Started Shred last night and hated it lol Anyone relate?



  • Yesterday was almost my 1st day doing 30 day shred. I've done it before and it does work you just have to stick with it! I know they might go a little too fast for beginners just remember ... QUALITY NOT QUANTITY! SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE ... if you push yourself too hard in the beginning you'll be too sore to even finish a week (trust me been there many times) LOL. I use 2lb weights because I haven't done it in so long I don't want to over do it.

    I have seen before and after pics of people on here and they had AMAZING results! Stick with it and I think you will be pleased with the results. :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I get bored with it. I'd rather run, do the elliptical, bike, swim. Something about it just REALLY annoys me lol.
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    Hi everyone,

    So i started the 30 day shred last night after seeing so many great reviews on MFP. Have to say i did not enjoy it at all. Iv never done a press up in my life and turns out i find even the modified ones difficult! lol :blushing: Not sure if i can keep it up for another 29days!! Dreading it already! Is it really as great as everyone says it is???? I do alot of zumba and swimming so im thinking i dont really need it, or is that just the easy option??? :huh:

    it feels like that on day 1. Even I started it for first time on Saturday after seeing so many success stories and pics on MFP.... I couldn't do it yetsrday as I had real bad sore body, headache and nausea ...but when I took measurements on Sunday and again yesterday, casually..I noticed a 0.5 inch difference each on my upper belly and lower belly..I was so motivated and decided not to stop.

    I am sure You wont regret your decision to stick with it. Cardio (Zumba n Swimming) will surely help u burn a lot of cals but this one will tone ur body giving u better results in less time. STICK WITH IT!!
  • ok everyone is talking about the shred, but Im lost and have no idea what anyone is talking about can someone please tell me what it is??:blushing:

    Hello, it's a workout dvd by Jillian Michaels called 30 Day Shred. You start off at level 1 for 10 tens, move to level 2 for 10 days and finally level 3 for 10 days (30 day program). There are many groups and posts on here from people who completed the 30 day shred and the pics they post with their results are AMAZING!!! I myself have tried to do this program so many times I lost count ... I always stopped because I was so sore I could barely move. This time I am not giving up and my goal is to complete the 30 day shred! :)

    Just keep in mind when/if you do it ... "quality not quantity" .... "slow and steady wins the race" ... "one goal at a time, 1 lb at a time, and 1 day at a time".

    Good luck to you! :)
  • rcwible83
    :huh: Trying to not sound stupid but can you explain what the 'shred' is? It sounds intense but gives results.
    Anyone? :bigsmile:

    Its a workout DVD fro Jillian Michaels, the 30 day shred.

    Really pretty intense, and if you do it every day for 30 days (which is the idea) the results can be amazing.

    NICE! I was gonna ask the same thing! thanks for explaining. sounds fun :bigsmile:
  • ericabrothers
    I am curious about this also. I want something that I can do at lunch at work and then go home and do insanity. I HATE insanity but it works. Any thoughs on doing 30 day shred and insanity together? I am going to Hawaii in March and want to be comfortable in my bathing suit at the beach.
  • ladykayaker
    I have knee problems, and my achilles tendon has tendonitis - and I am able to do these exercises. I don't do things like jumping jacks, but I can do things like the mountain climbers without hurting my knees.
  • tsmoore925
    tsmoore925 Posts: 98 Member
    I just did L1D2 lastnight, and it was AWFUL!!! Day 1, was tiring, out of breath needed to stop to catch my breath sweat like crazy! Day 2, was painful cause I was so sore! I did find day 2 a little easier I didnt have to stop so much so I could already tell it was getting easier, I was dreading it lastnight and already dreading it again tonight! But I cant wait to see the end results!!!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Well, I wanted to take a moment to thank the ones who suggested the mini-trampoline! I'm stopping by Walmart (urghgghghgh) after to work pick one up! My knees thank you too! I would never have thought to try that.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: