Do you know what grinds my gears?



  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    That's another thing that grinds my gears.. when people assume because you are slim (and have lost weight) you hardly eat. :/
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    The lack of support I get from any of my friends until one of them goes on a health kick for a few weeks. For those few weeks I hear everything they eat and every move they make and we are "supporting each other", until they get bored. It's only ever about me supporting them as "I'm the expert" when they want to hear it, it never seems to occur to them how hard it is each and every day for me to make the right choices.

    UGH!! So totally my coworkers!! Until they're "dieting" they're constantly "Is that on your diet? Do you want to go to [insert fat-food place here]? Should you be eating that?"

    FYI-It is a LIFESTYLE change for me, not a diet, and I am accounting for every morsel I put in my mouth. And losing weight. BACK OFF.

    Sorry...Kinda used your soap box....*returns soap box*
  • chefanie85
    Sorry, but to be honest, you do look too skinny in your pic and IMHO you looked better in the before pic. I have a coworker who is the same way - she insists she feels great and is a perfect weight, but she eats practically nothing and exercises like a maniac. People are starting to worry about her. Of course, it's possible that we hjave just been conditioned to a new normal and it's actually healthy to be that skinny.

    Except I exercise 4 days a week (mostly weight lifting) and love my food :bigsmile:

    I think you look fantastic!!!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    The lack of support I get from any of my friends until one of them goes on a health kick for a few weeks. For those few weeks I hear everything they eat and every move they make and we are "supporting each other", until they get bored. It's only ever about me supporting them as "I'm the expert" when they want to hear it, it never seems to occur to them how hard it is each and every day for me to make the right choices.

    UGH!! So totally my coworkers!! Until they're "dieting" they're constantly "Is that on your diet? Do you want to go to [insert fat-food place here]? Should you be eating that?"

    FYI-It is a LIFESTYLE change for me, not a diet, and I am accounting for every morsel I put in my mouth. And losing weight. BACK OFF.

    Sorry...Kinda used your soap box....*returns soap box*

    I hate that too, not so much coworkers, but friends.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Ever since losing weight, when people tell me

    "You got to skinny, eat more!" "Girl, you need some meat on your bones!"

    Or make jokes about me being anorexic or too small.

    I'm not even that small, I'm 5'4 and around 121lbs. On a good day, I can fit into a size 3 if I'm lucky. There's plenty of girls smaller then me, and it's not like i'm just "skinny", I am actually pretty toned.

    It's like, dude if you knew how hard I worked to get to this size, you would understand how offensive those comments are to me.

    What grinds your gears?

    I understand.

    Greenville, SC huh? My favorite city in the area!

    any particular reason? where are u from?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Sorry, but to be honest, you do look too skinny in your pic and IMHO you looked better in the before pic. I have a coworker who is the same way - she insists she feels great and is a perfect weight, but she eats practically nothing and exercises like a maniac. People are starting to worry about her. Of course, it's possible that we have just been conditioned to a new normal and it's actually healthy to be that skinny.

    Strongly disagree. In the before, the OP looks like your average person - decent weight, no muscle tone. In the after, she is trim and athletic. A big difference from skinny as you so crudely put it.
  • RojoyInc
    Reading through this thread i kept reading. "how hard it is/was". I've lost 22 lbs since Christmas and it hasn't been hard at all. Another 13 to go.

    Mtfitnesspal educated me regarding portions and choices. 1200 cals a day is quite easy. Once down, 1750 cals a day in winter and 2250 a day in summer will be a breeze. My problem was i had no idea of how many cals are in 2nds and 3rds. Or 2-3 cup cakes at a sitting. I've been taught what I need to eat for life.

    Its all in the numbers of this great little app!
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    Grinds my gears??? When people who are in your life are suppose to support your efforts not bring home McDonalds and fried desserts, etc and ask if you want some. Or mock the healthy dishes you are making and telling you how gross diet food is!
    OMG do you know my husband too? Well he doesn't bring home mcdonalds because he "hates" that place...but he wants brownies, cookies (and i have to make them because i make them better) and the other day he brought home Red Velvet Cake and says its for the both of us. When I tell him I don't want any he just stares at me...he's like your never going to touch cake again? I just repeated that I didn't want he eats some while I went to work out and when I get home he enjoys telling me how sweat it is and *kitten* like that. It really grinds my gears...and to top it off, he does this and still loses weight!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Reading through this thread i kept reading. "how hard it is/was". I've lost 22 lbs since Christmas and it hasn't been hard at all. Another 13 to go.

    Mtfitnesspal educated me regarding portions and choices. 1200 cals a day is quite easy. Once down, 1750 cals a day in winter and 2250 a day in summer will be a breeze. My problem was i had no idea of how many cals are in 2nds and 3rds. Or 2-3 cup cakes at a sitting. I've been taught what I need to eat for life.

    Its all in the numbers of this great little app!

