Okay, question guys. Gatorade, Propel, Soda...?

Okay so what I've been recently trying to do is cut soda out completely...so far I'm doing alright. I went from drinking probably almost a 2 liter a day to drinking Propel Zero and Gatorade and only drinking like a can of soda every other-every two days. I also drink a lot of regular unflavored water. Now my question is, is propel better for you than soda? Also, is Gatorade better for you than soda? I'm trying to drink more regular water than what I normally do, but it's just so plain. I like the flavor. Suggestions?
I've heard propel is good and heard it is bad and also heard the same about gatorade, but I know with the gatorade I lost a bit of weight last year. ...any ideas guys?
Also, anyone know anything about MIO?


  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Tea! Black, green, white, rooibos, oolong, fruit and herbal ... so many choices!

    Try fruit tea iced and add a little bit of stevia or truvia and you've got a great "juice" that's zero cals, carbs, and nothing but healthy goodness!

    Gatorade is good for replacing electrolytes after an intense workout; say running a half marathon, but I wouldn't drink it just to drink it. It's still just carbs and sugars.
  • rachaelh84
    rachaelh84 Posts: 45 Member
    What Smashlee said. Also, try flavoring your water with lemon, lime, cucumber slices, etc. It adds minimal calories and loads of flavor. I use 1 lemon slice per day in my 32 oz water bottle, and that 1 slice will last me through 2 refills.
  • Okay so what I've been recently trying to do is cut soda out completely...so far I'm doing alright. I went from drinking probably almost a 2 liter a day to drinking Propel Zero and Gatorade and only drinking like a can of soda every other-every two days. I also drink a lot of regular unflavored water. Now my question is, is propel better for you than soda? Also, is Gatorade better for you than soda? I'm trying to drink more regular water than what I normally do, but it's just so plain. I like the flavor. Suggestions?
    I've heard propel is good and heard it is bad and also heard the same about gatorade, but I know with the gatorade I lost a bit of weight last year. ...any ideas guys?
    Also, anyone know anything about MIO?

    I don't know about the Propel (isn't that flavored water?), but Gatorade is horribly acidic. My dentist said it's worse for your teeth than soda is.
  • delsey2007
    delsey2007 Posts: 68 Member
    Propel is flavored water, but it has sucralose iin it. On the nutrition label it says it has no sugars, no carbs, no fat, no calories...you know...but I've heard things negative about it and also positive. I don't know which to believe.
  • delsey2007
    delsey2007 Posts: 68 Member
    Oh, and thank you guys! I do appreciate all the advice. I'm not much of tea drinker...mostly because when I drink tea it just doesn't seem sweet enough...I'll have to try out a few different ones and hopefully I can find something.
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Diet coke is fine. Stay away from gatorade. It is loaded with sugar and carbs. Its a sports drink. It is meant for drinking when you are completely depleted of energy and electrolytes.

    Drink diet soda and you will be fine.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Gatorade has almost as much sugar as soda, so I would avoid Gatorade unless you are doing long bouts of cardio (over an hour long), as it helps replenish your body of sugar, sodium and electrolytes, which you don't need if you are doing shorter workouts.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Gatorade is sugar water with salt - YUK@!
    Propel is no better than soda with its chemical list:
    flavors, citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, sucralose (marketed as Splenda), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E acetate, niacinamide (vitamin B3), calcium disodium EDTA, calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), acesulfame potassium,

    I drink green tea and just water with some lemon.
    If man makes it, don't drink it.

    That's a good standard.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Anything is better than soda, if you're thinking in terms of possible kidney damage.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    Be careful drinking gatorade... I was drinking mostly that for a while and it was hurting my blood pressure badly. There is a TON of sodium in it. So if you have blood pressure issues at all gatorade is probably worse for you then soda.
  • I had fought this battle for the better part of a decade, but could never seem to kick the diet soda addiction. I tried going to plain water cold turkey, fruit in the water, tea, stevia, pretty much everything. Last year I simply declared the battle lost and returned to my 6- 20 oz bottle a day habit. (terrible I know)

    Then I bought one of those soda stream water carbonators.Through experimentation I found the minimum tolerable amount of syrup to add to each bottle. This seems to be working for me.... or at least making me feel better about it. Most of the syrups are sweetened with splenda which I'm not thrilled with, but I feel i am getting a satisfying soda and dropping my artificial sweetener consumption by 1/3.

    I have also bought the mio bottles and found the minimum tolerable amount for those too. They make a pretty good fruit soda.

    Good Luck
  • Flovored water is fine as long as it doesnt have alot of calories. I would really try to stay away from the gatorade though. If you read the label the 32 oz bottle has as much sugar and calories as a 12 oz can of soda
  • neither of them.... WATER all the way!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    Drink water. Everything else is avoidable.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Oh, and thank you guys! I do appreciate all the advice. I'm not much of tea drinker...mostly because when I drink tea it just doesn't seem sweet enough...I'll have to try out a few different ones and hopefully I can find something.

    I've been on the loose-leaf tea bandwagon for a while now - To sweeten your tea, add some natural liquid honey.
  • maradanielle
    maradanielle Posts: 47 Member
    I drink regular water or the SoBe life water zero calories... lots of yummy flavors zero cal, sweet but not from sugars or artificial sweeteners. If I'm craving carbonation (yes, I love bubbles in my drinks) I'll have a diet soda of some kind but i try to make that less than once a week. I used to drink regular soda at least twice a day.
  • MamaGoos
    MamaGoos Posts: 25 Member
    Gatorade is a dentists nightmare, and will rot your teeth faster than soda.
  • [/quote]

    I've been on the loose-leaf tea bandwagon for a while now - To sweeten your tea, add some natural liquid honey.

    drink water it does your body good. I also drink chinese loose leaf teas that I buy online. if you think ? you have to have something then i guess vita water would be better then gatorpuke........
  • You should stay away from diet soda and soda as much as possible. It makes most people more hungry throughout the day.

    You could try adding a Crystal Light packet to a bottle of water. I know a lot of people who can't drink just plain water and thats what they do. I think it's only 10 calories a packet. so nothing horrible.

    Good luck!
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    When I was breaking my soda addiction, I started drinking sobe life water made with stevia and carbonated water (0 sodium, 0, sugar, 0 anything else) with lime. It helped me at least break my addiction. I am still working on drinking more water, but at least I am not drinking soda any more. Good luck to you. It's a hard habit to break.