Just had a massive binge :(



  • It happens to everyone!
    As a matter of fact it happened to me yesterday! I had a WHOLE small pizza! Ridiculous. But you know what? I've been doing pretty well these past few weeks, and I'm proud of myself for putting so much effort into being healthier. So don't feel bad, we ALL need a break from these restrictive diets we're all trying to achieve. You need to relax a bit sometimes, it's HEALTHY to eat too much once in a while. It's good for the soul and makes you feel a little better. Cause food is a comfort. So enjoy it, and keep going! :)
  • prettylittlechubby
    Just had a massive binge and don't really know what to do know!

    Me too :( I feel so crappy right now!! Reading the comments on here and it really does show that it happens to everyone and the fact we feel super guilty is a good sign. Im heading to the gym tomorrow and going to work extra hard and eat super clean. My weekends are the worst and I really need to get out of this habit as I am ruining my weight loss and my week of hard work.

    Chin up, tomorrow is a new day. Think of today as a treat day and move on, just dont stay down. Hope you feel better :D xx
  • Fitfaery
    Fitfaery Posts: 68 Member
    Well done for being human... xx We all do it every now and then. Back on track tomorrow :happy: xx
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Don't panic!
    Often one binge doesn't affect your weekly weigh-in, providing you get right back on track & carry on being 'good' - in fact there have been times when a one-off scoff can actually HELP your weight-loss as it gives your metabolism a bit of a boost.
    It's done. Learn from it (remember how bad you feel at this very moment) & perhaps next time you're faced with the same temptations you might not be so eager to repeat it.
    You're going to be ok :smile:
  • msjta
    msjta Posts: 51
    I can join the club today. I just returned with friends from IHOP having 2 pancakes with syrup,2 scrambled eggs and 4 turkey sausages. I just tallied the calories and didn't do as bad as I thought. I am glad I passed on the orange juice and extra syrup. We went to Best Buys and I found two workout DVDs to try out. Won't beat myself up.
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    OMG! I did the same thing yesterday. I usually cook and prepare meals for work, but yesterday I forgot to bring my own lunch to work and ended up eating junk (almost 2000 calories). It happens to everyone. I'm just moving forward and continue with my journey.

    I love this quote: Saying, "Oh I've already ruined my good eating today so I'll just eat crap." Is like saying "Oh I dropped my phone on the floor, I'll just smash it until it breaks."

    Totally right girl! agreed! .... gotta just move on. We can't avoid food and its good to indulge at least once a week (see the message board about Dr.Oz and fat-er-day)
  • ThinningDownChick
    ThinningDownChick Posts: 95 Member
    Just stop and breathe. Beating yourself up won't do you any good- get back on track RIGHT NOW!!! Make sure the rest of your day is packed with lots of veggies and water :)
  • lublue
    lublue Posts: 123 Member
    Just accept you did it, remember to be extra strict the rest of the week to make up for it, and get back on track right now, don't wait for tomorrow
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    Don't beat up yourself too bad. It happens. Start over NOW!!! From this minute on make up your mind to eat healthy for the rest of the day and so on.

    Truth be told one thing I'm learning is that a oops every now and then really doesn't much, but when it becomes a habit you will see the difference on the scale. But it is a slippery slope so be careful.