Model With 20 inch Waist



  • katiejneely
    Strange! I wonder if she will ever be able to have kids? Doesn't even look like a baby would have room to grow in there.
  • Ginger4real
    ~~~~~~~i saw this and looked up her for almost an hour so unreal and a lil disturbing but im not going to hate on any body type i love big skinny medium i love it all it is intriguing all the different shapes like art... im weird in this way ~~~~~~~~~~~

    You are not weird are the exception :) and I think if more were like you there would be less eating disorders. Some people think too thin is ugly or too fat is ugly they send out ther negativity making it impossible for someone to fit their ideas of perfect ...for some out there with weaker minds and low self esteem..that is a hard expectation to swallow...combined with their already dillusional self concept's a war in their mind to meet up with whatever society deems acceptable... the human body is not meant to be one shape's meant to be whatever it is needed to be to meet the individuals lifestyle/needs..and we are all created to be different from each other...people need to worry about how they look and let others be themselves be it obese or anorexic looking .. we don't have to be in that body or feel the pressure they feel .. why even make mean/judgemental remarks outloud about it. Breaking people down to lift yourself up is shallow and pathetic ....I think your hella cool for appreciating all forms.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I added her name to google and clicked images and there is a pic with almost nothing on, and her hips and all look pretty normal in proportion. Then another image show her wearing or corsett where she looks like this. So I don't think it's real. But I don't know.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have seen something similar with another lady (Cathy Jung) who was in the guiness book for having the smallest waist... Cathy shaped her body by wearing a corset for 22 years, and 24hrs a day.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    People have said beyonce has a 19" im thinking either that girl has a smaller waist than that or beyonces people are lying
  • Ginger4real
    My husband didn't believe she was real so I had to look up some videos of her. I found a newscast showing her walking a runway.

    I don't get how it's ok to be disgustingly, unacceptably skinny and be a model, but you can't be overweight and be a model (I mean obviously other than plus sized). Isnt' it just as "wrong"?

    I feel like, if it's true she can't gain weight, fine. That's her life, whatever. Doesn't mean she should be in front of so many people acting like her figure is ok or nice. I can't imagine how many young girls idealize her and it makes me sick.

    I can't even begin to put into words how disgusting what you just said is.

    She has an illness that makes her exceptionally thin and yet manages to make this into something positive for herself and you say that she should hide herself away.

    Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.

    Being overweight isn't healthy either, so by your logic anyone overweight shouldn't be able to be a model either, yet you suggest that it should be more acceptable.

    Seriously you ought to be ashamed of yourself. It's people like you who are bigoted and can't even see it that are the reason so many people live ashamed of themselves for so many different reasons.

    Standing ovation :happy:
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    OMG! I thought it was a trick with the photograph but the video seems to confirm its accurate. Looks very odd to me.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    I'm shocked at some of the comments about her body. Whether it's natural or the result of an eating disorder or an illness, there's nothing disgusting about her body. Her body is her body, and no one has any right to judge. Body shaming is the only thing disgusting.

    That said, it's really not that extreme. I had a 22.5 inch waist at one point, and that was at 105 pounds. Too thin, yes, but not extremely underweight by any means. If I'd lost another ten pounds and hit the anorexia level, my waist might have been close to the same size as hers. So seeing a 20 inch waist is really not that uncommon. It's sad, I won't deny that. It's too thin for the majority of people. But her waist looks like that because she's a corset model, and it emphasizes it.

    But please, don't call this poor girl disgusting. That's just shameful. She's beautiful in her own way.

    :flowerforyou: THIS!

    i was just about to say that there is so much body snark here... would you people like being called fat and disgusting? Would you feel good when someone said you are sick in the head for looking the way you do? Do you actually know her or her doctors? Was ANYWHERE stated she is sick? Even if she has corsetted, is it your damn business? Do you know that the human body is capable of shifting organs around if needed? She EMBRACED her figure and tries to do the best just as we all do. We embrace what we CAN be. We all push our limits, she pushed her, and just because that doesn't fit in your beauty ideal doesn't mean you get to offend someone from the safety of your monitors. :mad: So get off your high chairs and show some effin' respect!
  • Bellabof3
    Too funny!!! The comment about her looking like a Barbie doll is extremely funny...........
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I worry about her organs doesn't look like their is much room in there for everything.

    I totally agree with this.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    She has a corset on in that video/picture. If you do a Google image search of her you can find several other pictures where she doesn't look quite that ... (I need a better word than freakish and am not coming up with it). No doubt she is beyond tiny, but the look she has in that video is artificially achieved.
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    I would buy her a cheeseburger and a really LARGE order of french fries.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    She looks very unusual to me. I personally do not find her attractive, but that doesn't mean others won't. I just think it's sad how women's bodies are the subject of so much scrutiny. Overweight, underweight, small bust, big bust, doesn't matter. No wonder women are always wanting to look different than what they are.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    that's disturbing looking. nothing that i'd want to attain. if she was born that way, it's not her fault. but that just don't look right, sir.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member

    thank you im glad im not the only one who found her post very very ignorant and just bleh .
    i hate people that are so judgemental have they not seen the rate of suicides these days it is yes unusual but unusual is attractive look @ all the models yes they are thin but yes there are plus size models too and both very much so equally
    beautiful i hate hate hate people that are so disgusted by it ... i mean i have a friend she is 26 and she is 5'2 and weighs only 85lbs and she is struggling to gain but she is naturally thin so you never know some ones story.. i also have a friend with ovary problems and thyroid problems and she cant lose but eats healthier than anybody i know and people who dont know her say mean **** to her of her weight so i know there is no room for some one you dont know for people to say hurtful things

    chrishgt4 and thanks again for calling her out
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    She looks very unusual to me. I personally do not find her attractive, but that doesn't mean others won't. I just think it's sad how women's bodies are the subject of so much scrutiny. Overweight, underweight, small bust, big bust, doesn't matter. No wonder women are always wanting to look different than what they are.

    awe i love how you put it that is what i mean it is crazy how when men are overwieght or under weight it goes unnoticed but a woman even if 1lb or 100lbs they will never here the end...
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    So without her corset she doesn't look that bad at all. It seems they are putting her in a corset to make her look that way. To each their own, and just as a note i am not belittling her disease, and I have a small waist also; this is me now in the my avatar with a 25"waist.

    Just saying what people won't do for publicity ((shaking head))
  • leanmachinedream
    It really pisses me off when people think it's okay to say another person looks gross just because they're different. How would you like it if someone came up to you and said that they think you're gross and unnatural? Why is insulting a skinny person okay but fat jokes are mean and hurtful? Skinny people don't have feelings? People with eating disorders aren't allowed the same sensitivity as the guy who's too fat to walk so he has to use a scooter all the time?

    Grow up and stop being jerks.