"rest day" - should I go to class tonight?

I started the "New Rules" program yesterday with the first workout. It was hard, but didn't kill me. :) All I've really got soreness in is some muscles in my sides that don't usually get worked.

Now according to the book, today is supposed to be a "rest day" or just cardio. But tonight is our competition's weekly fitness class, which might be cardio or yoga, but is equally likely to involve weights or who knows what. Last week was "ladder training" with running and pushups and a bunch more, and two weeks ago there was a lot of dumb bell work.

So what I'm wondering is this... I'm not super-sore from yesterday's workout, so would it do any harm to go to the class? And if I do, then should I move my next "New Rules" day to Thursday instead of tomorrow?

Or should I stick with the book, follow the plan, skip the class in favor of a walk, and then do workout #2 tomorrow? I don't want to set myself back or create a risk of injury. (And if I do skip it, I want a good reason to give to our trainer. lol)

Thanks :o)


  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    When I first began exercise, the challenge was getting to the exercise.
    Today, my big issue is turning it off. I never want to rest.

    I make myself rest anyway.
    Rest is very important, so you need to make yourself just rest on rest days.

    To do otherwise - even with the best of intentions, could seriously stifle progress.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 961 Member
    Yeah. That's kind of what I was thinking. In spite of that little voice saying "Go on! Do it!! Think of the prizes!!!" lol
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Yeah. That's kind of what I was thinking. In spite of that little voice saying "Go on! Do it!! Think of the prizes!!!" lol
    I detest rest days - still have such a hard time.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Turn to page 126 and re-read. Then read chapter 3. Then read chapter 12. I think you already know.....rest is important.

    BUT you absolutely can do cardio if you choose to. It just depends on YOUR goals and how you feel....Just my 2 cents :)
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 961 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. And for the page #. :smile:

    Well....I was going to go for a walk..... but the temp has dropped to -16C again and I hate the cold. Boo. So I guess I'll make a date with a treadmill. That way I can still get in my hour of plugged-in-tuned-out downtime. :smile:
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Today is my rest day for the week. I HATE rest days. I don't know where the transition happened, but I went from hating workouts to hating NOT working out.
    And MFP doesn't really help w/ that since I have such a low "net" compared to what I take in on workout days. (1350 vs. 1800-2200). I hate being that much over, so I end up trying to rein it in and it makes for a grouchy, grouchy day. That net is great, but it feeds into my workout obsessions lol.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I hate rest days too, and am also in the boat where taking those is part of my current challenge.

    Can you find out the specifics of tonight's class before you make your decision? Eg, you said it might be yoga. If it's restorative, might not be a bad way to rest.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    you can rest when youre dead
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 961 Member
    Thanks for the advice, all... you confirmed what I already suspected to be true, but I needed some backup.

    So I didn't go. I went to my friend the treadmill and had some time with just me and my music for 40 minutes or so. And I watched the class in the gym below.

    I had emailed our trainer, and she said it would be a primarily cardio class with a bit of core and a bit of strength, but nothing that would affect my weight work planned for tomorrow.

    I doubted that, somehow... and yeah. They did interval running, dumbell squats/presses, crunches/reverse crunches with the stability ball, dumbbell chest presses and butterflies, burpees... all kinds of things that would have probably left me in a whimpering mess on the floor. LOL