Looking for Moms!



  • bobbi_jo2
    bobbi_jo2 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello all. I joined MFP about a month ago, and I am obsessed. It's such a great tool to help you stay on track, keep motivated, and meet lots of awesome people. I love hearing success stories and seeing people change their lives.

    I have always struggled with my weight and had self-esteem issues because of it. I have a 9 month old son, and I am finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight. But I would still love to lose about 40 pounds. I have started going to the gym daily and I am already feeling SO much better. I just started Week 3 of Couch to 5K today, and I am also going to start the 30 Day shred today, hoping to tone up a little and see more results..

    Would love more friends and support, so feel free to add me.
  • Mommy to a 7 month old here! Joined in December to lose the rest of the baby weight...got about 3-5 lbs to go :)
    Feel free to add me

    p.s. the jillian michaels workouts rock!!!
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    Welcome to MFP! As you can see, you are FAR from being alone. Its a daily walk, filled with decisions, choices, wants and desires. You are off to a great start. We look forward to hearing your progress!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    I am a mommy of two. My son is 8 and my daughter is 18. I want to lose weight to be healthy and set a good example for my children. Also, my daughter graduates from high school June 1 and I would really love to feel comfortable in my own skin while celebrating her big day. I love MFP. I think there are a lot of great people on here with the same goals. It makes this journey a lot less lonely! Best of luck to you!!
  • sunflowerjesss
    sunflowerjesss Posts: 29 Member
    Stay at home mommy to 3 here! I have a son who will be 4 in June and 10 month old twin girls.

    I was on MFP last year before I got pregnant and had great success. Fell off the bandwagon when I got pregnant but I am back on and at full force!!

    Good luck to all.
  • brandybea
    brandybea Posts: 46 Member
    Mom to two 17 and almost 15 year old boys.I've lost and gained this weight a few times now ready to just lose it and stay there... = )
  • I have a 6 mo old daughter & 4.5 yr old daughter...im 27yrs old & looking for other mommies who have a passion for working out/eating right. So far been on here 1 week and feeling like there are crickets chirping as far as convo's go...adddd me if you are serious aboit having a partner in crime to lose the rest of baby weight!!! :)
  • Wow you all are such an inspiration!! I just hit my first mini goal of 5 pounds down today!!!! How you all set mini goals/rewards for yourselves? Mine is a tatoo that I have been wanting to get that.

    I have a mini goal that I'm hoping to hit soon - my reward will be some new nail polish and accessories for doing manicures at home for me and my daughters. Sounds simple. When I hit my goal weight my DH is going to buy me an Ipod touch - or a new dslr camera. I can't decide yet. My motivation is a week long cruise I booked for us. A second honeymoon after 16 years!
  • Mom of 4 here - 5, 4, 3, and 3 months. My third was sick and we struggled to find answers resulting in a serious depression for me. The day she turned 9 months, we found a heart defect and she had open heart surgery. I started 2011 weighing in at 220 (5'6" on a good day) and lost 30 pounds before getting pregnant with my 4th. I had her Thanksgiving morning and am currently at 182. I found MFP in January through some friends. I just finished C25K and week 2 of Power 90. I'm continuing with Power 90 and start One Hour Runner this week. Feel free to add me!
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Well HI, WELCOME, and THANK YOU to all of your inspiring words and stories. I think I have added (am trying to get everyone, if I missed you, please add me!) to my friends list. I love seeing everyone reach goals, milestones etc!

