Would you Rather ?



  • Arani70
    haha Marry a hottie and be dirt poor, at least I could create my own happiness rather than living a lie!

    Would you rather time travel back to the past to change something from happening in your life that you wish you did... or time travel to the future?
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    haha Marry a hottie and be dirt poor, at least I could create my own happiness rather than living a lie!

    Would you rather time travel back to the past to change something from happening in your life that you wish you did... or time travel to the future?

    SO easy. Travel to the past to change something. This whole "my experiences made me who I am" crapola is just that...crapola. I'd still be me with a few changes to my past, only a happier me.

    Would you rather eat like a pig for a week and exercise harder to counter it, or take a week off from exercising but have to be super-strict with your diet to compensate?
  • kwith1014
    Bob... even though he would make me cry a lot!!
  • kwith1014
    i'd rather have pegasus especially if the demi god in the movie was riding him.
    would you rather have gillian or bob as a trainer?

    bob, even though he would make me cry a lot...
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Would you rather eat like a pig for a week and exercise harder to counter it, or take a week off from exercising but have to be super-strict with your diet to compensate?

    Eat like a pig. I love exercise and rarely have time to work out as hard as I'd like.

    Would you rather let your best friend die when you could have stopped it or murder 10 strangers? 20? 100?