How often do YOU weigh your self?

I was reading a chapter in my text book for life-span devlopment. I had a test question in regards to how often you should weigh your self if your trying to lose weight. Acorden to them you should weigh your self daily for the best weight loss results. I always have tried to do once a week so I don't become obsesed with how much I weigh.


  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I've always done once a week as well until lately. I still only record my weight once a week since I know it can fluctuate day to day...but I've been weighing myself a few times a week lately just to make sure I am actually progressing.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I weigh myself daily knowing that my weight fluctuates throughout the week, I don't let it bother me. I record my weight once a week.
  • leanmachinedream
    I usually don't. I might start weighing myself on Sundays, but I usually avoid the scale. I don't have a good scale so its accuracy is debatable.
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    Every morning
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Once every 2 weeks.... if i remember to do it.
  • XxJessdNxX
    I am a little bit obsessive and weigh myslef every day, mainly because it's nice seeing it go down, but sometimes because when it goes up it gives you a kick up the ****. I try and look at the long term picture though, rather than get hung up on the details.
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I am a daily weigher. As long as you realize that your weight does fluctuate daily and don't freak out, daily weighing is good. It keeps me in check.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I have been doing it about 4 times a week. But, only record it weekly. I don't freak out when the weight fluctuates. Today in 3 weeks was the first time it went up slightly, so it was easy not to freak out. But, I am worried to how it will affect my recording weight this Saturday.
  • repubgurl
    Every 2 weeks. I'm trying to get into the mindset that my dietary changes are more about a healthy lifestyle and less about losing weight and the number on the scale, so I hopefully will maintain it.
  • Nic529
    Nic529 Posts: 69 Member
    usually every Friday at the gym :)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I do once a week. I was weighing daily, but then I found that I was becoming overly obsessive about it, so I switched to once a week and I'm pretty good with that. Plus, your weight can fluctuate day to day depending on when you ate last, if you're on your period, how much salt you've consumed, how much water you've had, etc...I find once a week to be a little more accurate in terms of measuring weight loss.
  • celerieaz
    celerieaz Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself daily. The fluctuations don't bother me, but they are a good way to monitor how much water I am retaining and what kinds of food days make me bloat.

    Sometimes though it is a bit frustrating if you are plateauing.
  • M2swe3t
    M2swe3t Posts: 5 Member
    I only allow myself to weigh in on Fridays, becuase I become easily discouraged.
  • lizaiza79
    lizaiza79 Posts: 45 Member
    Daily. I can't stand the wondering...but I don't get too upset in the fluctuations, unless I can't figure out why they are happening!
  • onehotgirl
    every day but I'm not the type to obsess over the numbers if they increase :)
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Daily, kind of out of fun to see what kind of changes my body goes through.. We all fluctuate throughout the day record once a week though..
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    I had been weighing myself daily but my battery just died in my scale so I took and out and don't plan to get a new one for a week. Then I'm only going to weigh myself once a week...I worry too much about the scale I think and that hasn't been very productive for me! So I'm going to step on the scale, probably on Fridays, then stick it on a high shelf that I need a step stool to get to so I don't think about it everyday. I want to focus more on home my clothes are fitting.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I weigh myself pretty much every day. In the beginning it was b/c I would see a 0.2-0.4 lb loss consistently every day, and it motivated me to keep going. Now that I'm working out some days it will actually go up, and I actually find the fluctuations interesting. Neat to see how high it goes the day after a really hard workout, and lots of fun to see it drop back down lower a couple of days later.
  • M2swe3t
    M2swe3t Posts: 5 Member
    That is a good idea AntShanny. That is what I do. I leave my scale out though, but it does take some will power not to jump on it. Every day I pass it up is a win for my will power..LOL. I also have a progress chart on the wall above it so I can see every day how I am doing. Its a good reminder to keep up the good work! In leiu of weighing myself everyday, to beat my "cravings" for the scale, I measure myself each time I feel the need to weigh in. I keep a tape measure on my counter so I can reach for it every time I want to weigh myself.
  • M2swe3t
    M2swe3t Posts: 5 Member
    [I had been weighing myself daily but my battery just died in my scale so I took and out and don't plan to get a new one for a week. Then I'm only going to weigh myself once a week...I worry too much about the scale I think and that hasn't been very productive for me! So I'm going to step on the scale, probably on Fridays, then stick it on a high shelf that I need a step stool to get to so I don't think about it everyday. I want to focus more on home my clothes are fitting. ]
    That is a good idea AntShanny. That is what I do. I leave my scale out though, but it does take some will power not to jump on it. Every day I pass it up is a win for my will power..LOL. I also have a progress chart on the wall above it so I can see every day how I am doing. Its a good reminder to keep up the good work! In leiu of weighing myself everyday, to beat my "cravings" for the scale, I measure myself each time I feel the need to weigh in. I keep a tape measure on my counter so I can reach for it every time I want to weigh myself.