    I am going to try and take a pic tonight to post as my "before" shot.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    hi! i'm a mom of 5, youngest turned 3 last month. i joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, mainly to track calories and protein intake. but, then found the forums. i like posting and reading and know i'm not alone ;-)

    i don't know how much weight i plan on losing. i don't own a scale and i have no plans on stepping on one in the near future. but, my goal size is 6 for right now. i figure i have at least 6 months ahead of me. but my GOAL is june! ;-)
  • hello I am a mom of 2...my boy will be 3 in may and my girl is 1 1/2 year old...I had them back to back so I never got a chance to lose it and even before that i was still overweight...i just joined mfp a couple of days ago and I love it!!!! im so excited to see the weight come off in a good way rather then the diet pills i was using that would take of the weight then bring it back on when i would stop taking them!!!! goodluck to alllllll the moms out there its a challenge everyday but just stick to the website i think its gonna work for me...fingers crossed!!!!
  • Mommy to a 7 month old here! Joined in December to lose the rest of the baby weight...got about 3-5 lbs to go :)
    Feel free to add me

    p.s. the jillian michaels workouts rock!!!

    Which workouts of her have you done?? I just got Ripped in 30 and I'm on the last week, I'll start it all over again... which one do you recommend me??
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    hi i am Tracy and a mum of four 3 boys 14, 12 and 5 and a little girl aged 3, sent you a friends request :smile:
  • I am one of the tall moms her (5'10") and my weight (150) has slowly snuck up on me, and I am working hard to get it off! My kids are 3 and 5. I am now tracking EVERYTHING and exercising 5x/week with a group of women where we mix it up. 2 days cardio, 2 days Jillian Michael's abs (HIIT) and 1 day yoga. Sat & Sun is family exercise days = general mommy-cardio like cleaning, running in stairs, playing tag, ride bikes etc.
    I coached my co-worker and she went from a size 16 to a 4 i 16 months. Time to do as I say, more action less preaching!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Welcome! I have a 7 year old girl and 3 year old boy. I'm more than halfway to my goal :)
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    Hi there! I am a mom to 3 girls ages 8, 5, and 2. Hopefully we will be blessed with one more! I would like to get some weight off before getting pregnant again. But either way I wanna lose weight now so I can feel young and healthy again and hopefully I can keep up with these kids. I have been using a variety of things to exercise. My hubby works 2nd shift so my girlfriend comes over late morning and we walk for an hour. It is a real sanity saver! Then I do 30 Day Shred after hubby leaves for work. Sometimes I do Walk Away the Pounds, take the kids for a walk, play a dance game on the wii with the girls, jump on the trampoline, or something else just for fun! I started at 250 lbs. in the beginning of Jan. and I am down 11 lbs. Two of my girlfriends and I are trying to lose 50 lbs. by summer! Good luck to you! Please feel free to add me! :) Always looking for more support!
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    Hello beautiful Mama's! I am 29 years old, and Mama to 5 children. I started at 256 lbs., I am currently down10 lbs. I have been exercising at least 5 days a week, drinking as much water as possible, and eating healthier. I still struggle with some of these, but the important thing is, I am not giving up. The longer I do it, the better I will be, and the more I will learn!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Morning,
    I am 29 and a stay at home mum (domestic goddess in training - Australia) of two beautiful boys, our eldest is 5 and at School so it is all new to me being home with just our 1 1/2 year old.
    We have just moved 4hours away from where I was born and lived most of my life - we don't know anyone here yet - and the last couple of weeks have been great as I have had my husband home, but he is about to be away full time again soon.

    For the last 14months everything has been about our little boy day in and day out I have had to make sure that clothes, the house, his food, everything was ok for him. He is allergic to dustmite, garden mould, cats, horses, dairy, eggs, peanuts and bananas!
    expenses, travel, day to day stuff has consumed me and my anxiety has gone through the roof. Things are settling down in our new place and finally we are being able to balance out all our time between us, the boys, the family as a whole and the appointments are further apart.

    I struggle to allow me to do anything for me but I am sick of feeling frumpy, uninteresting an unattractive. I am medically overweight but I am seen against family members who are obese or morbidly obese and therefore keep being told that I'm not fat and don't need to loose weight or the 'understanding' tones of but you've had two kids you look great!. I want to loose 22Kg to get me into the health range that I am meant to be in.

    but I feel isolated and I just can't get focused on all that I need to do. I'm hitting walls each day and am beginning to feel like maybe I should just plod along with having healthy when I can and making sure the boys are fine - but inside me is a gril screaming for the weight to be gone and the figure to be different.