    In general, thats true, but I think honestly the hardest part is just trying to break bad habits and getting used a healthier lifestyle.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    When no one wants to join me on the weight loss journey but they will "secretley" be in competition on who can lose how much faster. This isnt a contest but a lifestyle change for me and if that is what it takes for them to lose weight, glad I could "inspire" them. It grindes my geers for people who ask me "what are you doing" and then proceed to tell me I should try something like....
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    what grinds my gears: People at the gym that set the treadmill to ludicrous speed and then hold on to the top or sides for dear life while the treadmill forces their legs to move and they look over at me like I'm not running fast enough

    do they really think they're getting a workout when the machine is forcing their legs to move? How silly, they'd be better off walking under their own power then being pulled forward by the treadmill

    :laugh: Mental picture is awseome right now!
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    @ninakirr88 your photos look great you look healthy that's what's important. What grinds my gears frankly is when I hear size 4-6 women complain about how big their butts are or how they need to lose weight to women who are size 12-16! Really,..tell that to another woman size 4-6 or smaller at a size 2. A bigger woman sized 12+ doesn't want to hear how fat you think you are at size 4-6.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    use the clutch dummies
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    The lack of support I get from any of my friends until one of them goes on a health kick for a few weeks. For those few weeks I hear everything they eat and every move they make and we are "supporting each other", until they get bored. It's only ever about me supporting them as "I'm the expert" when they want to hear it, it never seems to occur to them how hard it is each and every day for me to make the right choices.

    UGH!! So totally my coworkers!! Until they're "dieting" they're constantly "Is that on your diet? Do you want to go to [insert fat-food place here]? Should you be eating that?"

    FYI-It is a LIFESTYLE change for me, not a diet, and I am accounting for every morsel I put in my mouth. And losing weight. BACK OFF.

    Sorry...Kinda used your soap box....*returns soap box*

    Yes, my coworkers are just like this, or they are on a "diet" and follow strict rules that they cant eat anything and try to convince me to join because they lose their weight faster than me. Been there done that and the slower I loose weight the longer it stays off. When I lost it fast at the beginning, it came back twice as much when I was "able to finally eat normally."
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I UNDERSTAND!!! I am 5'7 130lbs and some ppl are asking me if i eat...or why are you still dieting?! That gets my goat for sure..i am not on a diet...i eat plenty, but whats wrong with eating salad and veggies and fruits? I learned to completely change my eating for life, i am healthy and want to stay that way..its not a diet! It took my 2 yrs to get 83lbs off!! So i know exactly how you feel when ppl say that kind of stuff!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    The lack of support I get from any of my friends until one of them goes on a health kick for a few weeks. For those few weeks I hear everything they eat and every move they make and we are "supporting each other", until they get bored. It's only ever about me supporting them as "I'm the expert" when they want to hear it, it never seems to occur to them how hard it is each and every day for me to make the right choices.

    UGH!! So totally my coworkers!! Until they're "dieting" they're constantly "Is that on your diet? Do you want to go to [insert fat-food place here]? Should you be eating that?"

    FYI-It is a LIFESTYLE change for me, not a diet, and I am accounting for every morsel I put in my mouth. And losing weight. BACK OFF.

    Sorry...Kinda used your soap box....*returns soap box*

    Yes, my coworkers are just like this, or they are on a "diet" and follow strict rules that they cant eat anything and try to convince me to join because they lose their weight faster than me. Been there done that and the slower I loose weight the longer it stays off. When I lost it fast at the beginning, it came back twice as much when I was "able to finally eat normally."

    Exactly. And they look at you like you have a third eye sprouting on your forehead when you explain portions and veggies.

    That's another thing that gets my goat: People that scream at the top of their lungs that they *hate* veggies or fruits or anything that is remotely good for them. And then cannot comprehend *why* they can't lose weight as they shove another over fried piece of chicken into their face.

    THINK people. The good Lord gave you a brain for a reason.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Sorry, but to be honest, you do look too skinny in your pic and IMHO you looked better in the before pic. I have a coworker who is the same way - she insists she feels great and is a perfect weight, but she eats practically nothing and exercises like a maniac. People are starting to worry about her. Of course, it's possible that we hjave just been conditioned to a new normal and it's actually healthy to be that skinny.

    No she doesn't. She has better facial definition in the after picture.
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    Reading through this thread i kept reading. "how hard it is/was". I've lost 22 lbs since Christmas and it hasn't been hard at all. Another 13 to go.

    Mtfitnesspal educated me regarding portions and choices. 1200 cals a day is quite easy. Once down, 1750 cals a day in winter and 2250 a day in summer will be a breeze. My problem was i had no idea of how many cals are in 2nds and 3rds. Or 2-3 cup cakes at a sitting. I've been taught what I need to eat for life.

    Its all in the numbers of this great little app!

    I know what you mean! Now that I am actually paying attention to what I am eating, it is no wonder I got where I am now! Who would have thought pizza is really THAT bad for you? My sister said it perfectly the other day when she had an "off" day and didn't hit her goals at all, her response "And to think I was eating this way all the time and didn't think anything of it!"

    I know one thing I will have to be care of is, when I hit my goal, thinking that just because I work out I "deserve that ____ (fill in the blank) from ____ (fill in the blank with favorite Fast Food restaurant). I certainly do not NEED it and can't fall back into that trap...
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    The overweight co-worker telling me I need to watch my carbs or my weight loss will stop. WHILE she is shoveling a 12" Subway sandwich down her gullet. Lady, I am 8 pounds from my goal weight and you are 8 pounds away from a wide load sign. STFU.

    Oh...that was mean. But it felt good to type it. LOL.
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    @ninakirr88 your photos look great you look healthy that's what's important. What grinds my gears frankly is when I hear size 4-6 women complain about how big their butts are or how they need to lose weight to women who are size 12-16! Really,..tell that to another woman size 4-6 or smaller at a size 2. A bigger woman sized 12+ doesn't want to hear how fat you think you are at size 4-6.

    AMEN! Preach it sista'! :)