Looking for Moms!

Hi Everyone!!

My name is Christine and I am 28 years old and I just joined MFP a week ago today after some coaxing from my coworkers. So far, I really love what the program has to offer. I love how it helps you track what you are taking into your body, what exercising you are doing and water consumption. Last week I weighed in at 225, hoping to shed 50 to start ( am going to weigh myself every Monday), looking for some positive things to come. I found calorie counting and lots of water consumption is what helped me before, anyone else have any words of inspiration? I do have to say I am quite proud of myself so far, no cheating and I have not buckled!!

Best of luck to everyone on their journey!!


  • amazondakini
    amazondakini Posts: 69 Member
    Hello! Wow, I am super tall too, and started at 225, and tomorrow morning is my weigh in for week 2. I hope to get to 185 eventually, but I am just so determined to get back into the 100's! I am 6'2", so under 195, I won' be medically overweight. I have liked tracking all my food, and haven't ramped up my exercise as much as I should, but it isn't at 0. Thanks for the tip to try more water.
    I have two kids, which is when I gained a Ton of weight. My name is Kim, I am amazondakini on MFP.
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more! As soon as I see that number blink 199.9 I will be ecstatic!! My youngest will be 1 next month so I am hoping I can work off 10 pounds by the time we celebrate :O)
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I am a busy mom of 5 kids...my youngest is 3 years old now. Its time for me to work on my body now! You can add me if you want :) I try to drink lots of water and make healthy choices. I am also doing the C25K program although slowly as I totally started at COUCH status...haha. I started at 250 and am currently at 235. I might even attempt a cartwheel when I see 199!!!! LOL Can't wait to get there!!!
  • What is the C25K program??

    I am a mother of 2 small babies and just starting to work out..
  • What is the C25K program??

    I am a mother of 2 small babies and just starting to work out..

    Couch to 5K
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    I've heard GREAT things about the C25K program! I'm walking daily and doing the calories for now plus I add in other exercises. Mostly tredmill and weights. I discovered a bunch of workout clips on my FIOS menu that I want to try on the nights that I have a bunch going on. Great coming across all of you. My name is Christine (or ChristineCain) if you would like to add me :o)
  • Hi fellow MOMS!! I'm on this journey with you. I have seven kids. My youngest will be 1 next month too!! I haven't exercised regularly since before my first was born. I started doing 30 day shred last Sept. I just about died I was so out of shape. My 4 year old could beat me in a running race :). I had to take a month off because of injuries to my knee and elbow. But I'm back at it since the beginning of January and so far (from last Sept) I've lost 20 lbs. My ticker reflects the loss from starting MFP in January 2012. So, I'm doing the 30DS 5-6 times each week and also running 1 mile 1 day a week.
  • Welcome to MFP! I love it. I am a stay home mum of 2. I've lost 55 lbs. over the last year. I cut out flour and sugar (I do have it in moderation now). I also walk 5-7 days per week for at least an hour per day. I think logging everything you eat and exercising are the keys to a healthy weight loss. Best of luck to you :)
  • razzyjazz
    razzyjazz Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I just passed my 1 month of working and have lost so far 14.4 pounds. My cw is 250.6 and my goal is 150-160.
    I have two daughters that are active in competitive cheer and i also coach too. I finally got tired of looking at myself in all those mirrors at the cheer gym i knew it was time for a change.

    What has been helping me this time around is having the support of my husband. He has been working out and has also lost 14 pounds. It's exciting to know that we are getting healthier and we can set an example for our girls.

    We all need the support and movitation to get us through!! Good luck and welcome again to MFP
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Hi welcome!
    im just working at getting active again i had some health related stuff scare but have been feeling so much better other than this cold virus ive had for days now. June to late dec was rough so much strange stuff probably all anxiety was having panic attacks and was afraid to drive. Unttil this cold came i wasdoing wii dance games a few days a week. Working to get that to 5 days a week plus 2-3 days of yoga or pilates dvds with my 8 year old who's looking to get muscle strength for gymnastics and more flexible.
    Feel free to add me. I have a lot to lose, around 150lbs.
  • dreambig81
    dreambig81 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Im a mum of 2 (age 2,5 boy and 7 months girl) and boy did the 2 kids in 2 years pack on the weight! Ive acyally been pregnant and/or breasfeeding for over 3 years now!
    I started almost a month ago counting the cals and trying to do whatever excersizes I can usually on the wii as Im a sahm and Im always with the kids :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    MUM of 3 monkey boys(teens now) here,50 is really not soooo bad,make little goals for your self like every 5lbs or so and treat yourself (not food)! try to get the kids more involed with the exersice too if at all possible... :bigsmile:
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Wow you all are such an inspiration!! I just hit my first mini goal of 5 pounds down today!!!! How you all set mini goals/rewards for yourselves? Mine is a tatoo that I have been wanting to get that.
  • yummymummy52
    yummymummy52 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I'm Sharon, 37 from the UK. Our little boy will be 1 in 12 days time and I am happy that I managed to lose the stone of baby weight I had to shift quite quickly. Since then I just kept going and have lost 34lbs taking me down to 166lbs (my current weight) ideally I'd love to get down to 140lbs so still have a little way to go but am just happy to be seeing the scales going in the right direction!
  • helcb
    helcb Posts: 13

