Confused and don't know what to do.

Hi, I've been using MFP for a while now. My doctor wanted me to track everything I ate do he can get an idea f my daily intake. I have binge eating disorder and reach up to 9,000 calories a day at some times. I recovered from anorexia before this and I do not have a scale anymore. What uses to help me with weightloss was seeing the number in the scale going down. I'm going I buy one tomorrow and hopefully that helps with my eating.

Anyways, since my doctor has had me record everything that I've been eating on here, my eating habits have gotten worse. Should I not log on the days I eat normally and only log on binge days?

Does anyone who has recovered from binge eating disorder have any tips on how to vet come this terrible disease? Ever since I have had this I've been extremely depressed and unhappy. I just want to recover and be healthy :(.

Thank you for anyone who replied! I really appreciate the support :).


  • happygirl338
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    I think u need togo everyday good or bad So ur dr can compare
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    This sounds like a question better asked to a professional.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I would log everything. He needs to have a good look to better help you.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Log Everything. :) Good luck!
  • butterfly10398
    Definitely log everything, that way you can celebrate on the good days and make a conscious decision to do better on the bad days. :-) And yes you should continue working closely with your doctor.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 836 Member
    I would say log your good and bad days, everything including little bits, nibbles and sips. Your doc will be wanting the whole picture.

    I would also suggest that it might be helpful for you if you kept a journal of more than your food. As in, not just "I ate this." but also including where you were at, who you were with and what you were doing, how you felt... just a quick note of anything that might help you and your doctor look for patterns and triggers. I've never had a clinical eating disorder, but thinking about those other factors has helped a lot in breaking bad eating habits.

    Best of luck to you; you're already making steps in the right direction. :smile:
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    I think you should log the good, the bad and the ugly. Also, record your mood, settings, time of the month in the area for notes, and maybe you'll figure out what triggers your binges. Best of luck to you! You can conquer this! :flowerforyou:
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    yes I think you should log everything! don't hang around the kitchen has work for me! also someone here suggested urge surf, everytime you feel like having let's say a chocolate ice cream that you know is in your fridge, ask your self how badly you want it, if it's a 10 (and it always is a 10) wait 10 minutes and ask your self the same question. But seriously go as far away from the kitchen as you can. Wash your teeth. Get on your underwear (if you live with others, having to get dress again just to go out to the kitchen might stop you) have a glass or bottle of water with you all the time. Open up a tumblr account and sub to weight related blogs, and spend hours looking at all the inspiration pictures and weight loss ideas. Read a book, chew gum. Don't watch tv, the commercials might make you hungry. Different things work for different people so try them all and you will soon find something that works for you! good luck!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Sounds like its all behavioral. Have you seen a specialist in psychology counseling regarding eating disorders? I know I can be a boredom , emotional, happy, stress eater. I never had an eating disorder that took over and caused problems in my life. But I have lost control here and there.

    Different methods work different for various people: How much time do you have? What is your life-style like? The people you live with? It is possible you can pre-plan your meals so you don't get off track and your exercise routine. Research what foods are low in fat and calories. Have a combination of foods at each meal and include one or two snacks a day. I wish I could do those things, but time is so limited for me. We just have to make time for a rigid schedule. Avoid boredom by keeping yourself busy. Find ways to comfort yourself besides turning to food, etc.
  • DirtyHippieFeet
    I would log everything. And in the notes section, write a note about what happened that day so you and your doctor can gain an idea together of what triggers your binge eating and how to help you overcome it.

    Eating disorders are hell to beat, but I have faith that you can do it. <3
  • kirstand
    yes...keep logging in everyday...make sure you do exercise of some kind as this helps with: 1) general wellbeing and happiness, 2) fitness, 3) controlling weight/size, 4) gives you extra mfp calories to eat! im sure there are loads more but i cant think of them right now!
    surround yourself with positive, supportive people or maybe join a gym or sports team so you can focus on fun not food.
    remove any items of food that you are most likely to binge on...or have smaller portions around so you cant have more.
    usually when binging occurs it's because we are stressed/depressed/worried or our lives are just too cluttered!
    try and figure out what you really want in life, what would make you happy, etc... and make small steps to reach any small goals (one goal at a time).
    i'd try not to focus on the numbers on the scales as that can cause more panic and fitting well and body measurements work better for me if you really need to keep track.
    it's hard to change...but try to keep as positive as you can :smile:
    hope this helps a little...
    good luck
  • happygirl338
    Thank you everyone! I will continue to log everyday. And to the people who have asked, yes I am seeing a professional. Right now they are just looking at my eatin habits to gain more of an idea on how to help me.

    I will add in more snacks and exercise more throughout the day. I appreciate everyone's input so much :).
  • kirstand
    found this site which may be helpful?...
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.