Addicted to Subway! :-)

Hey all,

I just thought I would share with you all my addiction to Subway and hope there are some other people who love it here too.

I have found it such a help on my journey to grab 'fast' lunches which still mean I can watch what I eat, count calories, get some protein and a load of fresh salad, (Load it up Subway, because I love ALL the salad!)

What are your favourite subs from Subway?

If I am feeling like I need a slightly bigger lunch, I will have a Chicken Pizziola wrap. A lighter lunch and I will go for a Tuna Salad bowl with the Honey Mustard dressing - delicious!

I am making myself hungry now, but I will be going to Subway for lunch! :-)


  • modgirlrachel
    modgirlrachel Posts: 44 Member
    I LOVE subway too.
    Before I was trying to lose weight I would get a foot long vege delite on wheat bread with old english cheese and extra chipotle southwest sauce, yum!
    But now I just get a six inch vege delite no cheese, or make it a salad :/ lol. (still have the sauce though)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i used to love subway but found out the stuff they put into the bread (stuff they put into fertiliser) yuuuck.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Hi my name is Newf77 and I am a Subway addict. I usually have it once a week on Saturdays after I finish my twelve hour shift and am going home alone to the dogs, so many healthy choices, so little time. I must confess I have not done breakfast there yet.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I love subway, I'd eat it everyday if I could.
    I have tuna mayo on Italian or wheat bread with lettuce, tomato, green peppers, cucumber, sweetcorn, American cheese & light mayo! Yummmmmmyyyy!!
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    I get a free subway tomorrow and get paid £4 to eat it!!!!!!
  • 6 inch veggie delight with cheese on hearty italian. ....yum yum.
  • 6 inch veggie delight without cheese on italian or in a wrap....still trying to find the right sauce thero
  • I looove subway! I get
    a veggie delight on honey oat with fat free honey mustard.. Mmm!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Quiznos ftw
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I like some of their subs...I have it once in a while.

    It's good!
  • marcel_theschell
    marcel_theschell Posts: 18 Member
    I flipping LOVE Subway! They are my go-to lunch place when I don't bring anything because they are tasty, cheap, and a mile walk round trip from my office (so I get a little bit of extra exercise). I typically will get a footlong and split it up between two lunches.
  • rdonald57
    rdonald57 Posts: 74 Member
    and i love their new chopped salads
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I like Subway, as well! I don't eat it that often, so it's usually a "treat' :smile:
  • FedoraNinja
    FedoraNinja Posts: 45
    Mmm, 6-inch Subway Melt. I love getting to indulge in a little bacon.

    Bacon's one of those foods where, if I were to make it at home, I would have a hard time not over-indulging ("well, no sense making a mess of a pan for 2 measly strips of bacon", "Geez, if I don't eat more, this giant pound of bacon's going to go bad")

    I love Subway because I can always find something there that will fit in my calorie budget. :) Also, apple slices rock when you're on the go and need a snack.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I LOVE Subway too!! I can''t go too often because my fav BMT is loaded with calories from mayo and oil and vinegar. I have it saved as a meal so I won't buy it when I look at the calories and carbs.

    Did you hear that McDonalds is not concerned about other burger joints like Wendys and Burger King? They are worried about Subway because there are healthy delicious options there.

    Until I am disciplined enough to divorce the "Bigger Meatier Tasty (BMT)" with extra mayo, Subway is off limits for me.

    But great post, I'm an addict too... One Day At A Time.

  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My 6 year old son and I split a footlong club and we put
    Hot pepper salad on it!! Hot and spicy and delicioso!! Damn you!!!! I guess its subway for
    dinner tomorrow night now ;)
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    You and your 6 year old are awesome! You have a future manly man on your hands mom, you rock!

    Great job!
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member

    Did you hear that McDonalds is not concerned about other burger joints like Wendys and Burger King? They are worried about Subway because there are healthy delicious options there.

    I read that Subway is a threat to McD's. That means health conscious people are a growing force in this country. Thumbs up to us!
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    I go there too much. Way too much sodium to fit in for me on the regular. But when I do go I get 6" flatbread with egg whites, ham, swiss, tomato, spinach and avocado.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    If Subway had hummus, I would go there *all* the time.