    my name is helen and i have two "babies" my oldest is 20 months nd my lil girl is 8 months !! i found out i was expecting wen my baby boy was 12 weeks old .. der is a year nd a day between them so i have about a stone of baby weight to loose !! my bmi is 23.9 so im not clinically overweight but as all u moms know i jus want get into my old clothes !!! some weeks im great but d last two weeks havent been good food wise so today is a new week fresh start :)
  • releasetherobots
    releasetherobots Posts: 22 Member
    Wow you all are such an inspiration!! I just hit my first mini goal of 5 pounds down today!!!! How you all set mini goals/rewards for yourselves? Mine is a tatoo that I have been wanting to get that.

    My reward for hitting goal weight is a tattoo also! My rewards for reaching mini goals are usually new clothes, a haircut, or a night out with friends. Anything but food! I am also a mother, I have a little boy who will be 2 in April. He is definitely my inspiration; I want him to grow up in a healthy family with healthy habits!
  • Hello! I'm a mum of 3. I'm slowly seeing success with the NHS couch to 5k programme and calorie counting using MFP :) I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get back into shape and stay healthy :) I'm looking at it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I won't stop running after I reach my goal as I'm starting to love it! And I hope to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of my life :D
  • La1210
    La1210 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome, welcome, welcome,

    You came to the right place! I am a mom of 2 sons ages 14 and 2!!! Judging by the huge gap in age you can understand why I joined MFP! My 2yr old is FULL of energy and all this extra weight is slowing me up. My 14yr old is a member of the high school wrestling team. I feel so bad that he's so buff at 14 and his mom is so out of shape. He is my true motivation. I want to be fit and healthy for my kids. I'm getting older my body is changing(everything is going south) I want to look Great at 50 and 60.
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Without the risk of sounding too selfish, I had decided that its time to focus a little bit on me now. I have 2 boys (a 6 year old and another one that will be 1 in March). Usually for me when I diet, the first few days are the hardest, but I got over that hump. Today is 2 weeks for me on this regime. I am going strong with my H20 intake and really watching my calories. My first real test was this past Saturday when I went to Baby Shower and there was a HUGE spread of food. Lucky for me, there are also 2 other girls I work with doing MFP with me so we are a good support system for each other.

    My husband and I will be celebrating 9 years together this May and I would love to be able to wear this cute little simple denim dress that I wore when I first met him. My children and this dress are my inspiration :O)
  • ErinsAvon
    ErinsAvon Posts: 72 Member
    I am a mother of 3 also, My oldest is almost 16, and "gulp" I have not lost any weight since I had him, except during the pregnancies of his siblings, when I lost 30 both times, and then gained it right back after, even with breastfeeding. My youngest is 4 now, and I am so mad that I waited so long to work on me(just turned 35). I started by losing weight with exercise a year ago, 30 pounds in 2011. This year I want to get off another 30, I have added a more balanced diet. and of course am tracking everything. I started at 223. Now 193. Always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me. ErinsAvon.
  • My name is Jessica and I am a mother of two little princesses. I have been on my fit for about a year now...took a few months off over the holidays but now back for the long hall! I weighed 201 in December of 2010 and weighed in at 154 by August 2011 all thanks to my fit :-) I am back to loss another 20 pounds! I am looking for pals to share this weigh loss journey with, I love to share tips and tricks I use to cut calories and provide support to my pals! add me

