why do people add you but don't even say hi?



  • BoxingCoachMo
    I add people every once in awhile. And then I get off track of using MFP or I get on quickly to check something and then get off. I do try to leave comments for people.

    By the same token, I don't get upset if people don't leave me comments. But I add people sometimes just to watch them change because they're doing awesome jobs!

    All in all, I'm a horrible social networker, LOL

    Your intentions are good however.
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    why do people add you but don't even say hi?

    Cause you're hott!
  • BoxingCoachMo
    people. please feel free to add me as i will comment on your 'work' and get to know you :)
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Maybe I'm nuts, but I also expect a little interaction now and then. Don't bother adding me to your collection of hundreds of friends you never take time to comment on my food or exercise diary. I delete quite frequently.

    Which is exactally why I don't add anyone. Who has time to do that everyday?
    No, high maintenance people who need a WTG, NICE BURN, great job on every little notation need not apply.
    I enjoy one to one interaction through PM or forum banter.
    It's just a preference.

    Well, not every thing but even a profile check in once and again would be nice. :)
  • BoxingCoachMo
    why do people add you but don't even say hi?

    Cause you're hott!

    i don't get it...
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I don't add someone unless they leave a message with it.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Sorry! I am one of those people! I have turned down sooooo many friend request because I can NOT be a good supportive friend! I am soooo stinkin busy that I just can't! I do have some awesome friends in some of my threads but I do NOT EXPECT anybody to chime in on any of my "success's" either. I am a loner and I do not use people to reach my goal. I just dig deeper and pray harder!!! I wish you the best in your expectations of mfp friends!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    maximal.... you added me... but didn';t say hi :-P
    Whassup? Hey! Hello. Yo, homie. Howdy:wink::wink:
  • dictations
    I appreciate a message saying why they added me, that's what I always do, but even if they don't I still add them. They don't have to say anything to me, I'm mostly content with just watching their progress in that case.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I have recently come back and found a friend who I went through the journey the first time around we messaged each other everyday, I really cared about her journey and life even though she was round the other side of the world. Most people who have added me this time haven't even replied to the message I send them I do get annoyed and think if you don't really want support whats the point in having all these friends? Just to be popular? Nosy? I'd rather have a few people who are similar to me who actually want to interact :)
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    Maybe I'm nuts, but I also expect a little interaction now and then. Don't bother adding me to your collection of hundreds of friends you never take time to comment on my food or exercise diary. I delete quite frequently.

    Which is exactally why I don't add anyone. Who has time to do that everyday?

    ETA: Well you know, for" hundreds" of people. :)

    well it is a good tool for just measuring what you eat and work off...

    i like the community spirit... but some of these people remind me of people in real life... they just don't make conversation. I do get p!ssed off when i make an effort with someone yet they don't bother with me!

    I agree, which is why I still come here. But this is the first time I've been on the boards in forever.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    i don't mind being added, but would expect a courtesy message saying hi and why someone added me. Would be nice right?
    I like something explaining the request.
    Even something like...

    "Hi, I saw your picture, and you remind me of my best imaginary friend who speaks to me through the heat vent late at night when I am wondering why I was even ever born. BE MY FRIEND!"

    I mean something:embarassed:

    This is pure awesome! I agree that this is largely why I delete friend requests without anything in them. Chances are, if they don't take the time to let me know why their adding me, I'll never find out and there won't be much interaction. I am here to support and encourage, but I can't do that if you don't give me anything to work with and I may have to hit you with a great big Strong Bad, "DELETED!!!!"
  • BoxingCoachMo
    maximal.... you added me... but didn';t say hi :-P
    Whassup? Hey! Hello. Yo, homie. Howdy:wink::wink:

    i feel so much better now pal. But i guess with all those hot ladies on your profile... you don't have time for the hot studs ;) lol
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry! I am one of those people! I have turned down sooooo many friend request because I can NOT be a good supportive friend! I am soooo stinkin busy that I just can't! I do have some awesome friends in some of my threads but I do NOT EXPECT anybody to chime in on any of my "success's" either. I am a loner and I do not use people to reach my goal. I just dig deeper and pray harder!!! I wish you the best in your expectations of mfp friends!!

    " I just dig deeper and pray harder!!!"
  • SieggieSieg
    You can delete them.....
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    IMHO ....its silly to expect every person "you" have accepted to your friends list to be able to message you personally...if there is no interaction between you and the other perhaps "you" need to take the first step..maybe they saw a post or something of yours and decided you might help them in their journey....fact remains "you" accepted the request so "you" need to take some initiative...and if they dont reply to your messages then delete them.....I have loads of friends Im not able to respond to but I try my best to catch a few here and there on the updates...and sometimes if I have questions I send private messages BUT I know there is no way I can keep in touch with 300 friends so I leave little comments on the updates part in hopes they read them......i love having a huge pool of friends I can hit with questions but if you like a closer knit group you should be more selective on who you accept..
  • tataliciousd89
    Well I'm not very social, especially to complete strangers, but since I have started adding people I do make an effort to leave them comments every day they have something comment worthy. I have my newsfeed settings set up to limit what goes up about me though.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    i don't mind being added, but would expect a courtesy message saying hi and why someone added me. Would be nice right?
    I like something explaining the request.
    Even something like...

    "Hi, I saw your picture, and you remind me of my best imaginary friend who speaks to me through the heat vent late at night when I am wondering why I was even ever born. BE MY FRIEND!"

    I mean something:embarassed:

    This is my new Hi Message Everyone I add will get this message! It shows I really am Loopy
    Or try..."You remind me so much of my cellmate!"
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    maximal.... you added me... but didn';t say hi :-P
    Whassup? Hey! Hello. Yo, homie. Howdy:wink::wink:

    i feel so much better now pal. But i guess with all those hot ladies on your profile... you don't have time for the hot studs ;) lol
    I have the time, but the conversation is just...different!:laugh:
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    I've never added anyone without sending them a note first, but I will add my two cents. lol
    Some people just need encouragement - and I'm one of them. If I'm reading the message board and I'm reading someone's post or someone else's reply and I'm inspired, I will send them a note and ask if I can add them to my friends list. Knowing that I'm not alone in this journey is helpful to me. Yes, I have my family, but they don't have to log what they eat or how much exercise, so being able to connect with someone who knows what I'm going thru is making me succeed. :)