Weight Loss Tips THAT WORK



  • xxskinnyxxx
    Go to sleep as early as you can, so you aren't tempted to have a "late night snack". Late night snacks are usually a craving for sweets or some sort of junk like chips, which have TONS of unhealthy, unnecessary, calories.
  • sarahmargaret12
    Lots of water :)

    and gum... I was eating non stop I quit smoking October 2010 and I found myself eating more after I quit. I think it was having something in my mouth is what caused my snacking since I was not smoking I had nothing to do.. chew gum (it does not work for everyone) but give it a try you will be surprised. I am out of gum right now and I am going crazy
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Don't bull**** yourself and eat less. The end.
  • sarahmargaret12
    use this site to help you track your food intake :laugh:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    watch the movie Fat Head
    it'll help.

    If you mean that it will help to serve as an example of all the crazy bs that gets thrown around in the name of weight loss, then I agree. While you're at it, watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, to see another example of a misguided approach.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Obviously, calories needed to sustain your life < what you eat < calories out, but I also suggest setting goals for you that aren't scale-related. There is so much more to being healthy than the number on the scale.
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    watch the movie Fat Head
    it'll help.

    If you mean that it will help to serve as an example of all the crazy bs that gets thrown around in the name of weight loss, then I agree. While you're at it, watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, to see another example of a misguided approach.

    I actually thought it was fairly done, though one-sided at times, and learning more about carbs/starches and how they truly affect blood sugar, insulin, etc was very helpful. :) For myself, if I steer away from breads/pastas, I can actually SEE a dramatic difference in my body in a few short days...*shrug* I liked it :)
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    1. Consume fewer calories than you expend.

    The End.

    Only tip u will need.

    ...then what's all this talk about 'starvation mode' and 'eating more to lose'?
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    These are the weight-loss tips that I'm doing and it's working miracles in my life (everyone is different and like life, one size does NOT and WILL fit all...so:

    The Mental

    Change my attitude about myself and life (people and situations) in general

    1.) No one owes me nothing in this life and I don't owe anyone anything but to love them

    2.) My weight and appearance (inside and out) is my choice-- No longer blaming or accusing or excuses my faults and failures on anyone other than myself--owning them (no matter how much it hurts or I can't see or understand the who's what's why's and how's of and when things don't go my way or "life" happens and it's out of my control--accepting that and moving ON) and doing the hard work that it's going to take to release and eliminate the negatives and accentuate the positives in my life--starting with my head (mind) my body (obvious) and heart and soul.

    3.) No longer following the crowd, in looking for acceptance, approval (be it my new lifestyle and way of living) but being bold enough to stand alone if i have to and again to blaze my own trail from here on out, in love though. Honestly believing that I'm not any better than anyone else (but no worse either). No longer judging anyone but myself. Being a selfless person more instead of a spoiled, lazy, gluttonous selfish person. Those are HUGE steps for me in my weight-tips FOR MYSELF firstly and if these works for others, cool...if not--move along, nothing here to see :)

    The Physical

    Saying NO to the foods and things that have kept me in the grips of OBESITY and all the yuck that follows (inside and out)

    NO to junk foods
    NO to coffee
    NO to sweets
    NO to artificial and chemical filled foods as much as earthly possible
    NO to Fatty empty calories food and drinks
    NO to soda and sugarly chemical drinks
    NO to dairy (as much as possible)
    NO to beef, pork and very little if any chicken and limited organic eggs
    NO to alcohol
    NO to eating out often
    NO to fatty desserts and things (no matter how "clean")
    NO to driving everywhere--instead walk or ride my bike more
    NO to daily listening and watching negative news and shows that beat down my spirit
    NO to staying up late and no getting enough sleep
    NO to selfishness with my time, attention and affections and YES to being a good mom, wife, friend and neighbor
    NO to listening to gossip and seeking out gossip and being a gossip myself

    YES to organic fruits of all kinds
    YES to organic veggies of all kinds
    YES to exercise everyday...but nothing crazy
    YES to fresh air and sunshine every day walking some
    YES to preparing wholesome homemadfe yummy food
    YES to listening to classical music often
    YES to reading and watching uplifting things
    YES to loving myself and my family and friends more
    YES to sleeping at least 8 hours per day
    YES to cruelty free "clean" and natural and healthy foods of all kinds
    YES to portion control

    YES to life, love, health and happiness! Yes!!!!!!!!!

    Since I've been living like this, just this past month...I've lost 14 pounds, my bodyfat% has decreased more than 10+ percent (from 46+ to today 32% body fat and moving down as I reach my goal(s), I feel less stress and more energy living, thinking, doing and being this way and I'm GLAD.

