Whats the one food or drink that is the HARDEST to resist an



  • pizza!:ohwell:
  • Anything junk food - McDonalds, KFC, Chinese but I lovvveeeee cheese - I just don't eat it hardly ever because I get too carried away!!
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Chex mix and ice cream... only buy them when I have the calories to spare... cause I will eat the whole thing in one sitting haha.
  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    For me it's pizza, Reese's, Lay's barbecue chips, Dr. Pepper and pasta of any kind.
  • CHEESECAKE!!!!! If I attempted to make this fit into my calorie intake, I would probably have to eat a teaspoon of it, and that wouldn't do anything except piss me off. I'm also a fan of Mcdonald's mcdoubles. The other day I decided I was willing to burn the calories from consuming 2 mcdoubles and a small fry. I exhausted myself. I have bad knees, and they throbbed for a day and a half. I will never lie to myself about mcdonalds again!!!:laugh:
  • Ranch Dressing.. I am constanting trying to think of things to eat with it.

    Ugh! Me too! Ranch Dressing....on anything! So heavy in calories though. :(
  • Pizza! Had the craving when I was pregnant with my twins. They will be one in May and I still constantly crave it!
  • Coke Zero... It's my crack cocaine
  • BROWNIES!!! I love them SO MUCH!
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Alcohol on a Thur-Sat night Lol.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Mine HAS to be... American Dream Shaketastic. It is a milkshake which consists of Icecream, Reeces peanut butter cups, fluff(marshmallow) whipped cream and oreo crumbs on top.

    This is the most delicious thing in the world. Considering I don't eat alot at all and walk alot I think this plays a big part in my weight gain this year. It is just so delicious and with all my friends also addicted to it, its hard to say no :P

    Whats yours?
    Good grief, I just Googled that shake. 2010 calories each!!!I can see how that'd hold back your weight loss...

    Edit: Google failed me, that was the Cold Stone PB&C :laugh:

    My devil food is cheese on toast. I could eat that after I've eaten all my meals for the day, even when I'm full.
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    Taco Bell is the toughest thing for me to resist. I can have an entire fridge stocked with food, and I still have to fight the urge to leave my house just to hit the Taco Bell drive-thru.

    (Also...to those of you who are mentioning popcorn: If you lay off the butter and salt, popcorn isn't a bad snack food at all. Have at it!)
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    Coke Zero... It's my crack cocaine

  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    Pepsi and anything with caramel...there's this 24hr bakery that sells these horribly addictive salted caramel brownies so even at like 3 am I know that I can go get a fix
  • Ghirardelli caramel and milk chocolate, when they are in the house - I only buy them once in a great while but my husbands often surprises me with them, I can't say no to them anyway, and especially not when he is being so sweet!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Mine is definitely chocolate!!
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Fountain pop pepsi is my weakness and than pizza is another weakness
  • Red wine and indian takeaway....and burgers (but only homemade), crisps and sausage rolls!!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    There is not a lot I can't say no to (only because I don't keep it in my house). I'd have to say it is hard for me to limit beer when I'm out with friends. I did find this pizza place in town that has AMAZING pizza, Stromboli, and calzones. I have hard time not ordering it since it would last me several meals.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Wings and pops.