Need advice before I loose the will to live :(



  • lyndsei
    lyndsei Posts: 153 Member
  • srclemmons
    srclemmons Posts: 1 Member
    Don't give up, but do get better information. You need to talk to an expert that knows or at least read some information that isn't misinformation. There is a lot garbage out on the web.

    One or two posters already indicated you may be eating too few calories in fact. You may be putting your metabolism into starvation mode.

    In my case I determined my BMR, so I knew how many calories I was burning just being alive. I used that as my starting point and went for a 400-500 calorie reduction from there. I then made sure to track "everything" I ate and all my true exercise activities. On days I exercise, I have to eat more. In fact, there is a phrase you come across over again on many reputable sites about "fueling your workout" this seemed to work well for me.

    Keep in mind that the closer you get to your ideal weight, the slower the pounds come off. Don't expect the same rate of loss the whole way through, and don't expect consistency day to day. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week and do so at the same time of day.

    I'm in no way associated with this site, but I recommend checking out It's run by a group of personal trainers in Key West, Florida I had the pleasure of getting to know on a recent business trip. They are very good about helping you cut through the weight loss misinformation, debunking myths and provide a lot of really good advice on exercise.

    Best of luck!
  • leanmachinedream
    It would also help if you opened your food diary so we know what you're really eating. 1200 bad calories vs 1200 good calories make a difference.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    This is an awful headline "Need advice before I loose the will to live". Seriously? If this is true than you need to check yourself into a psych ward. Or at least tell someone that you are at this point and then they can help you.

    As for the's water weight. Give your body a break from the exercise for a couple of days (2-3) and allow it to get rid of the water in your sore muscles. Then weigh yourself. You'll be surprised at the change in the number on the scale.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Its funny how everyone's advice is to eat more. She is probably eating too much if she is working out 7 days a week for four weeks and hasn't lost a single pound.

    Not necessarily. If you exercise a lot your body needs more than just 1200 calories. 1200 calories is great if you're sedentary,

    Also, OP, if you're truly losing the will to live you need to seek help. If you're not, then stop being a drama queen because exaggerating isn't funny.

    Yeah I know...I was being sarcastic. You can lay in bed all day and eat 1200 calories and lose weight so I assume the calorie intake is greater than 1200 a day... hence she is probably eating too much if she is working out 7 days a week for four weeks and hasn't lost a single pound.
  • aml1974
    same thing here... its frustrating... but my PT told me i need to incorporate strength training into my cardio... building muscle mass burns more calories...

    give it more time.. this doesnt happen overnight. good luck!

    Good advice that is exactly what I train to. I alternate my cardio training with my strength I attend the gym 4 times a week for 1 hour a time and I aim to eat 800 of my 1200 calories - working for me so the advice I was given was great for me. Cardio training burns calories but strength training will continue to burn calories when you get home as the muscle has to repair itself,. Also the less you have to lose the slower it will come off those with a greater goal to reach lose weight faster at the start watching ITV Biggest loser proves this. Best of luck

    BUT you need to eat MORE to gain muscle! PLUS, why do you only eat 800 of your calories? Are you aiming to be skinny or healthy? :L

    Who said anything about gaining muscle??? have you heard of toning! and strength training helps to burn calories faster. As for skinny or healthy I have always been 8.5 stone until I had cancer treatment and my weight rose to 9.5 stone as I was unable to train so I am following the advise given to me by the hospital nutritionalist, everyone is different - that is why there are plans out there! Believe my healthy and skinny doesn't compete with being alive!!
  • loosetorideagain
    loosetorideagain Posts: 32 Member
    Hey, thank you all for your suggestions... it is obvious from what you all say that I need to eat more with the amount of exercise I do.

    When I registered on this site it suggested 1200 calories a day, but I guess that it wasn't taking into account the exercise.

    I will up my calorie intake to account for my exercise and hopefully will start to loose a pound a week.

    Maybe I am just being to impatient and want to loose it to quickly.

    Thanks again, your replies have helped. However, please, I was not serious about loosing the will to live, it was just a comment, nothing serious... I am NOT suicidal, depressed or even some pscho that needs committing. I just wanted some advice on why the weight was not coming off.

    Trace xx
  • losingtwenty4miami
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    You are not even eating close to enough calories. An absolute minimum of 1200 should be eaten but probably more depending on what your BMR is. Eat at least your BMR amount and if you are exercising then eat those calories as well. You can do this....good luck.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Its funny how everyone's advice is to eat more. She is probably eating too much if she is working out 7 days a week for four weeks and hasn't lost a single pound.

    She is definitely not eating enough. Your body will go into starvation mode if you are not taking in enough calories a day even to live. Each person needs to find what their BRM is and go from there. It should never be less that 1200 calories per day before exercise...and has to be more if you are exercising.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Its funny how everyone's advice is to eat more. She is probably eating too much if she is working out 7 days a week for four weeks and hasn't lost a single pound.

    I know, she should just eat ZERO calories per day. The weight will come off much faster with an even bigger defecit!