    Some no DOUBT will say... Poo on you, that's depriving yourself--well my answer is, honey, I've been over indulging in JUNK (physically, mentally and every other way) for too many years (okay, most of my long life) and if this doesn't sit well with you...it's okay...it's working for me and I'm working it! This is a NEW way of life for me and I LOVE IT!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    These are the weight-loss tips that I'm doing and it's working miracles in my life (everyone is different and like life, one size does NOT and WILL fit all...so:

    The Mental

    Change my attitude about myself and life (people and situations) in general

    1.) No one owes me nothing in this life and I don't owe anyone anything but to love them

    2.) My weight and appearance (inside and out) is my choice-- No longer blaming or accusing or excuses my faults and failures on anyone other than myself--owning them (no matter how much it hurts or I can't see or understand the who's what's why's and how's of and when things don't go my way or "life" happens and it's out of my control--accepting that and moving ON) and doing the hard work that it's going to take to release and eliminate the negatives and accentuate the positives in my life--starting with my head (mind) my body (obvious) and heart and soul.

    3.) No longer following the crowd, in looking for acceptance, approval (be it my new lifestyle and way of living) but being bold enough to stand alone if i have to and again to blaze my own trail from here on out, in love though. Honestly believing that I'm not any better than anyone else (but no worse either). No longer judging anyone but myself. Being a selfless person more instead of a spoiled, lazy, gluttonous selfish person. Those are HUGE steps for me in my weight-tips FOR MYSELF firstly and if these works for others, cool...if not--move along, nothing here to see :)

    The Physical

    Saying NO to the foods and things that have kept me in the grips of OBESITY and all the yuck that follows (inside and out)

    NO to junk foods
    NO to coffee
    NO to sweets
    NO to artificial and chemical filled foods as much as earthly possible
    NO to Fatty empty calories food and drinks
    NO to soda and sugarly chemical drinks
    NO to dairy (as much as possible)
    NO to beef, pork and very little if any chicken and limited organic eggs
    NO to alcohol
    NO to eating out often
    NO to fatty desserts and things (no matter how "clean")
    NO to driving everywhere--instead walk or ride my bike more
    NO to daily listening and watching negative news and shows that beat down my spirit
    NO to staying up late and no getting enough sleep
    NO to selfishness with my time, attention and affections and YES to being a good mom, wife, friend and neighbor
    NO to listening to gossip and seeking out gossip and being a gossip myself

    YES to organic fruits of all kinds
    YES to organic veggies of all kinds
    YES to exercise everyday...but nothing crazy
    YES to fresh air and sunshine every day walking some
    YES to preparing wholesome homemadfe yummy food
    YES to listening to classical music often
    YES to reading and watching uplifting things
    YES to loving myself and my family and friends more
    YES to sleeping at least 8 hours per day

    YES to life, love, health and happiness! Yes!!!!!!!!!

    Since I've been living like this, just this past month...I've lost 14 pounds, my bodyfat% has decreased more than 10+ percent, I feel less stress and more energy.

    Some no long will say... Poo on you, that's depriving yourself--well my answer is, honey, I've been over indulging in JUNK (physically, mentally and every other way) for too many years (okay, most of my long life) and if this doesn't sit well with you...it's okay...it's working for me and I'm working it! This is a NEW way of life for me and I LOVE IT!

  • billgiersberg
    Tom Venuto calls it "adaptive thermogenesis." Page 260 of his book, "The Body Fat Solution." It has helped me understand a lot and has been very helpful to me in breaking through plateaus. Certainly a lot more helpful than "Eat less calories than you expend. The end." WHile that's true, it's not al all helpful. Venuto explains it and how to do it.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    What does that mean Elizabeth? :laugh:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Eat right/less. Exercise More.
    Drink water.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    These are the weight-loss tips that I'm doing and it's working miracles in my life (everyone is different and like life, one size does NOT and WILL fit all...so:

    The Mental

    Change my attitude about myself and life (people and situations) in general

    1.) No one owes me nothing in this life and I don't owe anyone anything but to love them

    2.) My weight and appearance (inside and out) is my choice-- No longer blaming or accusing or excuses my faults and failures on anyone other than myself--owning them (no matter how much it hurts or I can't see or understand the who's what's why's and how's of and when things don't go my way or "life" happens and it's out of my control--accepting that and moving ON) and doing the hard work that it's going to take to release and eliminate the negatives and accentuate the positives in my life--starting with my head (mind) my body (obvious) and heart and soul.

    3.) No longer following the crowd, in looking for acceptance, approval (be it my new lifestyle and way of living) but being bold enough to stand alone if i have to and again to blaze my own trail from here on out, in love though. Honestly believing that I'm not any better than anyone else (but no worse either). No longer judging anyone but myself. Being a selfless person more instead of a spoiled, lazy, gluttonous selfish person. Those are HUGE steps for me in my weight-tips FOR MYSELF firstly and if these works for others, cool...if not--move along, nothing here to see :)

    The Physical

    Saying NO to the foods and things that have kept me in the grips of OBESITY and all the yuck that follows (inside and out)

    NO to junk foods
    NO to coffee
    NO to sweets
    NO to artificial and chemical filled foods as much as earthly possible
    NO to Fatty empty calories food and drinks
    NO to soda and sugarly chemical drinks
    NO to dairy (as much as possible)
    NO to beef, pork and very little if any chicken and limited organic eggs
    NO to alcohol
    NO to eating out often
    NO to fatty desserts and things (no matter how "clean")
    NO to driving everywhere--instead walk or ride my bike more
    NO to daily listening and watching negative news and shows that beat down my spirit
    NO to staying up late and no getting enough sleep
    NO to selfishness with my time, attention and affections and YES to being a good mom, wife, friend and neighbor
    NO to listening to gossip and seeking out gossip and being a gossip myself

    YES to organic fruits of all kinds
    YES to organic veggies of all kinds
    YES to exercise everyday...but nothing crazy
    YES to fresh air and sunshine every day walking some
    YES to preparing wholesome homemadfe yummy food
    YES to listening to classical music often
    YES to reading and watching uplifting things
    YES to loving myself and my family and friends more
    YES to sleeping at least 8 hours per day

    YES to life, love, health and happiness! Yes!!!!!!!!!

