Annoying comment I hear all the time



  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    yeah, we might look fine to other people in our clothes, but we have to see the belly pudge everytime we sit down in the bathroom. The number can be whatever it ends up being, but I'm not going to stop trying until that pudge is more skin and less fat.

    I'm totally surprised that ppl would argue back about the BMI. Maybe try something light, "I eat my fruits and veggies, and workout a couple times a week, obviously if I'm losing weight like this then its weight that needs to be lost. :tongue: "

    At the end of the day I don't believe we need to explain ourselves to other people or convince them to think about us in a certain way.

    Heh, maybe steer the converstaion to them. What is THEIR goal. heck, everyone has one. watch them squirm!!
  • crystalparent
    crystalparent Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone is different and really all the weight charts and BMI charts that are out there, I believe, are a basic guide. I lost weight years ago (gained it all back, obviously) and I had gotten down to 165. I am 5' 6", almost. At that weight, I could wear between a size 8 and 10 jeans. And supposedly, if I remember correctly back then, if I would have gone by the charts, I would have still had another 15 - 20 pounds to lose. People would tell me I was too skinny and I would tell them what I weighed, and they wouldn't believe me. And I knew girls who were bigger than me and weighed less than me. So you really have to have good judgment.

    I can't wait to say I've gotten down to that size again!!! Oh, just once again, to hear somebody tell me I'm too skinny. LOL!
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    Often it is a comment people make when you will end up skinnier than they are. Just get to a healthy place and don't worry about what they think.

    EXACTLY what I was thinking!
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    My Aunt is the one I hear this from. She saw me at my cousin's baby shower and (loudly) exclaimed, "OK You need to knock it off now! Size 12, ten, 8, that was OK, but what are you now!? A ZERO? Enough already!"

    I was wearing a size ten when she said that to me. (eyeroll)

    I get that I look very different, but I am smack in the center of the "healthy" range. So when I say I want to try for ten more pounds, it isn't a sign I'm about to go all Karen Carpenter on everyone. Sheesh.

    My mom and boyfriend thought I had an eating disorder for awhile. Hello?? I finaly cleaned up my nutrition choices and portions, and started working out 2 years ago. Lost 15 lbs and that =s an eating disorder, ridiculous.

    Obviously they just needed to get over their concept of me. I wasn't that girl anymore. I ordered healthy at resturants, I went for the veggie tray at holidays. I made my planned workouts a priority and would plan stuff around them instead of skipping like I used to. Eventually they stopping watching and keeping track of what I ate in front of them, and the nasty vibe when I'd go to the bathroom after a meal went away after awhile. Now I maintain with the 15 pound loss and they aren't concerned about it. So what changed? Apparently they did.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Often it is a comment people make when you will end up skinnier than they are. Just get to a healthy place and don't worry about what they think.

    Everyone else is jealous and wants you to remain fat so they can feel better about themselves? Yeah, that's it. People are bad. :frown:

    You create the world you choose to live in. :smile:
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I really like that so many of your are passive and just suggest you ignore it. I think its a good response, however, I am a firm believer that a lot of people are a-holes, and they think they can be a-holes, because no one ever calls them on it. Well I think you should call them out on it.. in FACT! I think you should make them AS uncomfortable if not MORE uncomfortable as they made you.

    They don't care about your feelings, or manners or anything but themselves. They should be insulted and harshly so because, we are perpetuating a society of a-holes. Ever cut off the person that just cut off like 3 people driving in and out of lanes? I have .. and it is sweet! People think they can act like that because there is never any consequences, well it is your responsibility as a member of society to establish some level manners, boundaries and consideration with the people around you... Just saying!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I would tell people you are just waiting to see where your body levels out, where it's happy.

    I have been there, and it sucks, but it's nobody's business how much more weight you want to lose. Nobody asked you how much more you were planning on gaining when you were heavy, did they? You could always ask them why they didn't ask you that back then, but now it's ok for them to butt in?

    Don't let it get to you. Come up with a quick, polite, but clearly "You are dismissed, end of discussion" response that you can throw out there without thinking and then redirect.

