insanity useless???



  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Finished a round of Insanity early January, even after 60 days didn't notice much loss on the scale (about 4lbs) even pushing HARD each workout. What I did notice was more muscle definition, clothes getting a bit looser and much better endurance.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Ok so after reading some comments i will add more info. I am 5'6 weigh 191 pounds, and am 30% body fat 51% water. I also breastfeed so thats an extra 350 calories. Most of my weight was put on during my pregnancies. Usually what i eat is rice (white i cant stand whole wheat) or potatoes with veggies lean meat like chicken or tilapia fish, ground beef , beans, lentils, or other veggie based dishes, i also eat white pita bread, eggs, lots of fruits like grapefruits , bananas (in moderation) cereal for breakfast, cook everything with olive oil. Snacks include rice cakes and occassionally i eat unhealthy stuff like chips and chocolate.

    Oh this is great information. This puts your BMR at ~1673. I assume you are at sedentary as your basic lifestyle. So below is the math.

    TDEE = 1673 * 1.2 +350 (BF) + 550 (exercise) = 2907 * .80 (defecit) = 2326.

    So based on Katch McArdle, 2300 calories far off. Now, if you are active with your new born, the calories could be more (300 calories more). So with this information, I would say, make sure you are eating 2300 calories in a day and give it time. I know with beach body programs, they say weight loss could take 30-45 days for women. Now if you are not eating that many calories, then it might be time to up your current calories.

    Now keep in mind there might be a small margin of error as no calculation is perfect. This is why you have to monitor it for a while (heck, it's been almost a year and I still play with my calories... have always increased it). But you watch for a month, if you lose weight... maintain calories. If you gain weight (not just 2 lbs), then you decrease by 200 calories, if you maintain weight, then you increase your calories by 200.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    i just made my diary public temporarily... so embarassing but if thats what it takes to get good feedback there it is.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    You probably should eat more on exercise days especially. Try upping your daily calorie intake to about 1700-1800.

    And measure, measure, measure!

    I lost 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks or so, and I lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 in my hips in approximately that same time frame. At the end of the day, if your measurements are smaller, that's way better than results on the scale.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    i just made my diary public temporarily... so embarassing but if thats what it takes to get good feedback there it is.

    You are definitely under eating. Beach body recommends no less than 1800-2000 calories to do these programs. And based on your info, you should be around 2300. So eat up. Scary isn't it.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Ok so after reading some comments i will add more info. I am 5'6 weigh 191 pounds, and am 30% body fat 51% water. I also breastfeed so thats an extra 350 calories. Most of my weight was put on during my pregnancies. Usually what i eat is rice (white i cant stand whole wheat) or potatoes with veggies lean meat like chicken or tilapia fish, ground beef , beans, lentils, or other veggie based dishes, i also eat white pita bread, eggs, lots of fruits like grapefruits , bananas (in moderation) cereal for breakfast, cook everything with olive oil. Snacks include rice cakes and occassionally i eat unhealthy stuff like chips and chocolate.

    Oh this is great information. This puts your BMR at ~1673. I assume you are at sedentary as your basic lifestyle. So below is the math.

    TDEE = 1673 * 1.2 +350 (BF) + 550 (exercise) = 2907 * .80 (defecit) = 2326.

    So based on Katch McArdle, 2300 calories far off. Now, if you are active with your new born, the calories could be more (300 calories more). So with this information, I would say, make sure you are eating 2300 calories in a day and give it time. I know with beach body programs, they say weight loss could take 30-45 days for women. Now if you are not eating that many calories, then it might be time to up your current calories.

    Now keep in mind there might be a small margin of error as no calculation is perfect. This is why you have to monitor it for a while (heck, it's been almost a year and I still play with my calories... have always increased it). But you watch for a month, if you lose weight... maintain calories. If you gain weight (not just 2 lbs), then you decrease by 200 calories, if you maintain weight, then you increase your calories by 200.

    Thankyou for the extremely informative response.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    if your measurements are smaller, that's way better than results on the scale.
    So truee