Calories in vs calories it that simple?



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    do you recommend Spike day or Spike Meal???

    It takes several hours to increase hormone levels so a whole day at a surplus is best.
  • what all do you do with spike 84? The routine or the supplement with the routine?
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    what all do you do with spike 84? The routine or the supplement with the routine?

    Spike 84 is all about the plan. Eat bmr for six days and have one day at 2 x bmr.
  • i just started this journey... should i be eating the extra calories from working out? I have had conflicting opinions....

    yeah Im confused on this one too. And whats a "spike day"?
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I tool this rip down, didn't realize it was the person who wrote it and then it was someone with nothing in there profile
    Sorry if I upset the post to the doritos stuff

  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
  • birdinho
    birdinho Posts: 86 Member
    My calories cycle all week as I only have carbs on training days so im guessing the surplus is whatever I have left from not eating over the week and consume now? Does that sound right:??
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    so if its hormone related, especially for women of certain age (I'm 42 and entering the peri-menopause) then this product.. puriance for women should help as they claim it helps control Estrogen and Cortisol levels that drive our (monthly) cravings.

    As they are targeting cravings and hormones are they more likely to work than just a diet pill/fat burner containing caffeine or capsicum to boost metabolism?

    I've gone from 12st 7 last June to 10st (140lbs) this month but seem to be stuck and fluctuating between 10st and 10st 2-4lbs (depending on TOTM). I'd really love to be 9st something! ... based on what you have said about hormones affecting weight loss do you think these will work?

    I wouldn't believe an ad that is trying to sell you something. There are many ways to control cortisol without taking pills.

    What others way are they of controlling cortisol and estrogen?
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    so if its hormone related, especially for women of certain age (I'm 42 and entering the peri-menopause) then this product.. puriance for women should help as they claim it helps control Estrogen and Cortisol levels that drive our (monthly) cravings.

    As they are targeting cravings and hormones are they more likely to work than just a diet pill/fat burner containing caffeine or capsicum to boost metabolism?

    I've gone from 12st 7 last June to 10st (140lbs) this month but seem to be stuck and fluctuating between 10st and 10st 2-4lbs (depending on TOTM). I'd really love to be 9st something! ... based on what you have said about hormones affecting weight loss do you think these will work?

    I wouldn't believe an ad that is trying to sell you something. There are many ways to control cortisol without taking pills.

    What others way are they of controlling cortisol and estrogen?

    To control cortisol get more sleep, reduce stress, reduce duration/volume of cardio and have one spike day a week of a suplus of calories.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    My calories cycle all week as I only have carbs on training days so im guessing the surplus is whatever I have left from not eating over the week and consume now? Does that sound right:??

    You could probably do it that way. I just go off bmr and use a fixed number for six days.
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    Reduce duration of cardio? What kinds of exercise are best?
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Reduce duration of cardio? What kinds of exercise are best?

    Any kind of cardio will work as long as its short duration/ high intensity. The quickest way to a plateau is hours on a treadmill and a large caloric deficit with your diet.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Reduce duration of cardio? What kinds of exercise are best?

    Any kind of cardio will work as long as its short duration/ high intensity. The quickest way to a plateau is hours on a treadmill and a large caloric deficit with your diet.

    Short duration = 15 min? 20 min? 30 min?
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Reduce duration of cardio? What kinds of exercise are best?

    Any kind of cardio will work as long as its short duration/ high intensity. The quickest way to a plateau is hours on a treadmill and a large caloric deficit with your diet.

    Wondering if this is why when one works out like a mad man/woman (during a day), it can up the cortisol levels because the body is starting to get stressed, therefore inhibiting weight loss?
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    so if its hormone related, especially for women of certain age (I'm 42 and entering the peri-menopause) then this product.. puriance for women should help as they claim it helps control Estrogen and Cortisol levels that drive our (monthly) cravings.

    As they are targeting cravings and hormones are they more likely to work than just a diet pill/fat burner containing caffeine or capsicum to boost metabolism?

    I've gone from 12st 7 last June to 10st (140lbs) this month but seem to be stuck and fluctuating between 10st and 10st 2-4lbs (depending on TOTM). I'd really love to be 9st something! ... based on what you have said about hormones affecting weight loss do you think these will work?

    I wouldn't believe an ad that is trying to sell you something. There are many ways to control cortisol without taking pills.

    What others way are they of controlling cortisol and estrogen?

    To control cortisol get more sleep, reduce stress, reduce duration/volume of cardio and have one spike day a week of a suplus of calories.

    The sleep, reducing cardio and a spike day is easy.. the stress is difficult to avoid been in middle of waiting for Govt to decide on whether they're gonna cut and greatly reduce my income.. and whether I can afford to have the heating on cos its like freezing outside!! .. still at least I'll be burning calories trying to stay warm in my house!!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Has there been any properly run studies to show the effects of a spike day. I would imaging something along the lines of same food and exercise for the 6 days then one group has a spike day and they other has a normal day?

    Looking at calories in vs calories out over a week the spike diet will have a net deficit, hence give a weight loss. Also the spike day may keep people on a diet longer as it is a way to control cravings.

    My concerns are that it will prolong my weight loss period by 14% (1/7), keep my leptin receptors dull so increase the risk of putting weight back on once I have hit my target weight and keep me craving the food that helped get me massively overweight in the first place.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Interesting concept, especially since I've noticed that days that I have lost weight tended to be around the days I ate like crap & hadn't worked out for a few days.
  • Bump for laterz!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    That could be explained by sodium levels. Eat rubbish -> increase water retention -> decrease weight loss then eat well -> decrease water retention -> increased weight loss.
  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    bump. very interesting