Does getting your tubes tied cause weight gain?



  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I got mine done 16 years ago. I had zero weight gain and lost quite a bit at first. All weight gain I had was from putting too much food into my body and not moving enough. I have had 4-day periods every 28 days on the dot. Now that I'm closer to menopause (thank goodness!), I'm changing my lifestyle so I can hit the ground running at 50 instead of slog my way to it.
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I had no weight gain caused by my tubes being tied. My weight is pretty much tied to how much **** I eat and how little I exercise :-)

    I have had no ill effects associated with it, I've lost weight because I've been working on it. And because of the weight loss and eating better my cycle has become regular. Something that even the pill/hormones didn't fix.

    Remember everyone is different and you really should review with your physician.

    Best decision I ever made for me.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Does getting your tubes tied cause weight gain?

    No. Other than less exercising while healing, there is no reason it should cause weight gain.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Tubal ligation is the worst thing to do - they don't tell you about tubal ligation syndrome because they are worried about malpractice.

    Listen, we all see that you had a bad surgery. No surgery is without risk. But, suggesting that doctors don't tell you about risk because they are worried about malpractice is just silly. If they didn't tell you that the surgery had risks they should worry about malpractice. The reason one must sign a waiver before surgery saying they've been informed of risks is because malpractice insurance companies require it.

    I'm sorry that you suffer due to this surgery, and it's good that you shared your story. But surely you realize that your case is not typical. And highjacking the thread by repeating your story isn't necessary. Your post is there for all to read.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Getting your tubes tied is probably not the underlying reason most peoples periods would be out of whack. In most cases it would have more to do with stopping birth control. I had mine done 5 years ago and have had no side effects whatsoever except maybe the first few months while my body adjusted. My periods are if anything shorter and more regular since. Lasting 2-3 days tops and around 27-28 days in between.

    Period craziness is so not the cause of birth control :/ I have not been on birth control since 1998 - had twins via c-section and tube litigation in 2005 at the same time - Prior to this my periods were by the calender, light flow and 4 days they are ALL over the place (sometimes twice a month) - 5-7 days and HEAVY!!! Cramping is also ridiculous now ;(

    While I can not say it caused weight gain since I had twins - I was HUGE and immediately lost most of the weight the year after their birth. (only to regain years later lol) - I do however have this "odd" bloating in the middle of my belly. I have never had a completely flat stomach but the bloating look seems different than before the twins. I do not blame the litigation for weight gain - however my abs are a mess!! LOL

    Everyone is different and everyone will have a different outcome - you may have no issues at all and you go about your business as usual. The change in my TOM could be from age - or the pregnancy not necessarily the litigation.

    Your body changes ALL the time - if you feel this is something you want / need to do...then do it!! But be aware it is not 100% effective in preventing pregnancies lol ;) After it is done - just continue eating healthy and will be fine!
  • Smashley1947
    I would try an IUD (mirena?? that you guys are talking about) I don't have one, I am on the pill.

    I know several women who have had no issues at all with the IUD.

    Also I know several husbands who have gotten a vasectomy. No problems for them either.

    I don't think I would ever consider getting my tubes tied. Husband will be the one getting a vasectomy, its a day surgery.