BL Blue Team WEEK 14



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm having a birthday party for my daughter tonight for 8 little girls this should be exciting. I have a question I don't know if you guys know the answer to I see on the BL that they do the jumping up like on stairs or those stands and just keep doing that. What does that work???

    It's plyometrics - explosive movements--I've wondered what good it does and how many reps should you do too - haven't taken time to research it...maybe something for a challenge for us.....
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm having a birthday party for my daughter tonight for 8 little girls this should be exciting. I have a question I don't know if you guys know the answer to I see on the BL that they do the jumping up like on stairs or those stands and just keep doing that. What does that work???

    It's plyometrics - explosive movements--I've wondered what good it does and how many reps should you do too - haven't taken time to research it...maybe something for a challenge for us.....
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I just e-mailed my uncle who is a track couch so I know he will give us the answers we need. As soon as I hear back from him I will let you know. I have found some videos on youtube but not what I'm looking for exactly.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hey guys! I am having some trouble accessing the message boards on the site. This is the first time I've gotten through at work since last week sometime.

    My guy problems are working themselves out... thank goodness. I was so upset. Sometimes I think my boyfriend needs a swift kick. :angry:

    I lost two more pounds as of Saturday morning. But, I ate like crap over the weekend. I'm trying to make up for it today. I know I've gained water weight.

    I hope you guys are doing well. :flowerforyou: Can't wait to watch the BL tomorrow night.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    alright this is what my uncle says about jump plyometrics. He is a track couch so I would take his word any day. "Plyo's are great for gaining speed and explosive excelleration. I would not recommend them to lose weight. They are too hard on the body. Even professional athletes only use them during the off-season. "

    I know this helped me a lot so i hope it helps you too.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    So, I'm STILL waiting for this weight to fall off this week?? What the heck is going on?? I'm doing everything I should be. Maybe a little TMI, but I am having trouble with some constipation these last couple of days so maybe that's the problem.
    I have step class this morning & then I have to go to the tire shop to get my van's tires checked out! Should be lots of fun with two kids. GRRRR!! :angry:
    It's rainy here today & all I really want to do is get back under the covers!!

    Keep strong team!

    TMI? never. i'm on t3's, percocet, and iron pills for anemia. how i even shat this month and am still awake i'll never know.:laugh: walked for the first time on the treadmill. even with the sling tight, the arm is killing me. went to physio so feels a bit better. i'm soo happy to read this thread. i:heart: you guys. i haven't been on the site or keeping track of my nasty eating for a week now or so.-i think-i'm kinda in a time's pms week to boot, so weigh in on wed-egad!:wink:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    TMI? never. i'm on t3's, percocet, and iron pills for anemia. how i even shat this month and am still awake i'll never know.:laugh: walked for the first time on the treadmill. even with the sling tight, the arm is killing me. went to physio so feels a bit better. i'm soo happy to read this thread. i:heart: you guys. i haven't been on the site or keeping track of my nasty eating for a week now or so.-i think-i'm kinda in a time's pms week to boot, so weigh in on wed-egad!:wink:

    I'm confused. Is that you hotmom? :huh: ... so lost, lol. If it is, I hope you're feeling better!!!! You're my hero. :flowerforyou:

    I'm having a hard night. My grandma is on this insane strict diet. Her doctor said NO potassium, NO sodium. That is virtually impossible!!!! I even talked to a dietitian and she said that the doctor should've given a max mg of potassium and sodium she can have per day. So... she's not eating much, she's really grouchy, really weak and I don't know what to do for her!!!!! :brokenheart: I fixed her some peas, some no sodium chicken boullion, and I crushed up a no sodium, no sugar rice cake and put a little no sugar peach butter on it. But, she says everything is nasty and she's never eaten anything like that before. I try to tell her that's what she has to do for now, until the doctor says its okay to up her intake (her kidneys are failing). So... yeah.. anyway... it's just hard.

    I came to my mom's house to stay the night (right beside my grandparents) and ate fish, an english muffin, a tablespoon (maybe a bit more) of simply jif and a handful of vanilla wafers. I was just SO hungry and I grabbed up whatever was here. I went over my calories... and I didn't get to workout long this evening because I had to go to my grandparent's house.

