Really who loves David Bowie in Labyrinth as much as me?



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    David Bowie has a son as well, just not with Iman.
  • shonora
    shonora Posts: 48 Member
    Goblin king, goblin king, where ever you may be take this child of mine far away from me......... I wish the goblin king really would take you away... And so the journey begins
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    yay for bowie! yay for labrynth!

  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    One of my faves along with Dark Crystal and Neverending Story....all came out a few years of each other.

    I agree - great movies!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    He was my first celeb crush! *sigh*
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Buahahaha!!! We were JUST talking about David Bowie and Labyrinth in my office just about 30 minutes ago... *lol* Anyway, he creeps me out in that movie.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Buahahaha!!! We were JUST talking about David Bowie and Labyrinth in my office just about 30 minutes ago... *lol* Anyway, he creeps me out in that movie.

    but in a sexy kind of way, right?

    (just say yes and we can still be friends!)

  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Buahahaha!!! We were JUST talking about David Bowie and Labyrinth in my office just about 30 minutes ago... *lol* Anyway, he creeps me out in that movie.

    but in a sexy kind of way, right?

    (just say yes and we can still be friends!)


    I guess..... :laugh: The first time I saw this movie was when I was probably around 10 (along with Neverending story).... so that is always the impression I have of him....