bring babies to work



  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    ok I know a lot of people disagree, but i just wanted to know if anyone out there agrees with me. i hate when new moms bring their babies to work. honestly, i don't really care if i ever see people's babies, and i'm totally awkward around them. i never know what to say because i just can't bring myself to ooh and aah over someone's sleeping child that i most likely will never see again. when people bring their babies to the office, i just want to close my door and pretend i'm not here.

    anyone else feel that way?
    I'm with you 100%. I'm 33 with no kids and don't plan on having kids. I personally don't like them - but that's me, and that's why I choose not to have them. I should say it's not the kids I don't like but the parents who let them get away with murder in public and then think it's cute. Growing up, I was never around kids (no babies in my immediate and extended family), so I too am uncomfortable around them and don't "oh and ah" over them. I'm not so bad anymore since my best friend has a 3 year old, but I used to request a different table in a restuarant if they sat me near a small child. So if someone brought their baby to work, I would be annoyed. Thankfully, I'm self-employed and work from home though! :)
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Yes, I love babies but from people that I'm close to. Coworker babies and stranger babies.... not so much. I am not going to gush about the kid and say they're the cutest blah blah blah because most likely, they're not. My nephews are the cutest babies in the world. The title's already taken.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I'm not so big on cooing over babies, myself; but it seems to me that usually there are enough people who are eager to do so that I can be unnoticed. So, it doesn't really bother me as long as I can manage to be ignored. Which I usually can if there's a BABY!!! around.