  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    TMI? never. i'm on t3's, percocet, and iron pills for anemia. how i even shat this month and am still awake i'll never know.:laugh: walked for the first time on the treadmill. even with the sling tight, the arm is killing me. went to physio so feels a bit better. i'm soo happy to read this thread. i:heart: you guys. i haven't been on the site or keeping track of my nasty eating for a week now or so.-i think-i'm kinda in a time's pms week to boot, so weigh in on wed-egad!:wink:

    I'm confused. Is that you hotmom? :huh: ... so lost, lol. If it is, I hope you're feeling better!!!! You're my hero. :flowerforyou:

    I'm having a hard night. My grandma is on this insane strict diet. Her doctor said NO potassium, NO sodium. That is virtually impossible!!!! I even talked to a dietitian and she said that the doctor should've given a max mg of potassium and sodium she can have per day. So... she's not eating much, she's really grouchy, really weak and I don't know what to do for her!!!!! :brokenheart: I fixed her some peas, some no sodium chicken boullion, and I crushed up a no sodium, no sugar rice cake and put a little no sugar peach butter on it. But, she says everything is nasty and she's never eaten anything like that before. I try to tell her that's what she has to do for now, until the doctor says its okay to up her intake (her kidneys are failing). So... yeah.. anyway... it's just hard.

    I came to my mom's house to stay the night (right beside my grandparents) and ate fish, an english muffin, a tablespoon (maybe a bit more) of simply jif and a handful of vanilla wafers. I was just SO hungry and I grabbed up whatever was here. I went over my calories... and I didn't get to workout long this evening because I had to go to my grandparent's house.


    yup, it's me-i couldn't leave you guys.:cry: you'tr poor grandma! like shoot me already-maybe they should or could refer her to a dietician who could give suggestions on what to eat that'll make her want to go on. i know i'd cheat while you guys were asleep, and we all know how bad that is. hang in there.:drinker:
  • dawn717
    dawn717 Posts: 89 Member
    lcorrell - glad to hear the guy problems are working themselves out. I am an emotional eater. Problem is, it doesn't matter what emotion. Boredom is the worse for me. Usually I am not really bored I am just avoiding a task that has to get done so I go eat something instead. The harder the task the more creative I get with the food.

    Is it just me or does anyone else do this.

    I know I should excercise instead. I only excercise when I force my car to turn left toward the gym right after work or I come home and do anything but.

    I like you guys though, I try at least to show a bit of effort for Wednesdays. Thanks blues.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I can't believe I lost my HRM. :grumble: I did my sit up challenge and some other misc. exercises but felt so lost without my HRM. cardio is on my schedule tomorrow. :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    jess - I am sure you'll find it! My house is a wreck right now - I am surprised I can find my cat :wink: :laugh:

    Will exercise today...I am down 2 pounds!!! I increased my calories for the past 4 days and lost 2 pounds. I like the concept - eat more, lose weight.....what fun! Between me and my hubby we've lost 102 pounds....what a way to celebrate our 19th anniversary today!

    Leigh - praying for your gramma
    HM04 - glad to see you girl!
    dawn-if you can force yourself to start even if 10 minutes a day - you'll be an exercise junky before you know it! I feel gloomy on rest days. I love to sweat!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    alright this is what my uncle says about jump plyometrics. He is a track couch so I would take his word any day. "Plyo's are great for gaining speed and explosive excelleration. I would not recommend them to lose weight. They are too hard on the body. Even professional athletes only use them during the off-season. "

    I know this helped me a lot so i hope it helps you too.

    Hmmmm...seems like that wouldn't be for me - I am not all about the jumping around anyway - any hard move like that really hurts my chest so I take it easy of the jumps. Thanks for sharing the info
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson Posts: 66
    I am glad to see that the Blue team still exists! Like several others, I have just had too much going on.

    I am setting a goal for myself to log on to the site atleast 1x per day and to record what I can recall for my calorie count. I have to start somewhere, right?

    Our house is a disaster and we recently discovered we need some MAJOR repairs. I am home from work today due to an upper respiratory infection so I am taking the time to check in with the group.

    Today, I am counting my blessings. I have access to this great website and support of the blue team to keep me mindful of my healthy lifestyle goals. I have a home and the ability to get the repairs done. My home will be much better for it in the end. My short term illness has given me the time to catch up on a few things like taxes and connecting with others. Overall, I doing pretty well today.

    I love the way Rach has checked in with her simple posts. I may try to follow suit so you will know if I am meeting my goal of logging in:happy:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow...reality check.