    I weighed myself this morning and found that after loosing 4Kg over the last three months I have gaind 1.5Kg over the weekend whilst away appointments :(

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more! As soon as I see that number blink 199.9 I will be ecstatic!! My youngest will be 1 next month so I am hoping I can work off 10 pounds by the time we celebrate :O)

    My son will be 1 on March 16th! I started at 225 also and i am now down to 186.6. I am 5'4"
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Hi Mamas!

    I am mom of 3, with my youngest 2.5 years old.
  • Hey mama's!

    I'm a mama of two amazing boys. My first just turned two, and my youngest is 7.5 months old. Love being a mama... and I'm so ready to get back in shape.
    Only 8 pounds to go, and I'll be the skinniest I've been in 6 years!
  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, Welcome! I'm a 42 yr old Momma with a 15yr and a 14yr old. This place is soooo amazing for motivation! I've been doing 17DD since Jan2010, lost most of my weight in 5 1/2 months, and basically have been maintaining ever since, I've got 5 or 10lbs to lose, but I'll get there, just happy to have kept it off for over a year! Feel free to add me! :)
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi. Good luck on your weight loss journey! I am a mom of 4. 3 teenagers and a 5 year old. I started at 223 And have lost 55 pounds. It was such a great day when the scale went to 199! Then just a couple of weeks ago - another great day when I was officially not obese. I am 168 now and I have not been this weight since long before I had my oldest daughter 17 years ago. It's my goal to lose another 30 by memorial day.
  • I'm on a Program called Prism, Love it, helping me become what I've always wanted to, and look at food differently :)
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    I am a mom of 2-- trying to start up a good homeschooling routine with them. Am tall (5'10) and trying to get off of the plateau that I have been on and lose my last 12lbs. I usually doing JIllian Michaels DVD's and have just started her killer buns and thighs. I try to eat as sugar and gluten free as possible but of course there are days when I screw up. Would love to have some great MFP support buddies to do this final part of my journey with. Hope I connect with a few of you mommies on here!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there! I started at about 220 lbs, very similar to where you're coming from! I have found that if I don't allow a couple of small cheats (keyword being small :)), that my progress is noticeably slowed. Typically if I get a craving for something I know I shouldn't have I look for a healthy alternative. If I still have the craving I let myself have a small portion of the good stuff. This has kept me from going insane, and allowed me to eat pretty healthily for the remaining 95% of the time. I waver between organic & thrifty shopping. My dollar only goes so far :)

    I am a mama to a (almost) 3 month old girl! I love it, it's the best thing ever... I would have 5 more if I could be so lucky :)

    Feel free to add me for some support! I'm on here daily, I weight-loss blog on tumblr, follow a lot of motivating people on facebook and I try to post stuff that motivates me!

  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    So now I ask this... do you all eat back your exercise calories or no? Sometimes I have a very hard time doing that 1) b/c I am just plain old full & 2) if I don't add in my calories back til the end of the day, it's too late for me to eat (I try not to eat past 7pm)
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    @ChristineCain --i usually try not to eat back my exercise calories cause I find that my burns aren't big enough and i would rather allow the deficit than eat one cookie or whatever the 180-200 calories are. (I am doing Jillian Michaels DVD's and record it at 180 for 20mins and 280 for 35mins depending on the video.)

    If I was burning 800 daily then i would eat back some of them so I am not getting too low. Maybe if you know you are going to have a good burn, plan to eat for it during the day rather than waiting for the night. I have no problem using the calories up... 10-12 almonds is like 100 calories, 7-8 pecans... Adds up fast.
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom with a three year old little girl. I've lost 12 pounds so far using MFP and am loving the ability to log everytyhing easily! Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for friends who are moms :)
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