    Since I've been living like this, just this past month...I've lost 14 pounds, my bodyfat% has decreased more than 10+ percent, I feel less stress and more energy.

    Some no long will say... Poo on you, that's depriving yourself--well my answer is, honey, I've been over indulging in JUNK (physically, mentally and every other way) for too many years (okay, most of my long life) and if this doesn't sit well with you...it's okay...it's working for me and I'm working it! This is a NEW way of life for me and I LOVE IT!


    Most accurate representation in a response picture I've seen in a while.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Forgive yourself, be flexible on your diet.
    When you drop your cell phone, you don't jump on it to break it up
    so why do that to your diet?
  • harriet_tubman
    get a bodymedia fit.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    These are the weight-loss tips that I'm doing and it's working miracles in my life (everyone is different and like life, one size does NOT and WILL fit all...so:

    The Mental

    Change my attitude about myself and life (people and situations) in general

    1.) No one owes me nothing in this life and I don't owe anyone anything but to love them

    2.) My weight and appearance (inside and out) is my choice-- No longer blaming or accusing or excuses my faults and failures on anyone other than myself--owning them (no matter how much it hurts or I can't see or understand the who's what's why's and how's of and when things don't go my way or "life" happens and it's out of my control--accepting that and moving ON) and doing the hard work that it's going to take to release and eliminate the negatives and accentuate the positives in my life--starting with my head (mind) my body (obvious) and heart and soul.

    3.) No longer following the crowd, in looking for acceptance, approval (be it my new lifestyle and way of living) but being bold enough to stand alone if i have to and again to blaze my own trail from here on out, in love though. Honestly believing that I'm not any better than anyone else (but no worse either). No longer judging anyone but myself. Being a selfless person more instead of a spoiled, lazy, gluttonous selfish person. Those are HUGE steps for me in my weight-tips FOR MYSELF firstly and if these works for others, cool...if not--move along, nothing here to see :)

    The Physical

    Saying NO to the foods and things that have kept me in the grips of OBESITY and all the yuck that follows (inside and out)

    NO to junk foods
    NO to coffee
    NO to sweets
    NO to artificial and chemical filled foods as much as earthly possible
    NO to Fatty empty calories food and drinks
    NO to soda and sugarly chemical drinks
    NO to dairy (as much as possible)
    NO to beef, pork and very little if any chicken and limited organic eggs
    NO to alcohol
    NO to eating out often
    NO to fatty desserts and things (no matter how "clean")
    NO to driving everywhere--instead walk or ride my bike more
    NO to daily listening and watching negative news and shows that beat down my spirit
    NO to staying up late and no getting enough sleep
    NO to selfishness with my time, attention and affections and YES to being a good mom, wife, friend and neighbor
    NO to listening to gossip and seeking out gossip and being a gossip myself

    YES to organic fruits of all kinds
    YES to organic veggies of all kinds
    YES to exercise everyday...but nothing crazy
    YES to fresh air and sunshine every day walking some
    YES to preparing wholesome homemadfe yummy food
    YES to listening to classical music often
    YES to reading and watching uplifting things
    YES to loving myself and my family and friends more
    YES to sleeping at least 8 hours per day

    YES to life, love, health and happiness! Yes!!!!!!!!!

    Since I've been living like this, just this past month...I've lost 14 pounds, my bodyfat% has decreased more than 10+ percent, I feel less stress and more energy.

    Some no long will say... Poo on you, that's depriving yourself--well my answer is, honey, I've been over indulging in JUNK (physically, mentally and every other way) for too many years (okay, most of my long life) and if this doesn't sit well with you...it's okay...it's working for me and I'm working it! This is a NEW way of life for me and I LOVE IT!


    Most accurate representation in a response picture I've seen in a while.
    Thread winnah!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    1. Consume fewer calories than you expend.

    The End.

    uh....Ron has spoken?

    The End. :flowerforyou:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    1. Consume fewer calories than you expend.

    The End.

    Only tip u will need.

    ...then what's all this talk about 'starvation mode' and 'eating more to lose'?

    Your calories are already being restricted on MFP ....so in fact you are already eating less. When people say to eat more it is to eat back what you have burned because then your body would have consumed too low a number of calories for the day and your body might eventually begin to go into 'starvation mode'.

    For example, if your daily calorie intake is 1300 calories and you burned 500 calories working out then you only ate 800 calories for the day! Too low...