Looking for friends! :D

Hey, everyone!

I've been here for about a year and have relied heavily on this site for the majority of my weight loss. However, I haven't made that many new friends despite the thriving community of support that exists here! So I'd just like to extend a hand of friendship to anyone out here looking for motivation, support, or generally anything. I'd love to chat and give advice on what I've learned over my journey, as well as hear what you have to say! I promise I'm a hoot! I'm a little too shy to add people willy-nilly, but I'll accept if you add me, so please do! I've lost and kept off about 15 pounds since I joined a year ago; however, I still have a ways to go! Hope you can join me!

Much love,


  • I don't mind new friends!
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Same...Ive been on here a little over 3 weeks and at first just did it myself with no friends...it helped, but it's helped so much more since I starrted adding people and getting more support. Sent you a request & anyone else is welcome to add me :)
  • hi- i know hwat you mean about the shy about adding.... once people know me i'm fine but i can be a little reserved until then. am really inspired you have kept the weight off- that's helping me to keep my motivation at the top. hungry tired and snow= raid the cupboards. however we had a family drink and biscuit as a reward for playing out in the snow and i've managed to stop the same time as everyone else.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm looking for friends too! Everyone feel free to add me! I like having a support system!
  • kms7035
    kms7035 Posts: 59 Member
    I'd love some new friends too! <3 haha
  • I wouldn't mind some supportive friends myself. Anyone in need of a supportive friend feel free to add me :wink:
  • jereibold
    jereibold Posts: 20 Member
    :drinker: Good Morning everyone! Hope everyone has a great Sunday, remember to keep tracking and stay on track, even tho it is Super Bowl Sunday!! :)
  • jbean2011
    jbean2011 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is my first day on this site...it was just recommended by a friend...I would LOVE new freinds...and any advise anyone could give me:)
  • vnmw121212
    vnmw121212 Posts: 102 Member
    Add SENT!!! Anyone is welcome to add me as well. I'm supportive and not overbearing :)
  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    Sending a request your way.
  • LionheartedDonna
    LionheartedDonna Posts: 22 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the support, everyone! I hope people are making new friends :) Don't be shy to add me. I do not bite, and I'd love to talk about anything!

    Courtney24107: Added you! :)

    courtneymal17: Thanks for the invite. I'm sure we can support each other!

    suzihead: Keeping it off has been one of my proudest accomplishments. Congrats on resisting the cold weather binge!

    lizard053: Thanks for the invite! :D

    kms7035: Consider yourself a new friend :)

    JenLost: Attitudes like yours keep me going!

    jereibold: I agree! Don't be tempted by too many tortilla chips, guys!

    jbean2011: Welcome to the site! It's definitely a major help and far easier than going at it alone. Feel free to ask any questions, and just remember to stay vigilant! Those calories are sneaky creatures!

    vnmw121212: Thanks for the invite! :D
  • LionheartedDonna
    LionheartedDonna Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the support, ajalcazar!
  • whatshewants
    whatshewants Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 27, from NJ. I've opened my food diary up - just added you :-) Anyone else, feel free to add me back.
  • Rosy06
    Rosy06 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, I am here to motivate and get motivated. Currently doing P90X, Lean version and for diet I do Atkins. Which I should start back up tomorrow Monday.
  • LionheartedDonna
    LionheartedDonna Posts: 22 Member
    Consider yourself added, whatshewants!

    Good luck on the Atkins, Rosy06. I intend to give it a shot in a little while since I've seen my dad and brother succeed so well on it, though switching diet methods is a little scary!
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    sent a request!
  • hey new to this site. Looking for some people to help keep motivated.
  • jackykins
    jackykins Posts: 9 Member
    I know what you mean. I was skeptical about this "adding friends for support thing" but after taking a risk and putting myself out there, these friends have kept me on track and optimistic! I'll add you! c:
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me, I always love giving and receiving support!
  • LionheartedDonna
    LionheartedDonna Posts: 22 Member
    penelepurr: Pleasure to have you as a new friend! :)

    lexi1385: Welcome to MFP! I'm sure we can keep each other motivated.

    jackykins: I hope the same works for me! So far, it's really nice to see what other people out there like me are up to. Thanks for adding me! :D

    jrditt: Consider yourself a new friend! C: