What one revelation put you on this road to fitness and impr



  • jankli2
    I had 4 babies in 5 years and my youngest is now turning one and I still have not lost he weight since having her...I started to get disgusted and say that I will start "NEXT MONDAY". That Monday never came until I guy I work with told me about MFP and I finally made a promise to myself to start in the New Year. I started Jan 2 and today I have lost a total of 13 pounds since starting...So thank you John....:wink:
  • JennyBB125
    Mainly I knew I was going to start this in the new year because Ive been so busy with school and then a new job I never had time or motivation to work out. Plus Im going to the Bahamas in March BUT the main thing was I went over a bump on the highway and felt something I never felt before. My belly jiggled. hahahaha!

    Then said I've got to get myself to the gym!