  • Hi! Welcome! I am a mom to 3 (2 girls 9 and 8 - both in competitive gymnastics) and a 16 mth old son! I work full time and go to school full time and have been on here since July. I wish I had more success, but just fall into that "mom" thing and put everyone else first. My husband is a body builder, so its always kinda depressing to be the "fat wife" - although he never says anything, I feel that way. I've pretty much come down to the only 2 times I can work out is 4:30am and 4:30pm - and let me tell you am has happened ONCE in the past 2 months :( and pm has happened about 8 times :( Used to be an avid exerciser and weight lifter (even did a half marathon a few weeks before I found out I was pg with my son), but just can't get it back together.
    Good luck to you and would love to be friends!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I am a mom too with 4 kids. Love them but each one of them has left me with more and more weight. Then one of my boys fell ill and all I did was eat to keep from crying. I was up to 233 when I joined. I WI this weekend at 188. I was so flipping happy when I was finally under 200 but getting under 190 felt just as nice maybe nicer since it is the smallest I have been in 5 years. I'm gonna keep going as far as I can go, working out and getting stronger. I'll be hotter at 40 than I was in high school. lol Friend me if you want. I'm always looking for more support and to help out if I can.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Oh and about feeling like you are being selfish by taking the time for yourself, you are not being selfish. This benefits them as well. As you eat healthier you will set a better example for your children. They will learn from you what is healthy and that will help promote good healthy eating habits and exercise habits and a positive body image. I focus on telling my children I am getting strong and healthy not that I am trying to be skinny because those are two very different things. My 10 year old has lost 10 lbs and is now at a healthy weight. He has grown 3 inches in the last few months and is doing push ups and situps and has the makings of abs peeking through. My 3 year old does push ups with me as well and I had to buy him little one pound weights so he can do Jillian Michaels work outs with me. My DD will snack on carrots now and will say she is getting healthy because she is working out with me. My 18 yr old work out together sometimes as well. None of what you are doing is selfish. If you don't take care of yourself who will take care of them.
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey there, mom to four boys here! The oldest is almost 9 and the youngest is 21 months! I am loving this site! It is such an easy way to watch what I am putting into my body!

    I also am wanting to set an example for my kids. I never want them to have the struggles that I have had with my weight. I also do not want to be the fat mom. My oldest did say something to me this last fall about my belly. He told me he loved me but wondered why it was so big. Not something you want to hear from your child.

    I weighed in this morning at 199! I have broken out of the 200's and will never see them again!
  • Aprill20
    Aprill20 Posts: 48 Member
    I LOVE MFP! My daughter is 3.5 and my son will be 2 next month. I can't believe the amount of weight I put on. I remember being 21 and people that I looked anorexic because I was so tall (5’11) and skinny. Having 2 kids in 2 years packed on the pounds and it didn’t help that my daughter was 10.5 pounds and stretched my stomach to the max.
    I started MFP in January last year and went from 195 to 172 in 2 months. Unfortunately, I somewhere fell off the wagon and gained it all back.
    My hubby and I are giving it another go and I just finished 2 weeks of MFP and P90x and have went from 194.4 to 186.
    I think my motivation this time around is that I am turning 30 in April and I went to be able to wear “small” clothes again. I am tired of my size 16 pants and L-XL tops.
    It’s so nice to know that I am not alone!
    Good luck to all – we can do this!!!!
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Hi, I have one boy 5, very active with an imagination to fill a room and more. I got tired of being the fat wife. Im only 5"1 so extra weight really shows. after having my son I ended up on hormone BC again, was on it before pregancy no problem, the hormone caused a depression(took 3 years to figure this out) and ended up on anti depressants too. Gained 40 on top of the pregnancy weight, figured out it was the pill, got off the hormone BC, got off the anti depressants, joined a biggest loser challenge to kick start my journey, found MFP, asked for support from co-workders, friends and most importantly hubby. without asking for help I think this would be harder. The most surprising thing is the support, without it I would fail, or give up just like before, and the time before that.... I know that now if I need time to workout, I ask my hubby to help out and we have an alternating schedual, if he wants me thinner and healthy he needs to help me make time. He is happy to do so especially since the loss has started to show. Dont think of it as being selfish, there is an old saying I saw on a shirt my mom had that stuck with me. "If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy." tacky shirt but true enough.
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    hello. i am a mommy to a 13month old little boy :) i started about 8 1/2 months ago and have lost 64lbs. just remember , the journey wont be easy but the end result is SOOO worth it :) good luck! feel free to add
  • KMA220
    KMA220 Posts: 24 Member
    Momma here! I'm new to MFP but have already lost 5 lbs! So excited for this new journey. My daughter will be 1 this month and I'm excited to become a healthy mom who she can look up to! :)
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Hi. I am a mother of a beatiful 1 year old. I have always struggled with my wieght. I have been a member of MFP for awhile but, only log & actually eat right & exercies once in awhile. Well that all changed...I have decieded it's time to do something for me. Today marks my second week on the C25K exercise program. I am so proud of myself!! Since I have overcome my first hurdle of 'scheduling' my workouts into my busy life. Yes I literly write them in my planner. The next step is cutting out the junk food. Went grocery shopping yesterday & bought all healthy food. Made a veggie lasanga yesterday for dinner & leftovers are todays lunch.

    My excuse was always I didn't have enough time being a full time working mom. But, it was just an excuse. I do have time.

    My son loves fruits & veggies & I want to be a good example for him :love:
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