She thinks she's helping...

There is a lady I work with who is aware of how much I have lost and that I am continuing to work on it. She has recently renewed her goal to lose weight but she's doing it by just cutting stuff out (which is her choice). She knows that I use this site and I watch calories but ever since she started her new diet, she's harping on me more. I think it's because she cut stuff out but it's really annoying...

For example, I had a cookie the other day and she said "that's a lot of calories" and the next day I had a chips...baked individual bag (90 calories) and she said "I don't think that's on your list"

One night she asked what I was doing and I told her I was making cookies for my class and she said "Oh, well I think that's way over for you today"...I was a bit snappy with my reply, telling her that I still had calories left to which she said "uh huh sure" i felt I had to defend myself by telling her how much I burned running and what was left..

Iknow she's trying to help and it's also because she's struggling and unhappy with her method but it's really getting on my nerves...


  • How irritating. Clearly you know what you're doing. You're an adult and you've lost FIFTY POUNDS already. I'd be strongly tempted to tell her to STFU, myself. Not the best approach, but neither is micromanaging another person's diet. LOL
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    People are funny and get threatened by the weirdest things. You are showing commitment to something and meeting your goals. I can't say why that would be a threat to her. Continue your good work. Smile or nod if you have to interact with her. If you have a relationship or friendship where you can actually tell her how you feel, you could do that.
  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    Yep, she's a little irritable without her cookies.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    Sounds like someone needs a cookie :( Internet hugs to you! Great job on your weight loss ^_^
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    Just tell her that:
    "I appreciate your concern, but I have found a healthy, simple and succesful way for weight management and it suits me perfectly. I really don't need or want your opinion of what I should or should not eat but I am happy to tell you more about my method if you want to hear about it. Jusk ask if curious, I'm not pushing you my ideas."

    Another approach:
    "Thank you for sharing."
    (Smile and continue what ever you are doing, like she was air.)

    Or even:
    "Mind your own business."
    (If it gets really irritating and she has no politeness there either.)
  • You're doing good. Cutting out foods alone isn't exactly healthy in terms of developing a healthy life style. Take for example, I've went down to 130 pounds just by cutting foods out, but the weight piles on quick again, so its much healthier if you workout and such. You're doing it right. Keep going. And cookies and chips are occasionally good since you're more likely to over eat if you cut off cold turkey.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    It's always the same at this time of year. You get the born again dieters who bug you by talking about their diet and criticising your diet plan.
    I work with men and the two over weight ones are constantly swapping and changing their diets.
    They eat the wrong stuff and talk for hours over the merits of buying cheap convenience food. One has taken to eating tins of sweet rice pudding straight out of the can. Yuk ( he is diabetic, shouldn't he have a medical diet plan?)
    " Hello do you know how much salt is in that Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle"?
    I have learned to nod and take no notice because I have shown them this site and they quickly dismissed it as too much effort.
    Losing weight trying to eat healthy does take effort, some people are looking for a quick fix.

    My family know I count everything I eat or drink. So the days of someone saying I thought you were trying to lose weight are over.
    I rarely tell new people I'm watching what I eat.

    I feel your irritation with your colleague. it's best not say anything, keep it to yourself. Perhaps she wants praise for her new diet plans. Good luck with own targets!
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    That reminds me of my boyfriend. When he diets, he cuts out food. I have kind-of tried to tell him not to cut too much, but it seems to go in one ear and out the other.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    "Isn't it amazing how I've managed to lose 50lbs so far without your input"


    "you do your thing & I'll do mine, I'm 50lbs down so I can't be doing too wrong, how much have you lost?"
  • You poor thing :( That sounds so stressful!

    This is one of the reasons why I don't tell people I'm losing weight. I don't like everything I eat to be scrutinised! I went out for pizza with some people a while back and one person commented on how many calories were in my dish. I felt so anxious after that!

    It sounds like you're dealing with this very well... as look how well you're doing!! CONGRATS!
  • A colleague at work asked me to support her in her diet, knowing I was on mine. She is doing it differently and is losing steadily but more slowly than me. She always asks on a Monday and we swap weight loss stories but we both accept that what works for me works for me and what works for her works for her. Try and get this message across to your 'annoying' colleague :frown: .
    You have 50ibs to show you know what you are talking about! :bigsmile:
  • "Isn't it amazing how I've managed to lose 50lbs so far without your input"


    "you do your thing & I'll do mine, I'm 50lbs down so I can't be doing too wrong, how much have you lost?"

    i love this response lol
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I love how people thing you have to eat salad and carrot sticks to lose weight. Great job on your 50! :)
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    "Isn't it amazing how I've managed to lose 50lbs so far without your input"

    This :laugh:
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    Don't get sucked into her problems. Just smile and change the subject or the best way that I have seen when someone is jealous of you, is to just simply not ackknowledge the bad behavior and walk away. Be nice, smile, and be inviting when she is nice to you to reinforce the good behavior, even be a little overly animated when she is being nice.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Things like this are why I do not like to let anyone know that I am "dieting"

    I think you may need to be firm with here saying it may not fit into her diet but it does fit into yours.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    guy at work made a comment about my lunch the other day. i was eating a big bowl of home made jambalaya with an extra 3 ounces of chicken breast and half a kaiser roll. he looked at it and said "guess you're not trying to lose any more weight." when i asked why, he said "thats a lot of carbs." i just laughed. i don't try and justify to others what and how i am eating or working out. i mean, i used to, but they looked at me like i was making excuses or whatever.

    now i just let the results speak for themselves.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    That's rude. Next time tell her that you appreciate her concern but it's really your business what you're eating. After all, you're not commenting on everything she eats/doesn't eat either, right?
  • "To each his own. Isn't nice to be among people who can respect other people's choices and not be judgmental?"
  • Actually, she probably is not trying to help you. :laugh: I don't know her, but she's probably insecure about the way she is going about losing weight.
    In the end, you will be able to keep the weight off b/c you've found a way to do this long term. I hate to be rude, but CAN SHE REALLY LIVE THE WHOLE REST OF HER LIFE NOT EATING COOKIES EVER AGAIN?
    I don't think so...

    I agree w/ the others that think there is no reason to be rude. I would just keep your response light and laugh and say:
    Oh, don't worry - I earned this at the gym and it's not like I'll live the rest of my life w/o ever eating cookies again! :laugh:

    FIFTY pounds down - job well done!