Job Issues--Would love opinions



  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I would urinate in his coffee, and just smile everytime I looked at him.:mad:

    This just made my day!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    You're an attorney and you're posting on a weight loss forum?

    what does this have to do with anything? I'm a secretary and i post on a weight lost forum as well. what is it you do that says you CAN post on a weight loss forum?:mad:

    :grumble: ne way, keep paper documents and be prepared to follow up with it in case him screwing around puts your job in trouble.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You're an attorney and you're posting on a weight loss forum?
    Attorneys are some of the most ruthless, unethical, implacable mean machines on the planet.
    That's why we hire them.

    I hate to lose.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Thanks everyone for sticking up for me. Apparently, I'm not supposed to have feelings. Also, just for the record, I work for a branch office of the main firm. There isn't anyone here I can discuss this with.

    Are you saying you don't have access to your supervisor or HR? Because depending on your relationship with your boss, I would suggest just making it known that this is not on your shoulders... comments like these can damage reputations. Good luck and tread carefully!
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    Legally, regardless of the size of office, once an issue has been brought to HR, it has to be investigated and cannot be rescinded even if the issue has been resolved. (Trust me on this one!)

    It really is not worth your losing your job over. In these economic times, he may be the one to make the decision as to whether or not to keep you. Just forward the old email to him asking where the project stands, and if there is anything you can do to push it along etc.

    Then go home and scrub the brown stuff off your face :) , have a drink, take a kick boxing class... You get the picture..
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Opinions, please...our Firm's CFO, who is a recent hire, bold-faced lied about something. He stated unequivocally that he had delegated a task to me and very snottily added, "and it should have been completed six months ago." Not only is this not true, but I had actually initiated an email to him five months ago about the topic, and he never responded. I followed up three times and again, never received a single response. I have the email documentation to back this up. The thing is, I'm not supposed to know that he has said this about me. I was asked if I had ever received an assignment from him and replied that I had not. When I asked why, I was told about the email correspondence. I also sent the person who asked me about this the email documentation. I really want to confront him and am so angry I could spit. Advice? I am a lowly associate attorney. He's considered an executive. It's not like me to take anything like this laying down, but I can also be too blunt and that could hurt me professionally. However, so could the fact that he's lying about it. In fact, the last email I have says he is "spearheading" the project in question. The thing is that he simply forgot about it and now people are getting on his case. Instead of manning up and saying, "Hey, it got pushed back by other fires" he looks for a scapegoat. That, apparently, is me.

    I would keep any evidence I had, but not say or do anything unless it became clear that this was affecting my job in some way--compensation or advancement or the like. If not, It's been my experience that, no matter how you feel, confronting someone about it or fighting for "what's fair" or "on principle" usually comes back to bite you on the butt. It sucks, but life is almost never fair. Once you realize that, the happier you'll be and the easier it is to get over this kind of thing. If it affects your compensation or advancement, I'd give the evidence to my direct supervisor, and go on up the chain of command from there.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Wendyc122005 had a great idea!!! Write a note: Dear "John", I have sent you 3 emails regarding " project name" and have not received a response. I will be happy to move this forward to help. Please advise .....well you get the jist.

    Do not file a grievance - plus if its a small office do they even have a HR dept?
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Who told you about this? Did he/she stick up for you? Be careful! It sounds like this person likes to get things started.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Opinions, please...our Firm's CFO, who is a recent hire, bold-faced lied about something. He stated unequivocally that he had delegated a task to me and very snottily added, "and it should have been completed six months ago." Not only is this not true, but I had actually initiated an email to him five months ago about the topic, and he never responded. I followed up three times and again, never received a single response. I have the email documentation to back this up. The thing is, I'm not supposed to know that he has said this about me. I was asked if I had ever received an assignment from him and replied that I had not. When I asked why, I was told about the email correspondence. I also sent the person who asked me about this the email documentation. I really want to confront him and am so angry I could spit. Advice? I am a lowly associate attorney. He's considered an executive. It's not like me to take anything like this laying down, but I can also be too blunt and that could hurt me professionally. However, so could the fact that he's lying about it. In fact, the last email I have says he is "spearheading" the project in question. The thing is that he simply forgot about it and now people are getting on his case. Instead of manning up and saying, "Hey, it got pushed back by other fires" he looks for a scapegoat. That, apparently, is me.

    You're an attorney and you're posting on a weight loss forum?

    I was thinking the same thing!
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