting. Thought I just was jumping funny - but it would seem that there are A LOT of people with this problem. It just be the combination of different stuff.

    So it's not just me??? I thought maybe it had something to do with me doing the 30DS on thick carpet in my socks.

    Nope, took awhile to build up the muscles in my legs to keep that from happening. Helps to walk often and on uneven terrains, too. Now it's when I run that those muscles hurt.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I restarted 30 Day Shred yesterday! I am on day two of the 30DS! I woke up this morning and I felt like I was smaller already. I believe it is my head though! I am also doing an additional 10 minutes of intense cardio after I finish the 30DS. Yesterday it was walking at a 9.0 incline on my treadmill for 10 minutes, today it was running 1 mile in 10 minutes (6 mph). Tomorrow, I don't know what it will be!

    I had previously done the Power 90 series and did really well with loosing inches with that, however, I got REALLY bored with it. I like the fact that the 30 DS is 20ish minutes of intense workout and you feel wasted afterwards.

    Please forgive me if it has been explained, but I didn't read all of the replies to this thread, is 30DS less intense then ripped in 30???

    I have only done level 1 of 30DS a could times on Demand but comparing that to RI30 which I've almost done twice through now and I'd say it is less intense. At least level 1 to level 1. I'm getting ready to do all 30 days of 30DS next week so I'll let you know! :)
  • fieldsbean
    wow!! 9 miles a day..no wonder! you rock!! well then, i will do my best to stick it out..i know she wants results..and if these people on the show..hundreds of lbs heavier can be pushed..then so should i! THanks for the advice..do you drink water prior/during/after or a protein shake?
  • 2hungariangirls
    in my opinion a huge SELLOUT, she talked all the time on the "Biggest Loser" about thermogenics and not to take them , they are a waste of money, blh, blh, blah. and now some company throws a bunch of cash at her and what does she promote???? anything and everything. I understand making money (trust me I love money) but at what cost!?!?

    I used to be such a fan of her training "style" but now, cant stand the mention of her. great trainer who sold her morals and ideaologies to the DEVIL

    In my opinion.

    take care matt

    Do you have a DVD you recommend or one you like better? Not being snarky, genuine question. I didn't want the "tone" to come across like an attack because it isn't.