Lifting weights and eating right but gaining weight?!

Hey, so Im an ex college softball player, who due to a back injury, lived a very sedentary life style for a year and am now probably 40 to 50a lbs over weight. I started following the south beach diet and was seeing.g good results, but I've started lifting again it since I read that weight lifting is best to burn fat (I mix 4 sessions of cardiovascular with 4the sessions of lifting. However I've noticed the scale starting to go up! My back dr told me it'd be best to get down to 24% body fat and im currently 32%....I've been lifting for 2a weeks now and feeling a little down about the weight gain considering I drink lots of water and follow all the rules! Any help or advice is welcome!


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 954 Member
    Gaining how much? A bit of gain is normal when you start, as your muscles hold onto more water and get used to the new drill.
  • I've gained about 4the lbs and haven't seen any weight loss...its just kind of discouraging, but I know what im doing is better than doing nothing like before! I just read so many articles about how weight lifting melts fat!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Gaining how much? A bit of gain is normal when you start, as your muscles hold onto more water and get used to the new drill.

  • Any time frame of how long that lasts? If I see any more lbs on that scale im going to freak out! Lol
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    are you counting calories, too?
  • Im keeping track via my fitness pal, but also following south beach, im staying within about 1200the calories a day usually
  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    take your measurements as well - if you are doing weight lifting you are building muscle as well as buring off fat - so do not let the scale be your only determining agent for how you are progressing.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Even if a man was front loading steroids he wouldn't see a 4 pound muscle gain in 2 weeks. Your muscles are just responding to the work you are putting them under. Give it more time.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 954 Member
    Hang in there! :smile:

    I gained and lost and gained for a couple of weeks, then started to drop.

    A couple of tips I've picked up...

    1 - Don't weigh in the day after a hard workout, because you will always be up.
    2 - You might see the same little gain later when you increase the intensity of your workouts.

    Make sure you're drinking enough water, and make sure you're eating enough food! 1200 isn't likely going to be enough for you unless you're diligent about adding the exercise calories that MFP gives you on top of it.
  • Thanks for all your insights! Its definitely something I will give more time and maybe hide the scale for a week or two. I also might add more calories, since im not eating extra calories to replace the ones I burn! Thanks everyone!
  • I don't know if someone has said this already or not but muscle weighs more than fat. You will gain weight before you lose it because your body is toning up. Once your body gets used to the amount of exercise you are doing, the weight will start coming off. You will also plateau after losing a bunch of water weight a few weeks in, so don't be discouraged if you stop losing weight. Keep going and like before, the weight will start coming off again. Good luck!
  • Even if a man was front loading steroids he wouldn't see a 4 pound muscle gain in 2 weeks. Your muscles are just responding to the work you are putting them under. Give it more time.

    ^ this
    I don't know if someone has said this already or not but muscle weighs more than fat. You will gain weight before you lose it because your body is toning up. Once your body gets used to the amount of exercise you are doing, the weight will start coming off. You will also plateau after losing a bunch of water weight a few weeks in, so don't be discouraged if you stop losing weight. Keep going and like before, the weight will start coming off again. Good luck!

    ^ not this
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Aw thanks ^^

    I love it when people agree with science instead of bro-science.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Aw thanks ^^

    I love it when people agree with science instead of bro-science.

    Whoa, whoa... slow down there champ! You might get yourself banned for that kind of 'tude! ;)
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    False. Muscle weighs more than fat? No. To the OP, keep it up and have some patience. You will see results. Also, make sure you are eating enough to fuel those workouts.
  • Thanks everyone force your encouragement! Ill stick with it!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Even if a man was front loading steroids he wouldn't see a 4 pound muscle gain in 2 weeks. Your muscles are just responding to the work you are putting them under. Give it more time.

    ^ this
    I don't know if someone has said this already or not but muscle weighs more than fat. You will gain weight before you lose it because your body is toning up. Once your body gets used to the amount of exercise you are doing, the weight will start coming off. You will also plateau after losing a bunch of water weight a few weeks in, so don't be discouraged if you stop losing weight. Keep going and like before, the weight will start coming off again. Good luck!

    ^ not this

    +1! Amen