    So irritating! Good luck!!
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    so your at 185 ish...tell them to mind their own business. i'll bet you look fantastic keep ur chin up and love yourself!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I started my weight loss journey at just shy of 300 pounds. It's taken me about two years to get where I'm at, and 9 months of that was spent pregnant.

    While 114 pounds lost is impressive, I'm still not at my target weight. People are constantly asking me if I'm done and I tell them I would like to lose another 30-50 pounds. They stare at me, appalled, and tell me that losing any more wouldn't be healthy. I've literally heard this same criticism from several different people.

    I know I used to be big and in comparison to how I was I must seem downright tiny (the pregnancy didn't help the illusion, I'm sure). Hearing this all the time is a real de-motivator. Has anyone else had this problem? What is a good response?
    Going from fat to fit changes who we are, and your friends know the new you might not gel as it once did.
    Just politely cite the BMI range for your height and weight, then make it clear that your goal is peak fitness.

    Those friends will drift away, replaced by new friends that do fit the new you.
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    I had this comment the other day..someone said 'don't waste away'. I know I am 'only' an overweight BMI now vs. obese but I still have about 30 lbs until my goal weight.
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm the type of person that is often too honest. I would tell them how much I weigh, then explain to them that I have to lose 30-50 lbs to be in at a healthy weight. A lot of people seem very surprised when I tell them how much I weigh, apparently I carry it well. And I don't have a problem with the comments after that. Then if they still have comments I bust out the lovely belly flap that my pregnancy left me with, then they either leave or shut up. Hehe:bigsmile:

    Well maybe too honest and no shame:tongue:
  • Athenaviolet
    I am another person that weighs more than they look. People are surprised when they here my weight and dress size. I tell them that I want to be fully confident in a two piece!!! An extreme goal I know, but I am going to do it. It's either that or open up a bakery for all the rolls I got going on in my back.
  • crystalparent
    crystalparent Posts: 6 Member
    You kinda have to consider the source. Some people truly don't mean anything by it. And others...well, you know they are just jealous and like someone else had mentioned, probably afraid you will be smaller than them.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    we must be twins! lol! I get it all the time. I just say Im trying to get to a healthy weight. Its drives ya right mad!
  • joyceannshepherd
    As a over fifty expert!!!! (ha ha) matter what, you will never think you are skinny. Look at old! I looked great THEN..but then I didn't think so! Find a size that you think others look good and set that size as your goal. I always want to be a size 8...but now....over 50...staying in a 10/12 comfortably would be great!
  • tanmustlose
    If they are smaller than me I say, "well let's trade bodies then!" They usually don't have anything to say back to that. If they are bigger than me I say, "if I'm eating as healthy as a I would like and running as many miles as I want there's no way I won't get smaller." They usually take a minute to try to process that. Lol. Other people I just ignore.
  • tiffany1185
    tiffany1185 Posts: 11 Member
    I think you should do what makes you happy. As long as your eating well and not starving yourself and are overall healthy then its fine. In some cases people are just jealous because it takes alot of work to loose what you have the commitment and dedication paid off for you and some people just don't have what it takes. Its a great motivation to see what you have done for me and many others on here. Don't listen to any negative comments keep positive, only you know what is right for you.
  • hepsi
    hepsi Posts: 27 Member
    If you are not happy with your weight...It doesn't matter who else is, you will still be unhappy...

    so ignore everyone who says you shouldn't lose more weight...
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    I started responding by telling them my BMI and a sentence or two about where I'm at within that measurement. Each person I've told that to has never given me grief about my goal since telling them. What are they going to do, argue that the BMI guides are wrong.

    I tried this. I got told that the BMI guidelines were wrong. I've now run out of come backs and the inspiration to justify my weight loss. So I don't. I just tend to say it's my body and I'm healthy.

    I deal with my entire family telling me not to shed anymore weight and I too have brought up BMI and they have also said "oh those are wrong, dont go by those" now I basically either dont speak to them about how much more weight i want to shed or when they bring it up i just say thank you but its my body.