Friends can be cruel..



  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    im going to have a slice of pizza nourl=]
    w...but im going to look up the calories before i get tooo happy on 2 slices:smile:
  • watcherII
    watcherII Posts: 56 Member
    really? you are looking forward to laughing at your friends? question: how exactly are they being bad friends? and how are YOU being a friend to them? your friends have not changed, you have. hopefully, you can make it a positive change. your friends are doing the same thing they have always done, going out and enjoying a meal with those they care about. the only thing different is your anger, resentment and that bitter taste in your mouth. instead of being irrationally mad at them, maybe try planning ahead. when you have plans with your friends, eat lighter during the day, so you have extra calories that night to enjoy some pizza. or put in extra work at the gym. either way, you can have a treat, enjoy time with your friends, and avoid the negative feelings. good luck!
  • noelandy
    noelandy Posts: 6 Member
    I dont think we should be judging anyone by what they are eating. As we would not want them to do it to us. Years ago, when I went completelu cold turkey on flour and sugar, I was so self riteous (sp?) about food in general. I would not expect anyone to change their way of eating, because I have to lose weight.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Friends? How about Family!

    I was at dinner on Saturday night with my family and I had already picked out my meal - 800 calories that I know would fill me up and keep me under my daily goal.

    My mother-in-law, my husband, and his brother all ordered appetizers...

    and ALL kept asking me if I wanted any - potato skins, fried cheese cubes, and nachos. The kept offering and I kept saying no... but it really bothered me. I know they felt like they didn't want me being the only one at the table not eating (as if my not eating adds to the guilt of them eating that stuff). I said no, drank my water, and watched them eat - wanting one, but at the same time not wanting one - just to prove to them that I could. 5 out of the 6 people eating appetizers said they were going to start losing weight after the first of the year. The only one actively trying and succeeding... is me.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Darn those friends, eating what they want and such!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And once again, evidence of the need for a sarcasm font.
  • chevere70
    Just ignore them. They will be asking you for the website soon.

    This website it is so easy to use, and it does work.

    Good luck.