    I've been a part of this since August of last year and I have now hit my all-time high of 203.8lbs. :sick:

    Not once have I been honest about logging food for more than a couple days and I haven't stuck to a workout routine for more than a week or so. And I wonder why this isn't working!? :frown:

    I guess I need to re-evaluate how bad I want to be healthy. :brokenheart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    rach - you can do it....everytime you get on here to post an update - log your food! I could not lose without logging - it's too hard to figure it out on my own. I've had a lifetime of handling it myself and ended up at a whopping 239 pounds.

    Someone asked me what I was doing for my diet and I told them I wasn't dieting and told them about this site and logging everything I eat - they said don't you feel like your thinking about what your eating all the time - and I said yep and what's wrong with that obviously the other way didn't work!!

    You can do it!!

    Let's check in everyday and remind each other to log our food and to exercise!

    We can do this BLUES!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    So I cleaned "my area" next to my chair and found the watch to my HRM but no chest strap and holy crap is "my area" clean now. I'm going to keep it this way.

    So I have been at 176 for a while due to not eating like I was suppose to be and not exercising with all these sick people in my house. I weighted myself this morning because its the beginning of TOM and I'm so happy *claps* 174.8. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

    Chrissyh- It is crazy how you can increase calories and still loose weight. I did this about a month ago and I loved the results. I lost like 3lbs in one week when I first did it.

    So I have 5lbs to go to get into my 160's I can't wait. I have been working on my upper abs and now I want to work more on my lower abs a little bit more.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    jess - I am hot on your tail....I am 2 pounds away from the 180s forever!!!

    you'll find the strap - did you check around your chest:laugh: :laugh:
    ok not funny - just kidding!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    mrwatson - glad to see you're back! feels good to get things in order, huh?

    j_g - hope you find the strap!! I know what you mean. I feel lost without my HRM now too!!!! I think that was the best investment I've ever made.

    chrissy - you have the best attitude ever. I don't like it when people ask if I'm dieting. It feels like i have to go into this huge explanation. But, u kept it short & sweet. :flowerforyou: (P.S. - I almost can't wait till I can increase my calories and lose! :laugh: I just had a little thing pop up yesterday that said i needed to re-do my goals because of my weight loss. Now I can have 1370 calories when I could have 1480 before! sans exercise, of course!)

    hotmom - glad to have you back!!!! :heart:

    rach - I know you can do this because you seem like a very determined person. like chrissy said, start logging your food every time you get on here. log before you eat if you have to! log a whole day at a time. then go back and adjust for exercise. seriously, you've been through so much lately, this is going to be a piece of cake!! err..... diet pop cake, of course. :wink:

    sanifrey - hi! I hope you break your plateau this week. I'll cross my fingers for you. :smile:

    I think I've recovered from my mini-binge last night. I just need to figure out why the heck I'm eating like that!!!! I actually got sick today on my lunch break and didn't go back to work (it was a late lunch... 3 p.m. :laugh: I get off work at 5). So, i think maybe that was my body's way of saying... what the heck are you doing!!!! Because of that, I haven't eaten a lot today. I did work in the 30-day Shred, though. Always do that on Biggest Loser days! I have to do a little freelance work tonight for a friend, so I will miss the beginning of the show, but I will be speeding home to catch the rest and drinking coffee to stay awake!!

    I have two things each week from which I draw strength.... other than God, of course. :smile: My Biggest Loser night on Tuesdays and my Weight Watchers meeting early Saturday mornings. I'm not actually counting points - although I've thought about it - but, just going to the meetings has really, really, really helped. Everybody is wonderful and so are you guys!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :smooched:

    GO BLUE!
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson Posts: 66
    You guys are terrific!

    Thanks lcorrell14 for the wecome back. It does feel good to get things in order...when you can.

    Congrats, j_g on the weight loss, clean area, and partial HRM find. I am sure you will find that strap where you least expect it.

    Rach: We are all pulling for you. I must admit that I was super impressed with your workout posts when we started this challenge. I didn't think I could ever be as dedicated to working out as you appeared. You know what to do...You just need to get on it and make it a priority. I have been giving myself the same speech to get through.

    During my most recent trials, I haven't been working out. However, I have been more mindful of my eating habits. I usually gain weight during the winter months (and times of stress). Fortunately, having this group in the back of my head has helped me to make better choices. I have managed to keep my weight within a 5 pound range over the last 2 months. I am looking forward to warmer weather as I will be more active and may be able to start losing weight more consistently.