Working out and your Period



  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    its hard to get motivated but I feel better if I DO workout in my TOM. I usually get a headache the day before and my belly hurts bad the first day. This time I went for a killer workout with my friend (who is a professional) and the pain in my legs took over my usual cramps. I had no usual menstrual cramps and my period went away so fast! I am planning to do it again next month :)
  • lonaneomaflame
    My period lasts three days. I am honestly exhausted all the time if I'm on my period or not so I don't notice a difference in that area. I also have very little cramping if any if I work out or not. The only difference I notice is that if I work out my flow is a little heavier. I honestly have more issues with my chest pains (muscular disorder) because they can be completly debilitating(sp?).
  • CailleachBeara
    CailleachBeara Posts: 86 Member
    I have to take it easy as I have very heavy periods which has contributed to my anaemia. My gyno has suggested that have an endometrial ablation procedure, I'm still thinking about it though. I get terrible lower back pain too so I stick to just walking and yoga.
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    I see no difference in my work out... it's all the same, and I get intense cramps :(
  • FitnessDoll87
    FitnessDoll87 Posts: 45 Member
    I usually take my "heaviest" day off and try to continue my regular routine on the rest of the days. If I'm having a particularly bad day due to cramps or moodiness I go easy on the weight training and stick to the good ol' elliptical....that machine never fails me...

    Although I will say this, I HAVE to train by myself when I'm on my period. I usually work out with my boyfriend, but when I'm on my period I can be stupid moody.....every other word he says offends me and I lose focus and confidence. He's not even mean or anything, he'll just make a comment about improving form or kicking up the intensity, just like a good trainer....but I always get super flustered. I remember once I even cried out of frustration because I kept losing my balance on a move and his advice felt more like attacks to me at the time. And the gym is no place for tears....unless it's from lifting heavy....but yeah that day was embarrassing...

    So yeah....I prefer to work out alone....he understands...:)